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Multi The Division - General

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Otis1337, 25 Feb 2016.

  1. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    I'd say I play fairly tactically: using a lot of cover, moving cover to cover to flank enemies for better angle of attack, using grenades to flush out enemies from cover, I try and save skills till I'm against a fair few npcs rather than wasting them on 1or2, i use an ar for mid-long range combat utilising burst fire for accuracy and switch to my sausage if they decide to get up close and personal.

    I'm not proclaiming to be an amazing player or anything, but I'm not too bad. I've had to pretty much carry some squads through heroic missions on the odd occasion, but could only do so as I could take a bit of punishment to revive team mates that seemed to enjoy headbutting shotguns.

    I suppose I never had the greatest gear anyway and the fact I can at least solo a hard mission in wt4 and get some meaningful gear is good. I'd just seen/heard all the hype about how you can solo challenging missions and was a bit bummed that with the gear I have currently I get wiped out pretty quickly.
  2. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    The gap between optimal 1.3 and optimal 1.4 is pretty huge. Noticed that myself.

    229gear is easy farm, underground normal wt4 gives 1-2 items per run at a minimum.

    It's doable solo if played correct as you can self Rez now.
  3. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    Yeh first thing I did was switch tactical to recovery link. Just seen a video from marcostyle, apparently it's ALL about the armour now. Armoured up, couple of alphabridge for regeneration and off we go!
  4. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    Have also noticed how much more armour you need. My reclaimer set is now worthless. I'm trying 2xAlphabrigde + 4xSentry. Seems to be keeping me alive quite a bit longer.

    They may have reduced the toughness of the AI, but they have also infected them with myxomatosis - ie they now run around like infected rabbits behind cover at 100mph, popping their heads up and down for a fraction of a second if you keep your sights on them.

    They have also gained auto aim, as soon as they walk around a corner they know where you are and the bullets are already trained on you (which sucks if they are carrying LMG's and you are playing solo).
  5. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    So 1.5 aka Survival looks interesting. A very different dynamic than the current gameplay.
  6. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Anyone played survival yet, I have gone through it twice on the pc so far and managed to extract both times, but on the xbox I failed the first time.
  7. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    I tried it and got bored very, very quickly. Got to the extraction point but was gunned down by level 30's. Haven't tried it since and doubt I will again - not my cup of tea at all.

    I'm loving the new patch with WT5, soloing in the PVE is so much more fun now - I can finally enjoy it even if my friends aren't online.
  8. daveypro

    daveypro Minimodder

    5 Jul 2011
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    awaiting PS4 patch.....
  9. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    Yeh I found it pretty borin, running round to try and find crates with gear or crafting items, found loads that had already been looted so with 10 mins left and fairly undergunned I went to the dark zone and got swiftly killed. Didn't come across a single npc till I got to the darkzone either.
  10. nimbu

    nimbu Multimodder

    28 Nov 2002
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    Anyone still playing?

    Wanted to get a little more into group end game pve but struggling with pug groups. I have a nice setup for running under ground missions on hard solo.

    Also have a set of reclaimer gear and willing to spec to (attempt) to be healer.
  11. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    i still play, yeah i'll babysit you :p
  12. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Still playing it, mainly doing the weekly assignments and then running the DZ Rogue hunting and finding cheaters.
  13. nimbu

    nimbu Multimodder

    28 Nov 2002
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    Added you gunsmith, Damien let me know if your willing to drag a noon along with you.

    Atm I have a very health regeneration focused build.

    3 pieces of AB and 3 pieces of nomad.

    My AR i's specked to give health on kill as is my bolt sniper.

    This way I can start from a far take some pot shots to whittle down the npc''s. Then breakout the AR when they get close.

    Working OK for solo hard underground stuff. Did go on a SS incursion yesterday but it was an epic fail. I didn't know the tactics and once I did I don't think I was doing enough dps as a result we were getting overun
  14. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Yeah no probs.

    I haven't done any of the incursions on pc, done the first one Falcon Lost I think it is and the one with the cleaners on the Xbox, but not touched them on the pc.

    I am running with a Frankenstein build, gives me around 440K DPS on my Bulldog which goes to 460K when I use a skill, or a M4 with around 390K DPS and then after using a skill it goes to around 410K, with 400K toughness and around 115K to 120K Skill Power.

    My Uplay name is: Damien-c
  15. Tynecider

    Tynecider Since ZX81

    23 Jun 2009
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    1.8 just dropped today, I had been saving all my exotic caches across two characters for some time, 55 in all.

    Ended up getting two items i from the new weapons (dupes at that) and a bunch of **** I already had, what a let down grrrrrrrr
  16. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    I stopped playing about 6 months ago, probably more than that actually. For me this is all a bit....
  17. Tynecider

    Tynecider Since ZX81

    23 Jun 2009
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    New game modes and recal station is canny cool, rogue 2.0 etc.

    It's taken some time but they finally got there IMO
  18. nimbu

    nimbu Multimodder

    28 Nov 2002
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    Ive been playing again lately. Loaded up the update just waiting on the Global event to drop (missed them last time)
  19. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    I'm fighting hard to get my studio renovated in time for the GE, can't believe 1.8 dropped on me just after I started it. :(
  20. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    I've been enjoying the new patch. Can't say I'm too fussed with the WSP, I generally play PvE solo, so the constant spawning gets on my nerves. I really like the idea of it, but it takes forever just to get down the street. They really need to increase the spawn time a little - I know you can run away from the mobs, but surely once you clear an area you should get a few minutes to explore before they return; as it is now, you get 10 seconds if you are lucky.

    I've never enjoyed 'horde' mode, so the new resistance mode doesn't interest me at all - I need an end point to a mission, something to aim at; it's also geared for co-op which mainly rules out my solo play anyway. It would have been fun to be able to explore these areas without having to engage unless you wanted to.

    I've enjoyed the update to the underground and am working my way through the commendations. Got the 100 hunter kills - I really like the introduction of them. Took me a while to work out when they are going to spawn and how to deal with them - at first they would catch me unaware and stick a hatchet in me - they do add a nice bit of suspense.

    Tried the new DZ last night - still hate it every bit as much as I ever did. I wish they would stop forcing me to having to go there to complete a weekly cache - they know PvE players hate it, but are such dicks that they force us into it to get other exotics and Division Tech. Now that DT is the new must have currency, they've made it so that it can only be looted in the DZ - In the PTS you could get DT by roaming the WSP, sadly no longer - I can only imagine this is because they are yet again trying again to force players into the DZ. Thankfully I worked out another way of getting DT that I can do in normal PvE, so at least I can get some optermising done.
    I do love this game, I just don't understand why they constantly try and piss off the PvE players, anyone would think they don't want us to enjoy their game.

    With the next GE starting tomorrow it looks like I am in for several nights of little sleep, I quite fancy a set of Nomad classys.

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