Winter is coming, better get the fluff on: Have box, will hide (bit blurry as she would not stay still):
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Here are my families 2 dogs! Abby acts like a cat and its pretty dang funny. Stick out a hand / leg and she'll rub up against it, pet her and she wont leave until you stop. Emma is a lot of fun because she gets jealous and is very lazy. She'll be all excited, than just plop down in the middle of the floor and roll on her back. They're both a lot of fun. I only wish that Abby socialized with Emma and other dogs, she kinda just ignores them or runs away. Here is Abby, the maltese - just took the picture now, excuse the poor lighting and camera, took the picture with my phone. I believe Abby just turned 7. Here is Emma, the morkie - 1st picture was from Christmas, with her reindeer hat on. 2nd picture is older but she has shorter hair in it. I believe Emma is 4.
Thanks He's the kind of dog that LOVES EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING A LOT!! Make eye contact and he is instantly your new best friend and will leap all over you and try to lick your eyebrows from your face. Brilliant with kids, pull his tongue/tail/anything and he just pulls a stoopid face, rolls over and presents a belleh for rubbing. TLR He's ace
This little monster isn't one of mine, she's my sister's latest addition to their family and her name is Rosie. She was found by the side of the M1, very dirty, very lost, and very cold. She had a wound on her heel that was down to the bone, hence the fetching cone of shame. This is her a month later:
One of our three, I think she thought the camera was something to kill. She actually has graduated to three bells on her collar now, in an attempt to alert the local wildlife to her presence.
Millie is not well, very smelly from here rear end and not from passing wind more that she had been unable to clean herself. This was Friday I washed her as best I could but the smell lingered. Seems OK in that respect now. But whilst washed her I felt a strange lump which did not seem to be under her skin but more like matted fur. But it causes her discomfort when touched so got her booked in to her vets first thing tomorrow morning. Overall seems quieter than usual but still going out and eating reasonably well though that is difficult to tell as she is such a picky eater.
Our wee moggy enjoying a nap. Unfortunately isn't enjoying the best of health anymore so nice to have a pic of the better times.