I mean, I love both, especially with a hot cup of tea. Flake, 32g, Twirl 43g. Isn't a Twirl just a coated flake? A quarter bigger, still Cadburys chocolate. Is there any reason to pick Flake over Twirl?
It occurs to me that if you want crumbly flaky chocolate, then you want it to be crumbly and flaky. If you don't want to eat a solid bar of chocolate, and don't want crumbly and flaky, have you considered an aero?
Nah, Wispa's the superior aerated chocolate. Unless you want flavoured, in which case a Mint Aero is your thing (though it's also Nestlé, so that's between you and your conscience.)
Why buy Cadburys? Go to Lidl and buy Fin Carré chocolate, it's much nicer. Their dark chocolate with hazelnuts is especially good. Also, don't forget, Cadburys is not even British anymore, since Nestlé moved production to Poland.
Damn it! I knew that but, my memory is crap... Edit: I remember now, there was much fuss about it on local BBC news because Kraft promised the Keynsham, Bristol factory would stay open but, promptly closed it as soon as the purchase of Cadburys was completed.
In NZ they don't have Twirl, the equivalent is the Luxury Flake. https://www.cadbury.co.nz/cadbury-flake-luxury-milk-chocolate-bar-45g
The best chocolate ever is Kiwi - Whittaker's. Even my OH reckons it's better than Fazer, which is almost a criminal offence in Finland to even think such a thing.
Twirl for normal eating, Flake for ice cream. I'm pretty sure there's a law about this somewhere. Whatever happened to Cadbury Tasters? I swear they tasted better than normal Dairy Milk: Oh look, it has that image of Lisa Simpson doing something to a man. The Wispa Gold makes the standard Wispa redundant.
Not actually bringing anything to this gunfight (is this where the Milky Bar Kid steps in?), but I don't actually like chocolate. My wife thinks I'm strange and possibly mad, but she also swears by the Lidl Fin Carre chocolate as well. She works at Tesco, and her store over-ordered on the Twirls for Christmas, and they still have boxes of the things left over...