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Features The 10 Best Open-World Games

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by bit-tech, 25 Aug 2021.

  1. bit-tech

    bit-tech Supreme Overlord Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    12 Mar 2001
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    Read more
  2. lacuna

    lacuna Minimodder

    9 Aug 2004
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    Pretty good list.

    I disagree with Saints Row 3 being better than Saints Row 2 though. Sure, the third one was more polished but I think it had also lost it's charm. The thing I liked about SR2 is that the you were doing ridiculous things in a 'normal' setting and it was that juxtaposition that made it fun and gave it a USP. SR3 and the subsequent titles were just ridiculous from the start so they weren't fun in the same way and generally lacked challenge, especially as you could pretty much unlock everything (including infinite ammo!) before even starting on the story. TL; DR - SR2 is the better game.

    I think FarCry 3 should be in there. Yes it all had all the tropes of a Ubisoft open world game but it also created them so that was fine. It also had Vaas; finest open world villain created.
  3. GeordieStew

    GeordieStew Minimodder

    7 Oct 2011
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    "Yes, it’s writing may not be as good as The Witcher 3, and may not have level of detail of Red Dead Redemption 2."

    SuperHans123 likes this.
  4. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    Skyrim is a strange game for me. I keep trying to play it differently but always end up with roughly the same build at the end of the game, because I spend most of my time sneaking around with the occasional pause to fling fireballs or lightning at things. Or run away if it turns out I bit off more than I could chew. I never did that in Oblivion, where I completed Shivering Isles three times with different character builds.

    I could never get SR2 to even run. I see that there has been a remaster for consoles, which I was hoping would make its way to PC, but that apparently has not happened. SR3 started great and descended into a comedic farce (particularly with some of the DLC). Although Burt Reynolds in the game made me react almost the same way the Boss did. SR4 started the way it meant to carry on, which was great fun the first play through but the OTT insanity made subsequent replays a bit frustrating. Same with Gat Out of Hell.

    MGS5 really suffered from setpiece syndrome. And trying too hard to be a movie. Oh, you're going to fight an unknown sniper. I hope the name of the unknown sniper isn't in the opening credits of the mission! Don't even get me started on how to "complete" the game.

    Just Cause 2 was about perfect. JC3 was good but something was missing that meant it wasn't as fun to just run around and explore or blow stuff up. JC4 had me raging at how overpowered the AI response was to any perceived aggression... I ended up with what felt like half the enemies in the game converging on me, batting me around like a ragdoll for stuff that would have had them chase me for maybe five minutes before getting bored in JC2 or 3. The AI in JC4 seemed to have telescopic X-ray vision because it never seemed to lose track of where I was.

    Shadows of Mordor was an amazing experience. It just about nailed everything it set out to do. When Shadows of War expanded on that and added what I thought at the time had been missing from SoM, it turned out that after the first couple of times it was just frustrating makework. And the Balrog bits. Urgh.
  5. Zak33

    Zak33 Staff Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    12 Jun 2017
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    An excellent list, with some amazing worlds.... missing only Baldors Gate 1 ... and Black and white
  6. souper82

    souper82 Retired 'n' Lovin It !

    17 Sep 2021
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    I'm playing around with Far Cry 5: New Dawn. I like the size of the area you can transverse.....It's Soooooooooo Big !
  7. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    Including Ubisoft games is a mistake. The sexual misconduct in that company is obscene. I'm amazed you'd want to be associated to them even peripherally. Disgusting.
  8. souper82

    souper82 Retired 'n' Lovin It !

    17 Sep 2021
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    I'm only interested in their games, not their sexual orientations or lifestyle.....What they do in their own time is their concern - Not mine.
  9. Omnislip

    Omnislip Minimodder

    31 May 2011
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    It's not really _their own_ time or _their_ lifestyle if they're harassing their employees, is it?
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