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News Top 10 torrented games of 2008

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 8 Dec 2008.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. Jordan Wise

    Jordan Wise Baby called to see the boss...

    24 Jul 2007
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    Ouch, Spore hasn't been out long either. But that DRM was a joke
  3. mclintox

    mclintox Eat cheese!

    15 Nov 2008
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    There''ll always be someone cleverer out there who will crack whatever security these publishers see fit to impliment.
  4. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    I just find it funny that San Andreas was on there. I suppose that with the release of GTA4, and PC users being left in the frosty world at the time of release, nostalgia was the order of the day.

    Seeing the Sims 2 on there is no surprise whatsoever.
  5. Sathy

    Sathy What's a Dremel?

    17 May 2005
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    Only way to fight piracy is to continue to develop more accessible distribution methods for the consumers and ideally finding another model for how games produce income in order to be able to lower their prices and make piracy less appealing.

    So far DRM has done exactly the opposite of what it should do, in many cases preventing legitimate owners from practicing their rights of using the software the way they see fit. Either the rights of the consumers need to be adapted to fit with the current limitations DRM seems to be about - yeah, right, not very likely - or DRM developers need to wake up and start thinking about doing some heavy developement into how to make it less obtrusive.

    Or we can go to war - like the one against the concept of terror - with the Pirates, call the Ninjas and Samurais, fax the Autobots and use your lights-on-roofs to get your local super heroes out of hiding and lets go show that piracy that we're not afraid!
  6. Sathy

    Sathy What's a Dremel?

    17 May 2005
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    Good point Tulatin, though at first the list was for overall...but now that you mention it, finding it hard to see how Sims 2 can be there, that high. I mean, who wouldn't have Sims 2 by now? =]
  7. wyx087

    wyx087 Multimodder

    15 Aug 2007
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    you sure that's the latest, last time i checked piratebay top 100, GTA4 and NFS Undercover are topping the list.
  8. Tris

    Tris What's a Dremel?

    17 Jan 2003
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    its a shame theres no way to find out how many of those downloads were "try before buy", how many were just download addicts who grab everything and never play them, and how many were actually fully played by the recipients (which are the "lost sales" i guess).
  9. The_EXorcist

    The_EXorcist Possibly Australian

    14 Oct 2008
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    CoD4 was also one of the highest selling games too, so piracy doesnt kill sales, Pirates dont buy games, its not a lost sale if they wouldnt buy it anyway
  10. Kúsař

    Kúsař regular bit-tech reader

    23 Apr 2008
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    It's all about good offers - and EA is currently making the worst offers ever. Price of Crysis didn't drop during this year, not a little bit(in my country, the best offer I found is 45$ w/o tax in some shady on-line store). EA don't understand that most PC gamers won't buy PC games for consilified price. I can get Fallout 3 or L4D(on the way!!!) cheaper then most of "older" EA games. And guess what's better bargain for me...
  11. Xtrafresh

    Xtrafresh It never hurts to help

    27 Dec 2007
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    just give it a few more years, and torrenters and publishers have leeched eachother dry. After that, who knows? Steam clones? Indie games?

    I also enjoyed seeing GTA:SA on there. Still a great game in it's own right!
  12. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    Its about how you perceive value as well, a lot of pirates will still buy games with an online component because they cant be bothered with cracked servers and feel that they get a lot more play time for their money with an FPS such as COD4. Rather than Crysis multi which you're likely to be sick of within the day.

    Therefore i'll bet more people who pirated COD4 bought it afterwards when the price had come down just for the multiplayer. This does NOT mean i think all games chould be multiplayer - quite the opposite. Its just an observation of the people I know and past actions of my own (now reformed pirate)
  13. UrbanMarine

    UrbanMarine Government Prostitute

    7 Aug 2008
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    You gotta figure re-downloads and the "full version demo" are among those numbers.
  14. djDEATH

    djDEATH Habari gani?

    23 Mar 2006
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    neither surprise me.

    NFS undercover is the WORST driving game ever, period. its not a driving game, its a mod your car and look at boobies game. seriously pants physics, seriously unbelievable cornering and very uninteresting tracks.

    where are the corners? why is it that i don't EVER need to use the brake?


    and thats why i downloaded it, cos i KNEW it wouldn't be worth spending money on, played for one or two races then UNINSTALLED AND DELETED.
  15. djDEATH

    djDEATH Habari gani?

    23 Mar 2006
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    haha - yeah right ;)

    agreed though, you download the games on day 0, play them, and ultimately, if its a good game, it'll be bought, either through steam or from Game at lunchtime.

    ultimately though, even the games i have bought get cracked from gamecopyworld, i hate the idea of the DVDs being swapped in and out of the drives all the time, so as long as online play still works, then all my bought games get no-dvd cracks.

    Except ID games of course, Quake Wars, Doom 3 and Quake 4 all included updates that removed the need for keeping the DVD in the drive.

    +1 for ID
  16. Matticus

    Matticus ...

    23 Feb 2008
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    Its not surprising that all of the most downloaded games are the best sellers as well.

    Just goes to show that pirating games doesn't really hurt the industry that much, if a game is good it will sell tons of copies, those who don't bother buying games are never going to buy them anyway. Yes if there was absolutely no way for people to obtain games illegally other than physical theft then the sales figures would look marginally better, but only marginally.

    They would be better off removing DRM so the people who buy the games don't have a worse experience than those who got it for free.
  17. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    i honestly have stopped downloading games!

    first off i got a fine from atari for downloading a pre-release.

    then when i thought about it i didnt want to download games anymore. the truth is that when you download something, you dont give it nearly the chance you could have if you'd bought the product. so i was getting good games, playing them for a week or so and then casting them off because the next thing had come along, even if the next thing was crap.

    also, i see my game collection a bit like im sure my dad sees his record collection. when im ancient i want to be able to go back and play them. or show them to my kids and say "look you used to be able to buy games from a shop - in a box!"
  18. Yemerich

    Yemerich I can has PERSUADETRON?

    15 Sep 2004
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    I have to admit. I am one number for that RA3, and another for Left 4 Dead.

    RA3 sux big time! it's the worst on the C&C franchise ever. I am really glad i didn't bought it. Played four missions with the soviets and 2 with the japanese. Heard the opening music lots of times (am I the only one that enjoys games music?) and deleted it.

    Diferent thing for left 4 dead. I thought it was just hype, but i gave it a try and torrented it. The game rocks! Now i am waiting for my original boxed version to arrive by mail! This one is a MUST buy!

    Similar, I bough FO3 and regreted joy factor is like 50%. Bought because i am a HUGE fan of past FOs. Bought Far cry 2 and enjoyed like 70%.
  19. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    1. this is "just" TPB
    2. the Top100 are just a 'snapshot', no long-term chart

    Anyways... Sims2? What the ...?! Well, apparently more kids are torrenting nowadays...
  20. UrbanMarine

    UrbanMarine Government Prostitute

    7 Aug 2008
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    @Yemerich: Yeah i'm the same way. I bought COD4 and downloaded RA3 (full version trial).

    RA2 IMO is still the best CnC title but you have to think that was made by Westwood not Westwood EA. Much of the dev team for RA2 quit because of the EA buyout. I with you on FO3 as well, the original Fallouts were slower paced but well thought out and I bought FO3 for support of the series not the company.
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