I'm getting a bit restless waiting around for the Muslim world to protest the slaughter of their brothers and sisters in outrage - you know - the way they storm Israeli embassies around the world, every time Israel dares to defend itself from terrorists... And where are the flotillas??? http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag...ldren-among-92-killed-in-Syrian-massacre.html
Israel defends itself? From what? It's expanding and has been since it's inception. It now has 80% of the historic region known as Palestine and is illegally occupying the parts which the Palestinians have left (West Bank and Gaza). Gaza's the biggest prison in the world, with mass unemployment and poverty and everything else you can imagine, and the West Bank is being broken up into cantons, with it's most important parts being simply stolen from them (the water reservoirs) through the illegal settlements program which the Israeli government has been implementing for decades. If Israel wants peace it should do what the whole WORLD has been saying it should do for years (except the US and Israel which have both blocked peace) - and that's withdraw to its pre-June 1967 borders, withdrawing all troops/military/forces from the Occupied Territories, thus enabling the Palestinian's to form a functioning state.
More to the point, why do we seem to have such a selective focus? It's not exactly like this is something new in Syria.
http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ All I ever see is Muslims killing Muslims and to be frank I couldn't care less as long as they kept in to their ****-hole countries. But if you saw or heard a Christian kill a Muslim we would have riots in the street, embassies torched, manikins of the presidents etc burnt & stoned. But Muslim on Muslim its HUSH HUSH. Abit like forced weddings and the paedophile Muslims raping little girls, the Muslim community KNOW it goes on but keep it quiet within the community as if to say, as long as you do it to a white girl they're inferior to Muslims so you okay. Typical TWO FACED CRETINS!!
Nice to know that you don't care about what they do as long as they keep it "in their **** hole countries". Learn to look at the bigger picture and stop saying that you are open minded to other cultures. From what you said above you clearly have no respect for people from the middle east.
I never said I was open minded mate and what's the bigger picture? One of the heads of the Muslim community says it's okay to abuse none Muslims, are you okay with this?
So does killing a million Muslims in Iraq not count? And what about the few thousand Afghan's we've slaughtered since the invasion? Oh and what about the predator drones which kill Muslims in Yemen and Pakistan ever month? You claim to only see Muslims kill eachother, but forget that we've killed a few million of them in recent times.
No and you can't use black and white examples with such complex issues, that us what causes more trouble. The bigger picture? Why do you think the middle east is the way it is? What caused it?
Oh look, Christians at work. Sex slavery in the UK: by Britons, for Britons. Nice to see we appreciate Eastern European immigrants for something. The reason that sex industry criminals (White and Asian) target predominantly White girls rather than Asian ones, is because Asian girls are kept under tight watch by their families. The White girls who get targeted are invariably from neglectful or abusive homes. Many are in care. Starved for affection and a place to belong, they make easy targets for grooming and exploitation. If anything, they should be an uncomfortable reminder of how we in the West treat our own children. But the biggest problem in tackling this issue is organisations like the BNP and EDL pouncing on this and turning what is an issue of older criminal men abusing young vulnerable girls into a race issue. Well-meaning but stupid anti-racism movements then try to dispute the issue along with the BNP's interpretation of it. All this interferes with people seeing the problem for what it is, and dealing with it politically, societally and through the criminal justice system. The BNP and EDL do not really care about these girls; they just want more fodder for their ideology. like you don't really care about the victims in Syria; you just want to rant how evil Muslims are again. Yeah, we are two-faced also. We invade oil-rich Iraq but let Mugabe do his thing in Zimbabwe. We invade Afghanistan but are buddies with Saudi Arabia (from where 9/11 was funded and organised) and Pakistan. We intervene in Lybia (oil again) but leave Syria to itself. In the 80's we deliberately sponsored the fundamentalist Madrassa in Afghanistan and Pakistan to raise the next generation of Jihad warriors to kick the Soviet occupiers out of Afghanistan. Bin Laden was once on the CIA asset list. We helped Saddam in power in Iraq back in the 1970's and we helped overthrow the democratic government of Iran in 1953 to install the Shah, which Amnesty International titled one of the most brutal regimes in history. So I'm not seeing your point here, sorry. Muslims are bad? No worse than Christians I'm afraid. Mote in your own eye, kiddo.
Yeah, we supported the Afghan Mujahideen in the 80's to fight the Soviet invasion. We gave them stinger missiles, economic support, and literally trained them in CIA camps. At the same time we helped Saddam win the Iran/Iraq war by providing him with military/economic support. All this has effects, ie blowback. We radicalised a generation of Afghans, and bolstered a muderous tyrant in Saddam who gassed his own people. Then, after Saddam stepped out of line in the First Gulf War (by invading Kuwait after probably misunderstanding US orders), we then punish the civilians of Iraq with the horrendous economic sanctions, which killed approximately 100,000 Iraqi children, and emboldened Saddam at the same time. If we hadn't crippled their economy and society, the Iraqi people would probably have toppled him, but they couldn't because the sanctions ruined the place. Lastly, it isn't Muslims who do the most grooming in the UK; it's WHITE Britain's who account for the most child sex abuses. For example, 95% of those on the Greater Manchester Sex Offenders register are white, and 47 out of 53 grooming offences in the last 3 years in West Yorkshire have been committed by WHITE people.
I would go as far to say over the years Christianity has done more harm in comparison, the crusades, hiding of knowledge not to mention about 95% of the Nazis considered themselves Christian or a form of. Not sure you can denote between WHITE and Muslim I have several friends that are white Muslims.
Well, according to the 2001 census, approx 0.1% of White British people in the UK are Muslim (63,042), or 4.1% of Muslims in the UK. I assume that the vast majority (most likely all) of the White people who make up 95% of Greater Manc's sex offenders list are NOT Muslim. In fact, I doubt a Muslim would ever be classed as White British because of the way Greater Manc police collects and organises their demographic data. A Muslim just wouldn't be classed as White British in their data (I think anyway).
The majority of sex offenders are white, yes. The majority of sex offenders who use this MO of grooming girls off the street, are of Pakistani descent. That doesn't mean Dwarfer isnt' talking nonsense, mind.
I think there in lies a problem with the way this country classifies people by mixing race and religion.
Traditionally speaking it has worked fairly well. Especially in the days of empire, rather than nationstate.