"Splash Damage, Splash Damage's upcoming shooter..." Shouldn't this read "Dirty Bomb, Splash Damage's upcoming shooter..." ?
Yes. Yes, it should. I was originally writing "Splash Damage, the studio best known for..." then realised it would make the lead too lengthy - but neglected to replace Splash Damage with Dirty Bomb when I changed it. Fixed, ta!
Be interested to hear peoples views on this as I've heard people talk about it in a positive light but I wasn't too sure if they were being sarcastic. :/
I've been in the closed beta, Its not a bad game, I have wasted several hours playing it that's for sure
is it really a FPS moba? give us the honest genre its in if you can... not the business answer like blizzard saying heroes of the storm is not a moba.
I don't know about you, but with this increasing surveillance I don't want to google Dirty Bomb to find the website.
Been playing it a week now, very fast paced and the PUGs are what you'd expect - very hit and miss. Saying that though it's about the closest to RTCW:ET I've seen for a long time with similar ups and downs. The fact that they've built trick jumping in from the start (long jump and wall jump) makes life very interesting as you can think you've got someone, they come off the wall and you get a shotgun to the face. Team join and private servers are apparently on the way, no idea of when though.