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Rant Topcashback

Discussion in 'General' started by adidan, 15 Feb 2023.

  1. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
    Likes Received:
    Topcashback seem to have changed the way they process payments for topgiftcards.

    Credit Card purchases now get treated as cash advances so be warned, we've been stung with a charge and obvious stupid interest unlike previously.

    Thing is if they'd mentioned it we would have used a debit card.

    Not a huge deal just annoying and feels pretty underhanded.
    stephen0205 likes this.
  2. stephen0205

    stephen0205 MrSteve

    11 Mar 2016
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    thats pretty crap tbh, im glad i normally use a debit card, but there goes some of your security you get with a cc payment right there
  3. Flibblebot

    Flibblebot Smile with me

    19 Apr 2005
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    To be fair to topcashback, it's probably the credit card provider that's changed the way that they treat gift card purchases. The general rule of thumb is that anything that could potentially be turned into cash (for example, transfers to Revolut or Western Union) will be treated as a cash transactions and incur the daily interest and fees of a cash transaction.

    I'd argue that gift cards aren't so easy to turn into cash, and I'd recommend talking to your credit card provider to see if they've changed their policy on how gift card purchases are treated.
  4. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    OH was on to them last night as she's a hawk, sorry very organised :happy:

    CC haven't changed a thing and the same call handler had had a call about thirty minutes earlier about the exact same thing.

    We're just going to take it on the chin, it's sofa change after all, but it's the principle. Not a fan of monetary surprises :happy:

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