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Scratch Build – In Progress Temp name: Black Tower project [Update 16 Sep 2008]

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Anobis, 20 Apr 2008.

  1. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Hi every one!
    Whel this is my first ever project that i ever placed online. Hope you will like it :D

    Ok the picture below is a ruff 3d scratch of it. So you know the ruff idea how its gonna look...... the basic lines i mean.

    Hire is not put in the window front lightings switches and so on in jet. Ok it ain't so good like most can make 3d but it is something :clap:
    And to make it interesting i am making this one out of something i never yous 'd ore build with be four. Namely MDF. Its cheap so i can make a few mistakes and it wont cost me a lot. I work a few times with steel aluminum and a few times with glass. But never with wood :rolleyes: So this is kinda new to me :p

    Ok hire is the first real built pic.
    This is the under side and the side panels from the lower part.
    I was end planing to make a work log. so a few pic's are missing of the work i did :wallbash:
    Last edited: 16 Sep 2008
  2. rambo

    rambo What's a Dremel?

    14 Mar 2007
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    he firts of all good luck with your project/log. I like te sketch it looks good and i had a program with mdf realy nice to work with. are you going to glu every thing together or are you going to use some nales or screws?

    succes with the project.
  3. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Hire you can see the middle part. With my old stacker on top. to give a better idea of the looks. The triangle pieces art the one thats gonna be on it. this is just some junk i pud on to give a better feeling how it 's gonna look.

    It is still ruff. but needs some lots more work :dremel:
    At this point i was thinking hwy the hell am i not yousing my old stacker :duh: It cuts down a lot of thinking and work time lol :p
    So of this point i am yousing my stacker :clap: Hire i cut out the bottom. And made my first blunder lol. I measured it a couple of times. But stil made a bad cut :worried:

    O whel no worries Got some aluminum solder. What i always wanted to try out :naughty:
    But thats four later.
    Then after i cut out the shape out the wood.
    still needs some refining do.

    Hire you can see how i glued it and nailed it.
  4. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Glue nails and bolts :D
  5. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Hire you can see the radiator A 3x 120mm. And their gone be 2 of them in my case.
    and the aluminum U is four holding and sliding a dust filter in it. And you can se the bracket i made. To make it so i can take it in 2 parts. An upper and lower half :dremel:

    I fount it to look to much square so i cut of the corners :dremel: hire the left side.
    Not bad still needs some refining. But thats four later.

    But hire i made a slip. I fallen on the ground. While cutting it.
    Lucky the spring is very strong. And puled the safe guard around my saw. Ore els i wood of gotten a nasty cut in my lag.
    Still a nice clean cut do.
    O whel nothing a bit of filler can't fix :dremel:
  6. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Hire you can see i made the corner blocks and a few blocks to give it more strength. Still ruff but it still needs some work.
    This is the good left one.

    And hire the bad right one
    So you can see it needs some filler. But after paint no one will ever notice it :hehe:
  7. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Ok small update today.
    Filed the bad corner with filler and made a 45 degree strip to top off the air ducts :D


    Still needs some sanding do.

    Left side the same.

    Both need some more sanding. But its getting their :D

    Meanwhile my neighbors cat came by. She loves the attention and likes to be cuddled.



    Such a sweet cat :D
    More maby later. Need to go to the hospital. My mom has almost every thing broken on her right side. except her ribs and key bones.
  8. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Ok not much done to day.

    I mounted the old stacker on top of the under half.


    And glued the first of 4 corners on


    And like all way's my neighbors cat came by. She is such a friendly cat.


    Well thats four to day. I am very tired and hope tomorrow i can do something more than this :clap:
    And i got some good news my mom is aloud to go to an revalidation center to morrow. She still may not walk. But she is aloud to try a few movements without resting on her right lag.
    Wood be grant to she her back home over 2.5 to 3 months. And if she is lucky. the metal construction on her arm and pins will go off. Over 8 to 10 weeks. And hopefully she may go home four revalidation at home :D She is already 6 weeks in hospital. And it ain't no fun :grr:
  9. Ashaman

    Ashaman M'hael

    17 Mar 2008
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    Looking good!
    I like the idea to build out the bottom, looks cool and there is more space to put things in.
    Keep up the good work, and I hope for your mom to get healthy again!
  10. Burnout21

    Burnout21 Mmmm biscuits

    9 Sep 2005
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    you ran out of room in a stacker! F**K me! lol!

    nice, this might be an interesting mod here!
  11. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    The 2 3x120mm black ice exstreem rad's even with low noise fans makes a lot of air movement. So way wast it :p
    The air will be guided from under on to the mobo. and from the sides. So the mobo hdd and every other heat making device. Will be cooled :D

    Thanx. She shall recover. Only it will take a lot of time.
  12. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    true thats hwy i have now a Lian Li 2000 plus plus. and even that is getting to small four me :p
  13. Squadexodus

    Squadexodus I got my cookie. What about you?

    5 Jan 2008
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    Dude, dont feed the cat electricity, its bad for the wires.
  14. Thacrudd

    Thacrudd Where's the any key?!?

    27 Oct 2006
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    Paint flames on it and call it "The Towering Inferno" :D
    I hope you mom recovers okay!
  15. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Ok got this a few day's back. But I forgot to make pic's so i did it just few minutes a go.


    On the left is the Aluminum solder. I had that stuff longer. Day say its 5x stronger then aluminum it self. So good inuf to fix my first blunder with. And you can melt it at lo temps. Ore els i have to make a few brackets :p

    The switches on top are four the lightings. I am not going to yous them all. I was planing using only 4 and 2 extra in case of defects. But four only 1 euro more i got 10 in stead :p four future yous.
    The blue pressure button is four power. And the red one Four reset and HDD :D
    And later the evening after i see my mom. Ill go and build so far i can go to day.
  16. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Lol she wont eat it :p
    Weird cat. You can try give her lots of jummy things that cat's like. But food noop she wont try ore eat it. But if you make a cuddling kind of movement with your hands. She even comes jumping over the fence. And runs to wards you :D
  17. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Well i was thinking of using a big sheet of aluminum I have. And make kind of old school flames. Highly polish 't aluminum on a high gloss black case.
  18. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    How about covering it with carpet and making it a scratching post?:hehe:
    -A little cat nip behind the fans...
  19. brinkz0r

    brinkz0r Minimodder

    15 Dec 2006
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    You never cease to amaze me with your imagination :D
  20. Anobis

    Anobis What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2006
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    Lol its an interesting idea :D

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