Just a heads up - my profile name on SC2 is Lockhart. Add me if you'd like to team up and play, I'm online most evenings.
i thought i would make this group because i myself have nobody to play starcraft 2 online with and dont want to be pwned by any elites just yet lool. so i thought we could use this thread to add one another to help us improve our skills..
sorry i saw another thread shut down that was like this, because Hex has one up with gaming usernames, however everyone on there hasnt got their sc2 names posted, so feel free to use this one as theres less stuff to read through at the moment
Yeah, I think it was probably closed because of the 'official' StarCraft 2 thread rather than the gaming nick one. I've subscribed to this one and will add it to the links in the gaming nick thread, this can be used just for SC2 nicks rather than any SC2 discussion then. [EDIT]I merged the only SC2 user name post from the official SC2 thread into here which is why that's now at the top and the thread reads a little odd![/EDIT]
SC2 Nick is Draksis, code is 425 EDIT: Oops, my code is 452 acutally, sorry bout that http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/204592/1/Draksis/
Hey guys. I'm inphekshn 216. I'm a terran gold leaguer. I challenge you to a Bo3! EDIT: https://fdeas.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/starcraft-2/ might be of interest to you lot though I'm probs preaching to the converted. Still... go on, bump up my view count </shameless self-promotion>
Finally got around to getting this, Username = BladeMrk #540. Going to work through Single player campaign first though. edit: wrong number apparently, should be 540
Nick Shadow character # 1622. Terran Gold league I do well against Terran and Toss but miserable against zerg.