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News TeamGroup announces Cardea Ceramic C440 Solid State Drive

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by bit-tech, 30 Jun 2020.

  1. bit-tech

    bit-tech Supreme Overlord Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    12 Mar 2001
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  2. Jampotp

    Jampotp What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2010
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    "As mentioned, the Cardea Ceramic C440 Solid State Drive uses aerospace ceramic composite cooling materials which are meant to reduce heat by 18 percent in a case equipped with a fan. It's lightweight and thin too while being all those other positive things like extreme temperature shock resistant, and offering anti-electromagnetic interference. "

    The highest thermal thermal conductivity listed here for an advanced thermal ceramic is 150W/m/K as compared to 200W/m/K for aluminium and 385W/m/K for copper. I guess the surface roughness would also affect forced air flow (turbulence) but it surprises me that ceramics could offer better cooling than copper or aluminium. Any thoughts on how they might do it?
    Also, can ceramics really offer anti-electromagnetic interference? I would expect that a metal would be better as a shield - most EM waves would pass straight through a non-conductive ceramic. Perhaps the claim is that metal heat sinks act as aerials, directing the interference down to the chip.
    Interested to hear any other theories on either of these.
  3. edzieba

    edzieba Virtual Realist

    14 Jan 2009
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    Not they don't mention "reduce[ed] heat by 18 percent in a case equipped with a fan" compared to what. The claim could remain technically correct if appended with "compared to no thermal solution at all" or "compared to the same heatsink without a fan" or "comapred to wrapping the SSD in neoprene and burying it".

    Marketing claims without data to back them can and should be immediately dismissed as worthless. If such a claim had actual merit they'd be shoving graphs and test data everywhere in order to shout it from the rooftops. That they're not should be assumed to mean the numbers are merely rectally extracted until proven otherwise.
  4. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    Also the "heatspreader" is supposedly only approx 1mm thick, so really more of a glorified sticker...

    Edit: Just chased the patent for the "cooler" through google translate and couldn't find anything about how it is supposed to work there either.
    Last edited: 1 Jul 2020
  5. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    I was also confused when I read this. I remember reading a long time ago that the ceramic tiles they used on the bottom of the Space Shuttle were such good re-entry protectors that you could hold one in a pair of tongs, heat it up to 18 quintillion deg C in the centre, then do something like put it down and pick it up at the corner with bare hands. That to me sounds like if you stuck one of these on a drive, it would keep the heat reflected back in, not transferred to the outside.

    Unless the idea was that it was all a laugh and some wag was ordering takeaway baked astronaut to Florida but hadn't told anyone.
  6. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Haven't added/removed anything from my Corsair nvme - heat has never been an issue TBH.
  7. Mr_Mistoffelees

    Mr_Mistoffelees The Bit-Tech Cat. New Improved Version.

    26 Aug 2014
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    I wonder if my Samsung drive will run cooler if I stick it to a plate?
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