Happy 2022! Time to kick off the year with a new project Let me introduce the 2022 follow up of the Tweaked Meshify S2 build that I build back in 2020. The goals of this build is to integrate the unique layout of the Tweaked Meshify S2 in to the Torrent case with bigger radiators while also applying improvements to overal general design based on experience from the previous build. A big thank you goes out to Fractal Design for there continuous support on projects like these! The parcel from Fractal had a few supprises inside of it next to the two light gray Torrent cases and the Ion+ 2 860w PSU. Some Swedisch candy Time to start stripping down the first case After drilling out all the rivets it was time to start drawing the orignal frame parts in CAD. These will from the base to work from to integrate the Tweaked Meshify S2 layout. Because of this it was important to draw all small details as well since those could give headaches later on if they are missing. Bottom Front left Front right Top panel While trying out some component layouts in a 2D drawing I quickly found out that the orginal Torrent frame wouldn't have enough room to fit two 420mm radiators on a angle while also fitting a normal ATX board. Because of this I started looking for different possible solutions like making the case bigger. After doing some measurements on plastic toppanel I found out that it will be possible to extend the case by 50mm in total. This should give just enough room to fit the 420mm radiators with a normal ATX size motherboard A quick mock up the extra room with a mirrored front frame. This floating frame will be base on which I'm gonna continue working on and fit all the hardware inside
Update time, after the orignal frame parts its was time to design custom parts After finishing the frame extensions to make the frame one part again it was time to testfit 3D parts to see if it still all could work. Its a really tight fit but the rads just clear the orginal top panel Time for internal framework Made a 3D model of the GPU with waterblock to design a mounting system. It will not be using the PCIE bracket and hide the PSU vent cutouts that will be used to get some airflow past the motherboard. The sheetmetal design is done for roughly 90% now, small details need to be added one some places but all the big work is done now. After the sheetmetal is done it gonna be time for the distro plate in the back + cable managment planning.
Small update After tyring a few configurations I founds something that will work for the GPU, its a tight squeeze but will fit First setup for the cable channels for some clean cable management. With panel combs Pump integration, going for pump mounted to the reservoir/ cable plate to make installation easier. That is it for now again, still more to do but the details always take a lot of time
New update time Finishing the sheetmetal and plexi res / cable managment plate went a lot quicker then I thought Added front side cover strip for the new plastic parts to go on to, this will be done to make the case look as stock as possible Side reservoir build into the cable management plate, its a snug fit with pump but works Cable management IO area Final step before making the parts is double check the mounting holes of the orignal plasic parts. More soon
Life has been busy with graduation internship but now is all over and that means vacation Yesterday afternoon a local sheetmetal company dropped of all the newly designed sheet metal parts for the build. This means more progress updates later this month
Update time; Turning second case it to more bits Cutting it up Prepping case and new parts for paint Painting done
Vacation = update time Paint prep for distro and radiators Assembly time, first up motherboard standoffs On to the frame Some small tweaks needed on the TG panels Next up the orignal plastic parts Using some vhb tape to mount black strips that will from the base for the case grey matched strip. Internal covers line up great Final bit for today, the underside plastics and dustfilters Mounting the dustfilter rails with magnets Both sides done That is it for now, more soon
Update, case finished First up, mirrored top panel by making a template Transfer 5mm spare After trimming, not perfect but will do Next covering the frame extionions, made the out of the second top panel. \ Cleaning up the back side Final tweaks with the file All done and ready to fit with double sided tape All fit and finished Next up finally system assembly time, final parts for that should arrive tomorrow
Final update time Final hardware test before installation of block and case. Block time for FE goodness Assembly time, but first time for shot internal AC power cable Front IO cable management behind the motherboard Board and first rad in Its a snug fit Cables around the PSU area Sug riser fit with the gpu ZTM prep for the top and hardline time in the front. Leaktest on 0.3bar, all good Leaktest on 0.5bar, one fitting needed half a turn extra Small tweaks to the memory All filled up with clear liquid and time for some eye candy
Very impressive modding session on this case Tweaked mechify was such an original design but I find this version absolutely flawless
Exactly Thank you! Meshify was a great first try at this new layout but as always there is room for improvment. This has some improvements but there is still room for more, I guess in followup on this