14 per cent of its global workforce. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2016/07/12/seagate-job-losses/1
Good job they are getting rid of some employees otherwise how could they pay Stephen Luczo's near $3 million pay cheque or the $7+ million he received in stock and bonuses.
Hard drive sector is really struggling right now. Bonuses are based on profit not how many staff you fire.
So 14% of your staff don't need paying anymore, profits go up, bonus goes up. Logical, right?? The HDD sector is slowly going to die out. Not for a good while yet, but it will.
Automation combined with a reduced requirement for staff per GB/PB/EB produced. Makes sense really. Cheaper hard drives is good news for us, bad news for seagate employees.
Considering that over 60% of failed HDDs world-wide are from Seagate I'm not really surprised. Selling rubbish in large volumes is still selling rubbish. You can trick somebody once or twice, but after that it's end of story.
That's a good point, I forgot about how bad their drives are. I had about 5 fail in 18 months. I'm a WD man now.