I'd like to add into the discussion the sad demise of the original Time Out that had Twirl type chocolate in the middle... It's been nerfed with a thin layer of something less substantial and is now a latter day Taxi if I remember those correctly. The original Cadbury family will be turning in their graves as conscientious quakes. Once again we've lost manufacturing to take over lies and globalisation. Also still not convinced despite strong protest to the contrary that Cadbury chocolate hasn't changed for the worse post takeover. /rant If you like Galaxy chocolate, you can add the Ripple to the original discussion. Just saying About the only Cadbury product I'll buy is Crunchie Rocks, the cornflakes take them to a new level IMHO
Reminds me of a story a colleague told me, hopefully all it was. He worked with a fella that was partial to a flake but given how much of a mess he would make and how easily the chocolate would melt on his clothes, he was always sat when eating his flake, he would wait until he got home, boil the kettle, take his trousers off and tuck into his flake. Anyway, he was caught with his trousers off in the office one day and as quick as a flash he was "eating a flake" and well yeah, I'm sure HR knows how rest. I'm firmly flake. It's good enough and doesn't need the coating.
Had a really interesting discussion about this, which is basically the psychology of flavour - the same "stuff" gives you a completely different eating experience if it is in a different shape or texture - pasta being a great example. Thin ribbons of chocolate (Flake, Twirl) will melt a lot quicker in your mouth than YUGE chunks of solid choc, so it's possible that the flavour is actually different. TL;DR, I'll eat a Twirl because it's less messy, but nothing other than a Flake with my ice cream plz. Does anyone remember the Spira? Ergo, "It's Dairy Milk and we've run out of ideas for new products."
I live across the pond where we don't have nearly the selection of Milka or Cadbury options, but when I was in the UK for a summer, I tried Flake and didn't get it. It just seemed like a way to make a big mess. I do like the suggestion to put it in ice cream. That sounds pretty great.