Eli, new recruit 13weeks IMG_7282 by Kiteninja (Morgan Lee), on Flickr Dexter 14months now Dexter by Kiteninja (Morgan Lee), on Flickr
Sweet looking dog you got there pyrolson . Not many dogs have nice eyes (mine does of course ) but yours does .
Nice Springer, pyro! It reminds me of our old Springer. An absolute pest of a dog, but we loved her to the end.
Thanks guys! Yeh she's lovely and very well behaved, but she is started to go abit deaf so she doesn't always hear the recal, so i think its time to bring back the shooting whistle
same with ours, now deaf as a post and going slightly blind, but still charging around all over the place, i swear they get more mental the older they are!
She went through a stage of being really old when the bull terrier died but now she thinks shes a puppy again even tho shes got arthritis, poor girl!
In case you can't tell from the fact I've used a (slightly) higher res version of the last one, it's my favorite!!
Springers and Labs/Retrievers are my favourite breeds. Jess is gorgeous Pyro! Reminds me of Ben, the springer we had when I was growing up who I still miss. He was simply an awesome dog. Absolutely bonkers, but so much fun and extremely affectionate too You're right Greg, your dog is very photogenic! What's he/she called?