Users' personal details accessed by attacker.
At least passwords were hashed. Would rather all details were, and (as stated) salted too, but we've seen worse!
You can't really hash all details: what use would a hashed email address be to Ubisoft? It can't send adverts to 677b5891ea278a439b8539b438d82a08...
Yeah got an email yesterday evening telling me to change my password, which I did. Pro tip: if you use the same password for the email account as your Ubisoft account, then you may want to change your email password too.
I think enforcing the death penalty for these kinds of actions would be a good dissuader. No, I'm serious. These hackers are scum and deserve whatever they get.
I wonder if companies like Ubisoft, Sony, MS, etc, that store this info were to use similar security measures that online banking uses if people would actually pay for that level of security to keep their data secure, agreed some companies like Sony who were hacked made little attempt at security but if we want serious data security maybe we should expect to pay a little for it? INCOMING
Surely the money we are paying them for the games and DLC, which is a lot more than the annual fees we pay our banks, is enough to expect them to keep our details secure?
Those *****rs (ubisoft) I only have an Ubisoft account because of their shitty DRM and now they go and lose my data.
It's been so long since I used my ubisoft account I can't remember what my password was before today anyway..
I know of at least a few places where people will hack something, and then notify the company of the vulnerability in their network. Just because something has been "accessed" doesn't always mean a bad thing. If I told you I could break into your car in 5 seconds, you wouldn't believe me until I showed you. Just for the record, I'm not saying this happening in this instance, and I'm not supporting "hacking", but seriously, people need to stop being so naive.
I had an email about this - this morning, encouraging me to change my password. The problem is when I try, it asks me to enable cookies (chrome with adblock & donottrackme) is that itself not a security risk ?
That would the argument that many people, myself included would say but clearly these companies are not prepared to spend the time, money and resources on data security, I wonder just how much money these companies make from online gaming as it can't be cheap to buy and maintain all the infrastructure. I'd pay an extra say £5 a year for decent security and if the company still got hacked then they should have to give their customers some free gaming time, obviously it would not be popular but it was just a thought
Created reset password. Now when i try to log in, it says my email or password is incorrect. What now?
I get the same when I try a cancel my? account. What's really worrying is that I have never played a Ubisoft game on line or otherwise. I have also never opened a Ubisoft account. I don't play games, never have really bothered with them. How the hell did Ubisoft get my e mail address? Very worrying and they are not being helpful at all. My now departed (died a few years ago) brother hated games, his illness made him very bad tempered and his version of hell was playing an on line game, so I'm sure it nothing to do with him.
Got the e-mail about this as well early in the day as others have said. I don't really use UPlay anymore, not since Might & Magic Heroes 6 which I wish I could have fonder memories of. Changed my password anyway in case I need to use that service again. At least UPlay was pretty minimal and just did it's job when running along with steam. Maybe it's time to jump into Far Cry 3 later this year when the price drops.
As an aside, I really don't like the way you guys now constantly use "coughs to" instead of "admits to" or "teases" instead of "previews". Is it because you're trying to fit in with the cool crowd?