Does anyone know where i can acquire the screws (long & black) for the Corsair H55 at all as i'm looking to put another fan on it. Thanks in advance
Possibly from the Corsair web store, or contact Corsair and ask them as they may send you some for free.
Theres always hardware stores. Mine stocks practically every diameter of mechanical screws up to 2.5in long. Except you probably won't find them with the same head or spray painted black. If you makes you feel any better. Dual fans has a marginal increase in performance. At best you are looking at 2 degrees if the radiator is thick (which isn't). Otherwise you are going to be getting less than that. What you are looking for is high RPM on the fan if you really want cooling performance. Perhaps a quieter fan so you can pump the RPM some more. You might end up with something better than quieter.
This indeed. I noticed a princely improvement of 1 degree difference when I added a second SP120 to my H55, at the expense of double the noise. I sold the second SP120