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Windows Star Citizen

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Parge, 10 Oct 2012.

  1. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    if your going to get it get the rev

    Its hugely comfortable and enhances cockpit gaming, I was in spitefire and I had to press my back up against the back of the seat and I felt at one with the plaine, hard to explain but the soild body of the craft for me was communicated to me. Its hugely confrotable and when laid all the way back I have slept for a few hours, the spine is put into a good position that's for sure I would know all about it if it was not.

    I am looking forward to going triple screen, moving the right keyuboard tray back and installing the gear stick once I get a t500.

    One thing I have felt because the first time you sit in it you will feel very self aware because its totally new experience, I felt a lot of pressure of my mid section, like this is the way I should always have been sitting to work at a computer. hard to describe but I can actually feel the well being of my stomac like its hanging naturally or some thing down there, kind of like the benift of standing up and your stomac having space, but whils sitting down, I feel more connected down below so to speak, I could sit in the rev for 12 hours easy.

    You will feel understood sitting in the rev, at home, evolved, your defacto home with computer.
  2. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    RSI – ‘Supporting VR in Star Citizen’, Live Blog

    Star Citizen is of course the space combat game funded by a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign, which has pledged support for the Oculus Rift.

    With VR still a developing technology, many games may opt to support VR rather than build solely for it from the ground up. Star Citizen is attempting to do just this and this talk covers the wins, pitfalls and lessons learned from this approach.

  3. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    flying the Karthu-al, in CV Oculus is going to be super amazing.
  4. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    I watched that talk :D
  5. PaulC2K

    PaulC2K PC Master Race

    14 Apr 2004
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    Cei has got so much to answer for now :D

    I love my R3v, theres certainly things i'd change about it, but really they're simply personal issues for where i have it, and i wish it was a foot shorter in length. I cant really understand why it is the way it is tbh., and because its so long its meant the monitors are either much further away than i want them to be, or they stick out into the room in the position i want the chair to be. Instead i've had to rotate it 90' CW so its the back of the chair which is in the way somewhat, cos rubbing against it or knocking it is nothing, doing that too the monitors would be a pain. Thats triple monitor, if that wasnt obvious.

    The seat is very comfortable for gaming & working at, i can spend 12+ hours barely moving from it. The KB+M tray is great, its very adjustable and you can pull it up close when using it, then push it away to get out or use the HOTAS positions.
    This image kinda gives you a good idea how you can get things how you really wouldnt be able to with a regular desk, and its perfect for SC.
    I have the chair about 8-10cm forward for racing, so my arm length is comfortable, and when using the HOTAS i slide it all the way back, as the stick is mounted for center stick. I'd forgot about that in the above photo (its in racing position there), so it'd be more on my lap, than over my crotch :D but you can see how easy it'll be to switch from flight to FPS without moving anything but my hands, and they go exactly where they'd be for playing BF etc.
    I think if i went with the stick on the right to match the throttle, its possible it'd be in the way for switching to the mouse.

    I'd imagine the same can be said for playing Star Citizen, it certainly feels right for what we have in Arena Commander (and looks the same as the seats we've seen in the Hornet etc, but having a seat which feels right really adds a lot to racing sims, for a while it actually felt a little odd not having a seat belt on. Its not to blow it out of proportion and say it felt so uber realistic it fooled me into thinking i was driving, it just felt a familiar feeling and thats what was missing in my head.
    Cant imagine going back to a regular desk now.
  6. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    Must clean out the spare room, so I can make room for one of these!
  7. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    Today's AtV:-

    • Sandi hosting solo - new idea to rotate hosts (maybe Wingman back soon?)
    • SC HOTAS Confirmed for Q3 2015 (Logitech? - CIG sharing their booth at PAX Aus)
    • Carrack Concept started (no art shown)
    • PU Demo due shortly (PAX Aus?)
    • Bug Smashers UK Edition (Foundry 42 QA team intro)
    • Bug Smashers takes 30% of airtime this week
    • NEW Concept ship reveal next week
  8. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    Hmm, SC HOTAS? Interesting. I reckon they'll try and sell it for about $150, which'll put it about the level of the X55 or maybe a bit less. So plastic basically. I really doubt they'll end up with something equal to the Warthog, which means I'll sit pretty on what I have and deal with the fact that the labels on the throttle aren't correct for a spaceship.

    PU demo is pretty exciting though. Plus PAX Aus is going to show us FPS as well.
  9. PaulC2K

    PaulC2K PC Master Race

    14 Apr 2004
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    ooooh no, here comes LTI, lock up your wallets :D


    Im snipping to the end (skipping the ship concept process part of the article) to the meaty part.

    Theres a ship going on sale next week (was mentioned in ATV yesterday) but as yet unanounced. Theres also a poll for the future concept ships going on sale.

    - edit -
    It also seem as though this same rule will apply to all previous ships sold at concept stage, so the Gladius and the Xi'an Scout will get retroactive LTI (confirmed by Chelsea in CIG support).

    - edit #2 -
    okay, its possible the SC community jumped the gun, and its simply CIG bringing up LTI rather than letting the subject die, and its only talking about selling cross-chassis-upgrades so they can be applied onto an existing LTI ship... essentially what theyve been saying for a few months now.

    The fact that CIG support is saying the Gladius will get it:
    Makes it seem like it IS coming back only for concept ships. Its a farce either way.

    - edit #3 -
    Will has confirmed it for both Gladius & Scout.

    Im not sure what the title means for the thread though:
    "LTI on new ships?but not fore the ships wits wer new wits we alredy dit buy like Aegis Gladius ?"
    Last edited: 20 Sep 2014
  10. teamtd11

    teamtd11 *Custom User Title*

    31 Aug 2005
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    I have only just got into the game, currently enjoying racing in the m50, I melted it for a Hornet and that thing rocks in dogfighting (m50 is impossible to do any damage even with relative mode)
    Due to the m50 been limited I have now melted back to it with plans to get a hornet. For testing they are making it difficult to enjoy unless you throw a lot of money there way.

    I know I have missed out on a lot of sales, It looks like they have better plans for how to handle these sales in future. The first sale will be for the Origin 890 JUMP, likely to cost in the crazy amounts of money. Hopefully some of the future ones are more affordable
  11. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Yeah, I mean, the dogfighting and racing module favours the dogfighting and racing ships, so that'll be the case at the moment. Plenty more to come for those playing other types of roles though :)
  12. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    Top Gear have noticed the M50 commercial, and apparently approve.
  13. asura

    asura jack of all trades

    22 Apr 2009
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    If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well it were done quickly. -shameless misquote of 'ol Will

    Though on the bright side I get my lifetime plus six months; handy for the descendants. Are they handling LTI that way - death of a space man, well that's the end of your life - or is it free insurance forever. No skin of my nose either way, just curious...
  14. teamtd11

    teamtd11 *Custom User Title*

    31 Aug 2005
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    Have you seen the comments section. Everyone calling for Chris to be put onto top gear.
  15. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    be sure and let me know when the dk2 is supported, be thinking of you lot :)
    4k wallpapers

  16. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Bahahahah! Good work.
  17. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    EDIT: $54million reached! Next stretch goal = [REDACTED]

    Last edited: 23 Sep 2014
  18. asura

    asura jack of all trades

    22 Apr 2009
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    So... I can't play - GPU's not up to the task, an older second hand Quadro I got for CAD work 8800GTX equivalent - and I noticed "I'm running a Q6600 (core 2 quad) which is a few generations old and a 6670 graphics card, and SC runs at about 45-50 fps on medium for me with no dips." I also have a Q6600, and a quick check on ebay throws up 6670s from £35, and I'd happily play on low never mind medium - or veryevil has a 570 in the market place, it's £10 over my monthly luxury budget, but I can just cut down next month...
  19. PaulC2K

    PaulC2K PC Master Race

    14 Apr 2004
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    Not sure why its still got the 6mo there, LTI is ever present, im not sure how it handles transfers of ownership to another gamer, but permadeath isnt an issue for LTI.
    My Gladius only says LTI, not sure if they've updated both having left the 6mo on, or if it was just the Scout and possibly hasnt been fixed yet.

    i didnt look :blush: but make sure they're not using a lower res monitor, to get those frames, ive never really felt like the lower settings made any difference, although i havent tried for a good month now.
  20. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    The RSI Hardware forum is full of morons. There's people claiming to be getting 50-60fps in the hangar, on max settings at 2560x1440, with i5 2500Ks and GTX 670s. Sorry, but I get about 30fps with a 3770K and a GTX 780, so you're either a) an idiot b) lying c) not actually running those settings or d) all of the previous.

    SC isn't optimised at all right now, and won't be for a long while. However, saying that, they're aiming very high for the graphics bar and are using CryEngine3 which is fairly well known for being hard on your hardware. Basically, you need a new computer, but the good news is you've probably got two years to save up for one.

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