Looper 7/10 Good acting ( younger guy had Bruce Willisisisisssis mannerisms down to a t ), interesting and original plot, though the ending was a little flat for my liking, almost felt like a lot of things got skipped over that could have done with more expansion or explanation. Worth seeing, but I won't be buying the dvd.
The Dead - Thank **** it was free/10 Zombie film, got it as a rental free from the xbox video... it wasn't the worst film ever... but meh... wouldn't have paid for it that's for sure...
wow, isn't out here yet, summary doesn't sound good, but I'll give it a shot. Thx for pointing it out He was so busy getting over the hobbit-image, is he stuck in freak-roles now?
On Poppy Hill - 10/10 What can I say? It's Hayao Miyazaki. If you like his other stuff then this is easily as good. It's a little more surface level than Spirited Away or some of his other work, but is nonetheless a masterpiece and will have you engaged.
Saw Gravity. Loved Gravity. It's a solid 8/10 movie in general but the visuals are 10/10 and Sandra Bullock is 11/10, so with that in mind, I think I'd give it a well-deserved 9/10
Not a movie but I watched the 1st season of American Horror Story and I'd rate it at a 8/10. Quite interesting / odd. It's meant to be scary, its more odd and eerie though. I enjoyed watching it and am looking forward to the 2nd and 3rd season. Interesting thing, apparently the actors are in every season in different roles, and the seasons are completely different stories.
World War Z - 7/10. I had some pretty low expectations going into this, so I spent the whole film thinking "when is this going to get bad"... but it never really did.
If you ever find a R2 copy of Killdozer you'll have to let me know - Mum is a HUGE Clint Walker fan and a DVD copy of that would make her Christmas.
Turbo 6.5/10 thicker then a pack of chavs yet amusing to watch from a distance, predicable focus group made plot yet somewhat saved by a few amusing moments, the racing was directed nicely and a decent soundtrack to boot. except for that ****ing god awful rendition of "eye of the tiger"
we are what we are. not really a horror more thriller/chiller but 8/10 even tho its as good as the orignal mabbe slightly better. but at the end of the its a remake.
The Thing (1982) - Actually the first Blu-ray I bought, two years ago, but I've only just gotten around to giving it a go. Well pleased with the picture quality. The gore and fire on ice never looked better. I've already owned this film on VHS and DVD, and it's a long term favourite of mine.
Right, so, I watched it, and it's a ~7. But thank you! It was a change of movie and I would never have watched it otherwise Make it "OWEN'S AWESOME WATERPARK" movie and you've got a 10 right there, cause Sam Rockwell is a king and I really wanted to know more about all the waterpark employees and their backgrounds more. This is basically how it was for me: Spoiler First 45 minute very slow yawwwnnnn. OH HEY WATERPARK, OWEN IS AWESOME THIS IS REALLY INTERESTING. And-suddenly-they-go-home-unhappy. What pissed me off more is that Liam Jones and Sam Rockwell are credited 5th and 7th respectively. That's a gross injustice.
escape plan 8/10 a solid movie but needs more Arnie/Stallone ****ing **** up and less planning. was surprised to see Faran Tahir in yhet another film, the man is getting around
Django Unchained 7.7/10 Difficult one to score. The characters are good enough (except for Tarantino's cameo which just breaks the immersion) and the setting and style is interesting enough, but the story just doesn't really have that much to it. It's too long, with the middle bit being the boring bit. Shame, could have been excellent, but it's certainly not got as much going for it as Pulp Fiction and Inglorious *******s.
Ronal the Barbarian 5/10 I kid you not, the Norwegians do animated movies. Mainly based around a lot of bad bollock-jokes, but I've seen a lot worse. Good musicscore as well