But you love him, am I right?! There have been a lot of dogs stolen recently where my brother and his girlfriend live; the gutless thieves come around during the day when people are out at work, climb over fences into back gardens and throw the dogs over to their accomplices. Both he and his girlfriend work 9-5 and are out of the house between 8 and 6, so their little Jack Russell Spike has been spending some more time with us in recent weeks. Mum is retired now (and Dad semi-retired), so she’s at home with him all day to keep him company and safe from dog snatchers. He also loves travelling and is obviously spoiled when here! He loves going anywhere in a car; here he is having a snooze in his bed on the driver’s seat of my van, and on my knee one lazy Sunday afternoon. It's safe to say we all love this little guy to bits!
Poppy at the beach Just about every photo I have of our cat looks like she's about to give me the finger, or tear some skin.
Sorry for the really poor quality these have been taken from various camera phones over the last couple of years. Introducing Dr Sheldon Cooper: This is him at roughly 5 weeks when we first met him at the breeders. He was the slightly aloof one and definitely the runt of the litter. First Weekend at home, the aloofness disappeared when we found we were the only dog in the house. Finally taking some rest in a nice spot under the coffee table. My favourite pic of him as a pup, such a shame its such a low quality pic, presenting BatSheldon: Sheldon living up to his name sake, this is his spot on the sofa! My wife used to pop him up there when she needed to do the cleaning as he had not figured out how to get down! KO'd on the bed, had been house bound for a few days after a nasty cut to the paw. This is after coming back from the park. Finally a much more recent pic, some friends were coming over with their Jack Russell, we dressed up a bit for the date, but Sheldons parents got caught up in the moment and forgot about the size difference. (Poppy was hilarious, she was running circles around Sheldon and with him being the wimp that he is happily ceded top dog place to her). That's our 42kg bundle of joy, have started playing with the DSLR so will add some more decent pics later.
Technically, these are my other half's pets, but I end up feeding them so often they may as well be mine. The top one is Timmy, he's a 15.4h Welsh Section D. He's also an OAP (18years old) and is retired after a life of showjumping. The dark one is Foxy and is only a Young 'un. 16.2h, Irish racing horse. He's being trained for a life of dressage or show jumping depending on how he takes to jumps. Foxy is just recovering from colitis actually, which has put his development back a bit, but to be honest, we're just happy he's pulled through. Colitis is supposed to be usually fatal but he's proved to be something of a trooper. And thank god he's insured; the vet's bills were silly. Just silly.
Nice, some friends of mine in Glastonbury have taken over the care of a retired riding school horse partially to give the old fella a good home and partially as an apple disposal system (they have a cider orchard). He has been renamed (never responded to any other name given to him anyway) to AHB or Ancient Horse Beast and seems to have great fun chasing and being chased by their dogs. I have never really had a lot to do with horses but I've always got along with them, they always seem to follow me around, same with donkeys.
I would never of had horses on my horizon if it wasn't for my other half. They're awesome animals. They have a sort of level of affection somewhere between a dog and a cat. They sometimes will view you with total indifference, but bring some carrots/sugar cubes/apples/mints (and they'll know when you're carrying) and you can be fighting them off like a hyper-active Labrador. And as an added bonus, you can ride them out. Can't do that with a cat or dog!
Spent the last couple of days or so in hospital following a minor procedure. Took to my bed when I got home and my personal nurse was in attendance.
too bad, my internet connection is very slow.. can't upload the pic of my favorite pet.. Hopefully in a few hours...
My partner in crime... Also helps with carpet removal in his own way... i also have 2 cats and a bearded dragon >_< but no photos of them.
His name is Bob. He looks like a cat but he acts more like a very lazy dog. bob by Ciaran Owens, on Flickr
Sorry to hear that fella, a sad moment. Rabbits may not be as interactive as a cat or dog; but they're fluffy members of the family too.