**possible spoilers*** Guys, Spoiler I found Ciri and went through the fight with Wild Hunt. Now about to fight with witches and this guy from the Hunt, where you split between Ciri and Geralt I believe from at this point I won't be able to do any of the old side missions, is that correct?
does this game accept mods? if so is there one that changes to combat system at all? i really wont to play and love this game but cant bare to play more than half hour.
dont get me wrong i agree this deserves game of the year, its amazing. but the combat frustrates me so much. Its really cluncky and slow to respond. Also i dont get how im some super bad ass witcher that can get really challenged by some low level peasants with rusty shanks. they should be getting wiped out in a couple of moves.
After playing Shadow of Mordor the combat in that game really puts The Witcher 3 to shame. I hadn't realised how bad it was implemented in TW3 until I had a taste of SOM combat mechanics!
I'm about to run last mission and finish the game. Well, will play Heart of Stone right after it Anyone played that DLC? Any good?
The expansion is woven into the game. Go to the Seven Cats outside Novigrad and read the notice board.
Want to put some more time into this seeing as I bought it, but it will not play ball with my SLI setup. Either 'display driver crashes but recovered' or just black screen and requires hard reset.
Hearts of Stone is an Excellent piece of DLC story. Well worth every penny and in my top 3 DLC stories of all time. I hope it is but a taste of the quality we can expect from the blood and win expansion this year.
Cool, thanks for your opinions guys. I already have Heart of Stone, was just wondering what it's gonna be like. I'm just standing in front of that elf - Avallac'h - to start last fight with a king of wild hunt. Stats shows I finished 40% of the game! That's after over 140 hours of play, character level 34... I guess I didn't do all the side quests When I finish the main story, would I still be able to walk around everywhere and do some side quests? So after main story finished I should go to the Seven Cats outside Novigrad and read the notice board?
Been a little while before I completed the game, but I recall that it sends you back to a save point before the final encounter (you keep all the gear and money you found during the final chapter though) so you can roam around as you please. Some side quests get closed off as you progress through the story as a selection of them are tied to the main plot, so unsure if you can 100% complete the game after finishing the game but completing the game won't cause any issues with side quests that are tied to the DLC.
The Blood & Wine Expansion is out on the 31st of May. Anyone else looking forward to this? I have been holding off replying TW3 since Hearts of Stone, to savior the full experience the second time round.
I'm going to start playing this had this virtually from release and got to level 4, my big daughter got me gift pass when she got one for herself. I've made clangers since upgrading to Windows 10 and I'm not sure if this is just a repercussion. I have moved folders and files here and there all I know this was working fine in Windows 8.1.
Just picked up thsi game with both expansions. Got 21 hours so far. Still lvl 11 and loving the slow progress. PS: Anybody know where's Triss after the initial mission? She just told me to go meet someone else (also hot, unsurprisingly) and said "come over next time, I'm next to the fish market" or something... where the hell is the fish market? the in-game map is so bad on details..............
So you don't end up with an over cluttered assassins creed style map, the locations for quests, including meeting up with characters are tied to the 'current active' quest. If you go into the quest log, expand the list of secondary or main story quests, it should be there in that list. Once activated, she should show up on the map.
I checked. She's nowhere there. I guess I'm just not supposed to meet her yet? Just wish the map has 1 more info: area's name. Anyway, what's the deal with the crazy amount of side-quests in this game? lol I spent hours spending as many quests in Velen, then I'm off to Novigrad and there are question marks all over the place.... MUST GO TO QUESTION MARKS!