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Gaming The Best Gaming Moments of 2008

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Guest-16, 16 Dec 2008.

  1. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

  2. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    I need to play more CoH, and I need to get the PC version of L4D too

    Best moments I've had, hmmm I can't really remember, I would say I've had a lot of great moments playing L4D and I'd say Fallout 3 has just been generally awesome throughout what I've played of it. Had some great experiences playing SoaSE too but I wouldn't say some of my best.

    For me, this year has mostly been about discovering old classics with a few average games here and there and the occasional big release until we got some great games recently. Still, I can't really think of a game or moment that's really stood out above the rest. Guess that's one problem of having a really shitty memory :(

    Also, WTF? You're working at midnight?
    Last edited: 16 Dec 2008
  3. bowman

    bowman Minimodder

    7 Apr 2008
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    'Left4Dead is undeniably awesome, but it’s a different kind of multiplayer experience, one where you’re working co-operatively with other players.'
    'While Left4Dead has shown us that playing with your friends can be great fun, for me there’s still nothing that can top pwning with them - and for me, the best place to do that is in a place where I can use my wits as well as my reaction times to conquer my opponent!'

    Someone needs to tip Harry about versus mode. :p
  4. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    I reckon. I've never felt like I've conquered my opponents more than when I'm in vs mode. I've probably put 99% of my left4dead time into that, having only completed 2 campaigns so far (expert) these last couple of days. Oh and one of those was akimbo assassin, my fingers were not impressed with me by the finale lol.
    I do appreciate the mention of TF2 though. I'm a bit jaded by it now and don't really enjoy it anymore (hopefully the next content pack fixes that), but thinking back through the year I did have some truly great moments playing it. One of my favourites was on a control point map, I was on defense as a soldier, my entire team had been wiped out, I was on 10 health and the counter for the point said 5x. I figured I wouldn't get far running so I might as well go around the corner and fire one last rocket. That rocket was a crit, it killed all 4 players on the point (there was a scout), and my team subsequently respawned and defended until the timer ran out, with me laughing the whole way. Crits are so unfair haha.
    TF2 was what kept me entertained for the several months between mass effect and video games season :)
  5. The boy 4rm oz

    The boy 4rm oz Project: Elegant-Li

    10 Apr 2008
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    Oh I love GRID, by far one of my most favorite games this year. I live the racing, the visuals, the cars and the crashes, absolutely love the crashes :D.
  6. Noob4ever

    Noob4ever always learning

    14 Oct 2007
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    Now I just gotta go for the tf2 fun, when I get in a groove and for some reason just start getting head shots left and right and people start screaming hacks and I just keep laughing :D

    However, what game Is that chick in the middle of the picture from, the one on the front page that links to the article, she doesnt ring any bells and I thought I'd played just about everything so far this year
  7. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    That's Elika from the new Prince of Persia.
  8. Kurkku

    Kurkku What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2008
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    I really enjoyed Gears of War 2. Played through split screen with a friend in a dark living room with high volume and big tv ;) Maybe four or five gaming sessions and the game was through. Most fun since gears of war 1 :D

    For Pc I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and World of Goo. And of course you just have to watch all the videos from Red Alert 3 ;)
  9. Bluephoenix

    Bluephoenix Spoon? What spoon?

    3 Dec 2006
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    leave it to bindi to shoot a freind in the back.

    that it was fod no less makes it more priceless, no idea exactly why.

    I'd try and get on with you guys, but there are some slightly minor timezone issues with that.
  10. Lilliput King

    Lilliput King What's a Dremel?

    26 Nov 2008
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    There were some great moments in other games for me (I agree that the Virmire level in Mass Effect was just incredible. I never really came to terms with how Bioware could do that to you. *******s!) but Left4Dead has generated so many great moments that it just swamps the competition. Like the time on versus mode in no mercy where we (as the survivors) limped into the elevator as a horde came charging down the corridor. I slammed the button and turned just in time to see my little brother, as Louis, get dragged out of the closing doors by a smoker's tongue. It was made so much more tragic by the way his character had turned to face me just before he was caught, and how the doors hadn't quite closed by the time I got to the gap, so I caught a half-second glimpse of him being dragged away, with the knowledge that I could never save him.

    Or just the little things, like the time when a friend was standing on top of a building whispering into the mic "I can hear the tank, but I cant see the tank..." while from where I was standing, on the top of an opposite building, I could clearly see the tank pulling itself up right behind him.

    Oooh, one other thing. I actually thought Dead Space was one of the years best games. What it offered had been done before, but never quite so well (I found Resident Evil 4 tacky and dull) So what about the time when
    the tentacle grabs you?
    (Dead Space Spoiler)
    Last edited: 16 Dec 2008
  11. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    My personal best moments of the year extend from Left4Dead all the way to... Left4Dead. The game's a masterpiece, no doubt about it. It's the first multiplayer game in a long time I've truly felt had long term appeal. Even TF2, in which I got pretty damn good at (until Joe started picking on me as a spy. Grr), felt like something I knew I was only really dipping into. Even my fiance, a woman who's all time top two games are Sonic 2 and Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion, loves it. It's got that much broad appeal.

    Probably my fondest moment though was my first time playing, I joined a game with Joe and his missus, who promised to show me the ropes. No Mercy 2, in the subway, we met a witch sitting directly in our path. Joe and Hannah's helpful advice? "You startle it, we'll cover you!", before they ran off to hide in a cupboard giggling, whilst I confidentatly wandered up to her and poked her with a stick. *******s. ;)
  12. steveo_mcg

    steveo_mcg What's a Dremel?

    26 May 2005
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    I seem to be weaning my self off tf2 and on to l4d.

    Acronym addiction, it kills. Just say NO kids.

    No wonder my modding takes so long.
    Last edited: 16 Dec 2008
  13. MajorTom

    MajorTom Minimodder

    14 Aug 2008
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    Something tells me Harry got some serious L4D verses time at StratLAN over the weekend. EPIC!

    My moment of the year has to be in verses mode. Was at said LAN, Subway level, in the tunnels with my team. The tank spawn and started to mash the team to bits on the train as we tried to retreat. I was the only player not incapacitated by the tank. A Smoker grabbed me and started pulling, I quickly spun around and duel pistol killed it to the uproar of the enemy team who then managed to get a boomer to vomit all over me before I shot it. I single-handedly fended off the hoard and punched a leaping hunter out of the air before shooting him dead. as the last of the hoard died I managed to punch another hunter to death. Very lucky with my melee timing. The tank turned his attention to me and I managed to finish him off. Both teams are now going absolutely mental because we should have been dead as soon as the smoker got me and now I've killed 5 bosses and the onlookers are getting a bit excited to say the least. I hobble to my nearest incapacitated team mate only to have to drop him and fend off a rush of zombies again. I get him up just in time for him to punt another hunter off me. I then get the other two members up and we all heal while covering each other and move on. It was Amazingly tense and I was damn proud!

    Also there have been classic hilarious TF2 moments but they are too many to mention. That game just cracks me up. it's been a damn good year.
  14. pimlicosound

    pimlicosound What's a Dremel?

    7 Sep 2007
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    My favourite moments this year probably won't be the most popular choices, other than finishing Portal with all the joy that comes with it.

    GTA4 had some truly awesome moments, like
    getting through the Four Leaf Clover bank heist mission, and finishing the game and realising that you've won nothing: loved ones dead, not much hope for the future - I loved the way it deconstructed the traditional game ending. Little Jacob says something like, "Come on, man, you've won." And the unspoken question left hanging in the air is, "Have I?"

    Far Cry 2 had some incredible moments - but due to the unscripted nature of the game, they were all of my own making, which made them all the more satisfying. Towards the end of the game there's an enemy-infested village in a grassy savannah, and all the huts are erected on wooden stilts. Having played stealth for most of the game, I'd just finished all the arms dealer missions, so I had clean versions of all the best guns. I went in in broad daylight, flamethrower at the ready, and just ran around spraying everything with firey death - not just people, but grass, trees and (most importantly) wooden stilts! The whole village burst into flames. It was beautiful.
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Dec 2008
  15. Hamish

    Hamish What's a Dremel?

    25 Nov 2002
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    yeah seriously, versus is basically co-operative griefing, its great :D
    score in versus mode should be based on how many of the other team you can make ragequit :p
  16. Leitchy

    Leitchy Minimodder

    5 Oct 2004
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    Left 4 Dead wins it for me, and the other notable mentions would be Fallout 3, GRID and Sins of a Solar Empire (Shame no one has mentioned this already!!!)

    GTA 4 is a farce on PC and hopefully won't be mentioned on the top gaming lists for PC anyways!
  17. TheCherub

    TheCherub Minimodder

    16 Sep 2007
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    For me, Crysis Wars has been the game of the year. It's the first game that's got me playing online, and I have really enjoyed it (plus I have spent hundreds of hours playing it, which is always a good sign).

    It will probably never go down as one of the greates games made, but it has certainly caused me a lot of pleasure.
  18. wyx087

    wyx087 Multimodder

    15 Aug 2007
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    GRiD, GTA4, L4D, Portal and World of Goo all gave me "the best" gaming moments.

    Crysis Wars also got me playing online, love the suit action. it is one of the game that don't have a lot of super-hard-core players, most of which are like me, casual and just want to have fun. that is what makes it so much more fun than likings of CS
  19. Floyd

    Floyd Wire Twister

    4 Dec 2008
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    Portal was indeed a great little game. Too short though.
    My other favs have to be COD4 and COD5 though.
  20. Hugo

    Hugo Ex-TrustedReviews Staff

    25 Dec 2006
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    I think it's been a real trend of 2008 that the games released haven't really had 'moments' per se, but rather offered a great experience. Left4Dead, Fallout 3, LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War 2, Far Cry 2, Fable II, Metal Gear Solid 4 - all brilliant games, but there's no one defining point that made them, for me, so brilliant. Rather, a cumulation of many small moments of brilliance.

    I swear saving up enough money to unlock the Ferrari F1 car in GT5: Prologue almost killed me.

    That's not ironic.
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