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Scratch Build – In Progress SSR-X: Update - Bottom Cover Fiberglass Part 2/De-Mold

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Cleveland216, 1 Jun 2011.

  1. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Hello! Its been over a year since I completed Aelro Dynamic and have been quite busy in the past year attending and finally graduating from college while working full-time. In the spare time I had, I sketch'd up ideas for my next case. Which leds finally here to my next project: SR-X.

    The inspiration behind SR-X is first all the skillful people at work at Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. Second to all the unacknowledged workers out at AFFTC Det3, their work everyday protects the national security of the US and leads to new innovations in technology. Thirdly, I wanted to challenge myself with a design more complex than Aelro. SR-X will be a geometrical nightmare.

    SR-X will be composed of dual watercooling loop cooling the CPU and GPU's. The motherboard, video cards, and associated perpherials will by EVGA Classified Series. The storage will be composed of either 2 solid state or 1 and 1 combination of SSD and Platter Drive. The design will be able to accomodate a 1000W+ power supply.

    The materials in SR-X will be an aluminum inner core with a carbon fiber-titanium composite skin. I have already ordered up 11 sheets of 24 X 36 .040 T6061 and 2 sheets of 24 X36 .090 T6061. I will be racing against the clock on this one and I hope to complete this build, though, at this moment there are no promises and I HATE to say this, though, I have been applying for new jobs since I have graduated.

    Stay Tuned, no pics yet though they will be coming.
    Last edited: 16 May 2016
  2. ColdzeroTeam

    ColdzeroTeam What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2010
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    uhm... exotic materials... you got my attention ;)
  3. KidMod-Southpaw

    KidMod-Southpaw Super Spamming Saiyan

    28 Sep 2010
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    Agreed, very unusual set of materials. We'll see what happens, this sounds epic!
  4. disturbed13

    disturbed13 Minimodder

    28 Nov 2008
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    share the place where your getting the titanium and carbon fiber !!!!
  5. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Update: Motherboard Base

    Regarding the Titanium: www.mcmastercarr.com. If you live in the United States. There are many places to buy though. The carbon fibre haven't decided yet.

    Got started today on the construction of SR-X with the motherboard base. Starting at the core of the machine and working out.

    From a Layout blueprint, I masked, measured, and drew it out. Using a Air- Grinder with a cutting disc. I'm checking out Laser Cutting right now. waiting for the quote to come back.


    Roughly setting where the MB will be placed.

    The MB will be positoned on top with the PS underneath.
    JY_OC_HX likes this.
  6. AnG3L

    AnG3L Ultimate Modder

    19 Mar 2009
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    This is interesting! I watch :)
  7. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Radiator Compartment Frames and Mid Bulkheads

    While waiting for my main Aluminium order to be completed for picked up, I've been using up old Alum from the Aelro build.

    I stop by Home Depot and picked up Ryobi 12" drill press demo unit for real cheap. I'm goin to be drilling alot of holes for all the Rivets that will hold SR-X together


    SR-X blueprint for the Main Compartment Frame, Mid-Bulkheads, and Radiator Compartment Frame.


    Started by drawing out the Main Compartment Frame and than Cutting



    The Middle Bulkheads are next. Once placed they were created for geometry symetry and deflection. SR-X wouldn't look right without these. The will also serve as space and a conduit for wires, hoses, and anything else. They are at the Bottom of photo.


    The Radiator Compartment Frames. These frames will straddle each side of the Radiator.



    One side of the Radiator Compartment and Mid-Bulkheads


    Just waiting on my Angle Alum so I can start putting SR-X together.
  8. Achron

    Achron Cad Pro Quo

    28 Nov 2009
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    FYI McMaster is not the best place to get titanium. It's fairly expensive there. Try more regional suppliers.
  9. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    I live right next to one of their 6 warehouses. I agree, they are expensive depending on what you buy. Do you have any of these regional suppliers links or names?
  10. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Right and Left Frames and IO Panel work

    I started off the day by trying to draw out the right and left frames until I ran into a measurement problem which had to wait until lunch, so I could run home and check it out against the Layout blueprint.

    The blueprint below is for the Left and Right Frames. The scale is off and that is what I had to fix.


    Finally got them drawn on the Alum. by 5pm.


    I ventured out to get some rivets with my co-worker cause he had to get wheel pullers. I intend to use rivets to hold all the frame pieces together, though, that is being put into doubt.


    The reason for the doubt is the Riveting tool needs so much clearance I just bought 8 feet of 1/2" angle and I knew I would run into this, :wallbash: So I will either use bolts or buy bigger flange angle.


    I than turned my attention to the IO panel and rear Motherboard Bulkhead. I just had to re-design this bulkhead last night due to clearance issues. Thank God for Sketchup this time around.



    Here is the angle piece being positioned for securing the Main Compartment Frames. I will not be Welding due to the possible warping, though, dont totally rule welding out. I"m 95% certain. Now I just have to decide whether to use bolts or rivets. I am trying to conform to a certain style.

  11. Attila

    Attila still thinking....

    22 Feb 2008
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    I ran into this problem also when using rivets. I used a brass bush to get around it. Here's a photo from 'Dual PC MKIII'.


    Although you need to use the right size to allow enough 'grip' for it to work.
  12. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Ah, Attila beat me to it. -Only in my case I stacked 4-40 nuts. One case was so extreme I had to use a metal bar with a hole drilled in it, and pulled the rivet with vice-grips.
  13. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Update: Binding Post

    Thank You, but I found a different solution.


    Rivets, oh Rivets. I had the problem of securing the rivets properly. Than Attila gave a useful solution. I thought about it and did some test and I was not happy with the way the rivets were clamping the metal together. Off to the trash with these.


    I ventured to Lowes and found something called Binding Post. At .80cents a piece from Lowes, I ventured around town to no luck, until a guy remind me of McMasterCarr. The sure did have them and they are cheap. The plus side is they can be taken off, unlike rivets:thumb:


    Started back on mounting the Main Compartment Frames together and these binding post worked great.





    SR-X is starting to come together. I still have a ton of holes to drill for the Cooling tubes and Electrical, which even makes the binding post better.

  14. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Update: Radiator Compartment and Mid-Bulkheads

    Hello. Weekend Update.

    Jumped straight into the Mid-Bulkhead installation. Began by drawing and than cutting


    I measured down the Frame from the blueprint where each bulkhead had to be positioned. I relied on the keel line of the frame for getting square. Than I proceeded to install the brackets. The brackets need to support the entire radiator assemblies and such. That is why there is three bolts.



    Got the Bulkhead installed on the Main Compartment Frame now onto the Left Radiator Frame


    A Thermochill 240 from the Triphane build. There will be a Black Ice 360 installed in the compartments. So I used this for mock-up.


    Rear Radiator Compartment Bulkhead. Had to expand the compartment in width 6mm more to accom. the brackets and screw heads.



    IO panel Bracket and Bulkhead



    I installed these in a Up to Down direction to help support the overall expanding frame that will be on each side.


    This is just the Left side, I have to duplicate the entire process on the Right side. Plus there is still alot more that will be attached on the left side here.


    The watercooling tubes will come through these bulkheads into the Main Compartment.


    Overall, the entire frame is really rigid and strong. Which is what I was shooting for, but sometimes you dont know how it will come out till you build it.:clap:
  15. KidMod-Southpaw

    KidMod-Southpaw Super Spamming Saiyan

    28 Sep 2010
    Likes Received:
    Still very interesting, I'll keep an eye on this.
  16. lamanl

    lamanl So little done, so much to do

    4 Nov 2009
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    I am very curious of what to come :D

    nice work
  17. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Thanks, I think the idea will be out of the hat this week.
  18. Cleveland216

    Cleveland216 Carbon Fiber King

    30 Dec 2007
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    Update: Left Wing Core

    Time to get to the Juicy. Been busy working fabricating the left wing core assembly.

    Started off with the usual drawing and cutting.




    I ran out of binding post yesterday so I got on McMasterCarr and ordered another 150. Great thing is that I got them today since I live so close. I opted out of the black anodized because the anodizing was coming off. :sigh:


    Here is the assembly complete from several angles.







    The next step will be attaching the left wing assembly to the radiator compartment. I got the bulkheads drawn just need to get to cuttin n such.

  19. Shael

    Shael What's a Dremel?

    19 Jan 2011
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    Interesting design, cant quite see the end result yet but will be watching this one for sure ;)
  20. AnG3L

    AnG3L Ultimate Modder

    19 Mar 2009
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    That is a complex design but really well executed!!!! I cant imagine how its gonna look when its finished but that makes it more interesting!!! Mod on bro! :)
    yassarikhan786 likes this.

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