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Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by tribaloverkill, 3 Jun 2007.

  1. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Tiny update. I couldnt do more but I had the worst headache! I left my motrin at home too:( I tried to dude it out but working with the machines made it worse:(


    I'm making a table to turn my sliding vise into a sliding table. Nothing comparable to the real thing but it will do for now.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I can clamp my work to it and then use an end mill to cut it.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The pieces of aluminum I am going to use to make all the brackets. I think I need like 6 pairs of brackets. I stop at 220grit. Tomorrow I will wetsand @ 400 and 800 and then start polishing. You know,... I ran out of 220grit wetsand so I went to the store to get mroe. They didnt have any 220grit wetsand. So instead of going to another store I bough 220grit drysand stick-on's. They worked great! I though they would get clogged and dull quick and to my surprise they didnt! Awesomeness!

    Here are the brackets im goign to make. Each bracket consists of two pieces. An aluminum shell and an acrylic insert. Total width of each bracket is about 1/2". Length,... I think its 2"?!?! Maybe 2-1/4". I dont know off the top of my head. Anyways,... starting from the top. The acrylic insert goes inside the shell obviously. It helps strengthen, adds to the look of it, and most importantly,.. keep the reservoirs from being scratched severely by the aluminum. I'm goign to start out making clear 3/8" inserts and then maybe after that I'll make layered inserts kind of like what cheapskate and many other modders have done. Or maybe I should layer now for these customs? Ok,... I'll layer fo rthe customs but im going to make all clear inserts too. Drawing down,... thats what teh aluminum will look like fromt eh outside. You see the round grooves? The o-rings will be locked there. You wont be able to release the reservoir unless you unbolt the brackets. The aluminum shell will have captive nuts on the inside to fasten the entire bracket down. Next down,... is the acrylic piece's shape that I have to make. Finally,... the last one is the aluminum shell unfolded. I think its goign to look hot. They are small and "out of the way". There's going to be an add-on to mount shields. I'll draw that out later. OH, the "V" groove of the bracket is so that you can mount various size reservoirs, like DB's 2"OD dualies,...
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2007
  2. HeXeN

    HeXeN Straight from Hell

    14 May 2006
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    If I could see in X-ray :D cool idea. About a headache... drill isn't a good tool to work with when you've got a headace i know it from my hard headaces and working whith dremel or grinder. even this small update is a one big nice part for us. good job !
  3. wbdog206

    wbdog206 not me

    15 Jan 2007
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    i feel for you on the headache,i have chronic migraines and they are debilitating.
    nice desines for the brackets.
    looking great as always.
  4. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Wow. that sucks. I do feel bad. I dont get migraines, I think, but everyonce in a while, holy S@#$,... I'll get one like this that just totally stops me dead in my tracks. It was definitely a sinus headache this time. Going to stop in at the studio after work. Wont be able to get much time in because its turkey day but you know im going to try and get back to the studio right after:) MY turkey day basically consists of Beowulf at 10:45pm at an iMax in NYC:) Soon as the movie is over,... im heading back. Dont know for sure though. Im goign to be tired as hell. I got some extra time off from work as well. I have several days off coming up.
  5. Teyber

    Teyber ******

    18 Mar 2007
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    any news?
  6. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    *COUGH COUGH,.....COUGH* Dude I was sick and still am but I started working again today. I'm startgin to feel a bit better. I have an update I just have to post it.
  7. Teyber

    Teyber ******

    18 Mar 2007
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    ah sorry to hear that. Damn i hate beeing sick. Seems everybody is sick from october through feb
  8. Qhs

    Qhs µ modder

    24 Sep 2007
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    Probably from temperature fluctuations in the end of Fall e.g. NYC temperature on Turkey Day 2007 went from 65 in the afternoon to 27 at night.
  9. Brett89

    Brett89 Minimodder

    15 Dec 2005
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    lol that was about the high today here. but get better soon tribal, who else will give the midnight(for me) update.
  10. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Your right. I got a chest cold. Everyone in the hosp is sick,... employee's that is:)
  11. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Hey people. Sorry for the pause in updates. I was sick in bed. I'm still sick now but I forced myself out of the bed because laying in bed for a few days doesnt do me any good. Best to keep moving. So,... I did some work the other day. Not much but I did some. I have to work tonight but I have off two days after and I have off friday and saturday too so I plan on getting a load of work done then.

    How was all of your Thanksgivings!?!?!? Mine was poppin!!! HOLYS@#$!!! I had so much fun!!! So drunk lol. I took a quick phone video!! LOL. It was at my sister in law's father's house. I just met these people for the first time that night. We got so drunk so fast and danced the whole time. It was tight. I love those people. Their like, "You comin back for xmas right?!?!? Right?!?!?!". LOL. The guy in the white shirt in the far back left holding the beer is my brother.


    Anyways,... some shiny aluminum.

    I taped it off and and drawn what I needed on it and then cut the tape awsay and drilled.

    I scroll sawed out the grooves. I am goign to try and mill out the grooves instead of filing. See how that goes.

    Glued the brackets to this wood to be put into my vise.

    Ok,... the 1/8" end mill cut through the aluminum like paper. Infact,... I was cutting my vise up too:( It's not bad but I was still cutting my vise a bit. The grooves cam out good but the ends of the grooves you can see the bit was riding to one side though. I think its because I was cutting into the vise though. Next time I want to sink the end mill into the chuck a bit more to cut down on sway. I had the bit in the chuck pretty far but I'm thinking it still wasn't far enough.

    I used a round file to to kind of ball the ends of the grooves to make them look like it was suppose to be,... but im not happy with this. I'm not goign to remake these because I dont have the time. I'm just going to keep going. This does not effect the brackets at all so yea. I might remake the ones going to acryan though. I dont want them to think I wanted it that way.

    Filing,... I milled wooden jaws for my vise so I didnt scratch the polished aluminum. I stuck 1/8" drill bits on the holes to keep the pieces from sliding apart. By the 3rd one I stopped doing this though. I just made sure they didnt slide apart when clamping them down.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Filed out and nice looking. Have to sand this side though. A lot of burr from using the table sander to shape them.

    Very nice.

    Sanded with some dry 220grit. Nice and smooth.

    I am trying to decide if I want to mill out bends. I was thinking about doing it the way I cut the props. I am thinking that maybe the small 1/16" bit might like,... not work that well? I dont know. I'll do a practice piece first. So yea. Till then,...
  12. brinkz0r

    brinkz0r Minimodder

    15 Dec 2006
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    Wow, you're making a lot of pieces :) I'm eager to see how they will come out. I'll check this topic again when it's on top of the list, as always :p
  13. flashpanther

    flashpanther What's a Dremel?

    27 Nov 2007
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    where can i purchase on of these designs please?
    preferably from a UK online retailer?
  14. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Ummm acryan shold be selling these reservoirs very soon. You should be able to buy one easily in the UK. I just have to finish prototyping them.
  15. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Wow. Yea. There's a lot of photo's in this update, LOL. So this update is cool. Indeed. But I cant say that I'm happy with it. Read on.


    So this is the dangerous way im goign to cut the bending grooves for the brackets.

    It works good so im gonna do it.

    Look at that bend. Those stretch marks will polish right out.

    Damn thats good.

    Ok. First two.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Very cool. I like.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Ick. I dont like. Drink it up like a good lil boy.

    GAWD. You'd think as a grown man I could hack it right?!?! I can't. This S@#$ is nasty.

    I'm using the captive nut holes to setup the cut for the gooves.


    With a 2"OD res,...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Polished with captive nuts installed.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Let me tell you,... these captive nuts are so much better then the thread-serts.

    Very cool.

    O-Rings. Some o-ring management is needed. Just playing around with the little o-rings. The two lines have to be kept together. Hmmm,...
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Now,... the brackets are a bit off. From bending. I should of bent first and then cut for accuracy. Or maybe I should of had a special jig to bend them?!?! I dont know. Anyways,... im going to cut them again. WAtch and learn,...

    Milled this,...
  16. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Going to mount it like this.

    With these holes.

    Like so,...
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    17 degree angle cuts on the bottom.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Done. Uhhh,... yea. so I forgot to take pics of what I did. Shoot me. I'm sick. I basically put in in the cross slide vise and fed the bracket to that saw blade thing I use to cut everything.

    They are more even now. They are still off though:( Kinda.

    A lot better then before.

    Time for the acrylic. Here's are my 4 attempts. I milled all sides so they are all the same. Why? I dont know. I figured I would sart off with a perfect block to avoid any problems. I wont have to do this for every one I make though.

    Another angel jig thing. Same 17 degree angle. This one of thinner. I wasste so much time making these jigs.

    This is all I really needed though. Just one slope.

    Again,.. I skipped pics. I have to stop that. So they.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You see where I am going with this right?

    DAMN! This came out good! Its a bit off but holy hell that came out good!


    End sanded flush.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The acrylic rods get glued in place. They keep the acrylic piece from coming out.

    Reservoir sits right on top of it. Problem though. It's slick. The res slides on it like ice. Thats bad.

    Possible colors or LEDS:) I really wanted the acrylic to cover the ends the same way it does the top but I cant do that in this studio. Maybe if the ends were just slanted and not round.

    This thing is just to cool. They are to hard to make though. I cant make 16 more of these. They dont even work right. The res's slide on them. I dont even know if these would hold a full res hooked to some hoses. Maybe if the acrylic was lined with rubber to keep it from slipping. but im not going to do that. I have to go back to the drawing board.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hmmm,... have to think.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  17. headala

    headala What's a Dremel?

    9 Oct 2005
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    whoa, I likey. Great work putting the plexi in the metal!
  18. Qhs

    Qhs µ modder

    24 Sep 2007
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    wow those look crazy good! A way to prevent the res from sliding is maybe paste a small strip of rubber where the bracket meets the res.

    I like the rubber band idea. One thing is that it cuts into the "view." lol I don't mind it, but is ACRyan going use the same rubber band idea? There are always those few who want to see the whole shebang.

    Those cold syrups are so gnarly.
  19. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Well,... I'm thinking I'm goign to try and get rid of the o-ring idea. I want to keep the base idea,... but replace the o-rings with an aluminum band. No pasting or gluing of that nature will be going on here at the studio;)
  20. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Whup! I was going to say silicone glue layer...
    How about a set of plexi clasps. hinged at the back and locked in place with a small O- ring in front? The LED's in the back would channel light through them. A 1/4" groove in the reservoir body would restrict sliding.

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