Mbo: MSI gd-53 1155 SSD: Corsair force series 3 120GB Basically, my pc will somtimes crash, and upon reboot, the computer will not recognize the ssd, it can't ifnd windows to boot, nor does it list it in the bios. Bizarrely if i try again in a little bit, the ssd will suddenly be working fine again. So buggered mobo, buggered SSD, or something else? Many thanks for any help
SandForce 2xxx issue. All SSD's with that controller have it - Corsair Force 3/GT, OCZ Vertex/Agility/... 3, Kingston HyperX,...
Wait so all ssd's of those sorts just randomly stop working when they fancy it? Or do you mean all those ssd's have some faulty drives with that issue? Fixable with firmware? Or is it an RMA job?
I had the same problem with an OCZ vertex 3, I ended up RMAing the drive. It's possible that a firmware fix will resolve the issue eventually (in fact firmware updates have already fixed the problem for a lot of users, make sure you're up to date), personally I didn't want to wait. If you want to keep the drive I can only suggest the following that may or may not help: - Make sure you're using AHCI mode for your drives - Enable hot plugging for the SSD - Under power options (Advanced settings) make sure the drive is never powered down - As previously stated, make sure the SSD is using the latest firmware - Perhaps check for any motherboard BIOS updates - Check all physical connections inside the computer (loose SATA/power cable perhaps) - Don't use sleep/hibernate with the drive
All SSD with SandForce 2xxx chips have these issues, just it doesn't happen to everyone. Other controllers (Intel, Marvell, ...) don't have this issue. The show is going on for over 3 months already, for some firmware upgrade to 1.3 (Corsair Firmware numbering) helped, for some the issue is still present, even after the upgrade. If you RMA it or not depends on you.
I initially had issues with the Force 3 in my laptop but have got it working reliably now. Was getting bluescreens when waking from sleep (when using Microsoft storage drivers) and random 30 second pauses when using the Intel drivers. A registry fix got it working reliably with the Intel drivers and haven't had any hastle since.
I also had issues but all good with firmware update 1.3 http://forum.corsair.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97417 and theres a further firmware update avalable 1.3.2 http://forum.corsair.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99366