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Education The weight loss thread

Discussion in 'General' started by mansueto, 25 Feb 2013.

  1. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I've got good news and bad news. Bad news: I've had no luck sticking to anything, tried running a few times this year and it's been really bad / painful on my lower back and feet so I think I'll have to wait to get back into shape before starting up again. Maybe stick to walking / fast walking and sports.

    Good news: I'll be off my meds on May 20th, and a major side effect of them was weight gain. I've started dieting again and that, with the combination of my medication reduction / getting off them should really help to kick myself in the butt to get moving and active again. The weather has been pretty poo though, so still haven't really started doing too many activities outside yet.
  2. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    I went from 226 down to 214 with the help of 1k cal a day with as much lean meat as I liked and help Adonis Golden Ratio, some GREAT advise and well worth the $40 or so.

    Id just like to say, I am finding out after the case.. that Whey protein from most protein shake manufactures is made with aspartame in it.

    Any one with an internet connection and more than 30minutes of research time has found out about this material now.

    If you seriously want to start saying how its fine and its small amounts and so on PM me and save the thread and peoples lives, its not safe its cumulative, it has several issues with it and what it breaks down into never mind the fact it has diketopiperazine (DKP) in it which is known brain tumour causing agent.

    If you are going to the gym.. and trying to get healthy and well.. know that every thing is design for the total opposite of that, you may laugh and say oh your a nut job but those are the details.

    Remember this is a world in which the syrup that Mars Bar is made with has Aspartame in it, I did not know that either.

    if you want to lose weight you have to create a cal deficit whilst maintaining enough protein intake for before and after training.

    the elliptical trainer is looked down on as a women's machine but that's ********, the elliptical trainer is awesome.

    If you are moving you are burning cals.

    One of the best tips I can give as well... bloody awesome! Skiping rope... really awesome for timing and coordination, balance, leg strength.

    Also..... get a home chin up bar..... they fit above your bathroom and when you get it you wont even be able to do one, but in time after hanging from the top and letting your self down slowly for a bit, then you will be able to do one out of no were, then three.. then 5, then 7 and then you will start getting reasonable strength.

    Above working out, its the eating.. I wanted what the Adonis course promised I was getting close to it and people noticed, I do recommend the Adonis course, its true about women not being able to stop their appreciation for the Adonis body type (ratio).

    Every one has their thoughts about fitness,

    Being in great shape is awesome, I'm back up to 220.

    I think if I was to give a serious tip to some one about losing weight and they were finding it difficult it would be.

    Set aside 3 days, 5 days if you can after a weekend fast.... eat ONLY lean meat, but go swimming... do the elliptical, drink helpful liquids and keep to a 1.2k or 1.5k diet and you will NOTICE the difference you will go into BURN mode and your mind will under stand the difference between putting on or sustaining and dropping.

    Once your mind has a go to point about the topic and not just about pain in the stomach but change... you will lose weight, you will have a pedal to push for it.
  3. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: 2 Nov 2020
  4. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    The problem with Aspertame is several fold.

    First of all it was pushed into the human food chain under false and incorrect pretext by Business, which resulted in a complete over hall of the way congress processed future similar requests.

    The clinical information at the time indicated it was not fit for human consumption, ie all the animals died including when they used milk as a decelerating agent. That information and study results was not presented correctly.

    The FDA before Donald got Washington to bear on it did not approve it and rightly so, it is not an agent fit for human consumption.

    When Aspartame breaks down it turns into several agents that we simply do not want in our body's.

    Here is one..

    Methanol, (10 percent of aspartame)
    Methanol breaks down into formaldehyde in the body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin.

    You are correct when you say it is in several products.

    I know the history of Aspartame, it is actually quite interesting you should look into it, go ahead and watch sweet misery (first half is as boring as boring gets, but the second half is quality) it would be a nice start point for you to be able to come back here.

    I am posting this for others well being, I am intelligent, well read and in the detail I am correct. If big business sells Tabaco which we now know is bad for people, are you saying because it is sold in several products it must be safe.

    Who today is saying that?

    Are you saying Methanol is safe? are you saying formaldehyde is safe?
    Are you saying diketopiperazine (DKP)is safe.

    Never mind about what brand A B, or C says or Business, are you saying they are safe to consume, your not and you cant.

    I see girls outside of offices, chewing Aspertame laced gum, drinking diet coke and smoking cigarettes, do that for a couple of months then take a look inside...

    I have to apologise but I thought it ok to omit, the shake you are taking from searching is Aspartame free I believe

    I will be honest towards the end of this post, I know quite a lot about several topics but I have learnt to keep my mouth shut, it is not appreciated when you tell people, its dangerous to help people.

    People object to it, and feel bad and think they need to prove a point or defend theit way of life.

    There are some millions and millions of pages,Study's, Physicians, youtube videos explaining the topic and also today BUSINESS turning away from the product never mind just the common sense of it, the cumulative affect of it. And yet there you are posting that.

    If you know its in a product and you decide to consume it, that's fine but its when you slip it into things like protein shakes and mars bar that this topic really upsets me.

    Also lets just say there is even remotely some argument in return of what I have said, what about the stance of us being careful?

    The numbers do not reflect that Aspertame is safe, the science of it, the personal use of the material makes me sick.

    Where is the concern?
    Where is any one other than big Business or its paid agents saying its safe?

    Where is the approach of lets be careful and remove this from the human food chain and replace it with some thing NON controversial, some thing that logically makes sense to be in our food stuffs as a sweetern.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    Speaking of everything being bad for you, I'd like to talk about water. I've heard the following things recently:

    - Plastic bottled water is bad for you. The chemicals in the plastic leech into the water and are harmful in high doses.

    - Tap water can be bad for you, depending on location. Chemicals like fluoride and chlorine are added to it and are considered to be bad for the body.

    - RO (reverse osmosis) water, despite being among the purest filtered water you can produce, is falsely advertised by fitness and health advisors as being the best to drink when in actual fact the purity of it dilutes and washes out vital minerals and vitamins from your body.

    So my question is this: given these three opinions, what's actually the best water to drink?
  6. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    In London, tap water its pretty much the best quality you're going to get.

    The fluoride is excellent for your teeth anyway.

    The plastic bottle issue I had read doesn't really matter until you're reusing the same bottle over and over again.

    The main thing here is that the net affect of this is actually nil. Your body is pretty good at keeping the harmful substances out, that what makes your urine yellow and the other side, well come out the other side.
  7. Stickeh

    Stickeh Help me , Help you.

    20 Jul 2003
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    I drink tap water, from a bottle I have been reusing for a while. Water doesn't sit in it longer than a few hours so can't see harm there.
    It's funny how dehydrated some people really are - I feel so much better having water on hand all day and flying through it, easily 1-1.5L at work
  8. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    I use glass bottles for my water around the house. I have 3 that I have reused from buying expensive pink lemonade. Keeps me nice and hydrated.

  9. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    The biggest difference to my own lifestyle that affected my weight was stopping having supper. Doing that alone meant I dropped at least 2 lb/week. I had got down to about 12st 10 (I'm 6' 3") but started to look a bit gaunt. It was nice having a flat stomach though. I'd dropped from 14st something, I was struggling to get into 42" trousers and thought, "This is getting daft". At my lightest, I found 36" trousers fit easily which was pleasing. I could probably have squeezed into a pair of 34" I'm sure.

    I've been back to my old habits though. I gave up smoking and put a stone back on. So, hopefully I'll have the willpower again! I'd like to 'lean up' again and then maybe tone up a little.
  10. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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    Ooooh, Youtube videos, now you tell us, if only I'd known before!!!1! Where would we be without Youtube videos to protect and inform?

    I'll admit to knowing jack-shizzle about Aspartame, and I've never tried these protein shakes, but if the UK FSA and the European FSA are ok with it then I'm not going to worry too much about it in the other stuff I consume that sometimes contains it.

    Will something kill me in an unpleasant manner one day? Probably, but I'll just have to add Aspartame to the very long list of possible threats - the list I file in my butt under 'Who gives a ****?'.
  11. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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    Lets forget about this study or that study or that some argument either way.

    listen to this... some 60 seconds re-cap of the core out of this lady,

    the start of it.. these are the details.... you tell me...skip to 34seconds if your in a rush.

  12. rainbowbridge

    rainbowbridge Minimodder

    26 Apr 2009
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  13. Big_malc

    Big_malc Minimodder

    7 Sep 2010
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    Plastic bottled water is bad for you :- This is sort of true its due to sun light on the plastic taints the water but you have to leave bottle in direct sun for like 8 hours. Most people have drunk the contents by then.

    Tap water can be bad for you :- I work with a lot of Chlorus and can smell it a mile off it taste revolting and makes me feel like drinking pool water. Chemicals like fluoride and added in tiny amounts bad effects would take years. A lot of the taste is due to how the water is cleaned and processed as well as the location and if its hard or soft.

    RO (reverse osmosis) water :- The is only one Desalination plant in UK that's Thames Waters at Beckton and I can say for a fact is the nasty est water you will ever taste its mineral striped to remove the salt and other impurities. Once this is done its mineralize and lime hardened before being added to res or mains supply.
  14. Big_malc

    Big_malc Minimodder

    7 Sep 2010
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    When I started working at Becton for Thames Water building there desalination plant we was told by a nice old boy that to clean the water from the out fall of the sewage works would have taken something like 8 processes and would have been drinkable.
    However if London found this out they would hang Thames Water so they take water out of the Thames on in going and out going tides as cant use static water. Due to this and how dirty the Thames is still containing heavy metals and other stuff like Estrogen and Cocaine the water is cleaned 14 times all to keep the people of London happy :D
  15. Kovoet

    Kovoet What's a Dremel?

    26 Aug 2009
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    Right I have been training 2 hours a day for the last four months and for the first time in 52 yrs my stomach is taking shape. Always been fairly big but mainly from playing rugby but never really did that much cardio and dieting at the same time. I can hit a crosstrainer now and get my heart rate to between 150 and 165 a minute for 60 min.

    I could never do that before as this body was not built for stamina, but I am loving gym at the moment and can say it has changed my life style for the better.
    Never used to eat breakfast, now I have oats, fruit and eight eggs five days a week. Lunch I have skinless chicken or fish with steam veggies and wild rice. Evening time I have a sandwich plate with salad. Whey protein drink twice a day when training. It's all in the head for me, put your mind to it you can do it.
  16. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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  17. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    Thanks for the info - we have a filtered tap on the kitchen faucet which uses a triflow cartridge. I drink my several litres of water per day from that and a mains connected (water feed and power for the chiller) filter dispenser in the staffroom at work.

    Amen to that. Great going mate!

    I'm slowly but surely kicking 8 years of bad habits. Training went on pause for a couple of days this week because I had to work an all-nighter on Monday, most of which was spent on a ladder and strained my feet and legs, then spent all day yesterday on my hunkers and knees working on the car, the grand total result of which was lower leg and foot pain when walking today. I'm going to attempt a run in the morning but it could end up being a slow walk. I don't want to do more harm than good. I read that if you can't walk without pain the day after exercise, you need to give your body more rest time between workouts.
    Last edited: 16 Apr 2014
  18. Kovoet

    Kovoet What's a Dremel?

    26 Aug 2009
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    Thanks bud, I admire you guys. Furtherest I can run is chasing my Mrs around the block, but put weights there I'm there all day. It's become a drug now and love it.
  19. ferret141

    ferret141 Minimodder

    18 Oct 2010
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    Did they ever use the sewage? I once saw a TV program that said the filtration plant in Becton processed the sewage water.

    Smells like it whenever I cycle or drive past the retail parks there.
  20. Big_malc

    Big_malc Minimodder

    7 Sep 2010
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    No but the out fall from sewage worked to river is only like 300m from the intake pumps.
    One of the reasons why they have to take moving water as its then mixed up a bit.

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