My buddies were talking about how there going to one kids house to play Halo. Thing is there 1 xbox is 4 players, there is 6 of us. I suggested to bring my Xbox so we can link, not thinking about the details. I looked for how to wire 2 Xboxs together for System Link Play. What stuff do I need to do this. I dont have any money to spend, and have exactly 12 hours to figuire out what to do, and I dont have much time to .. Has anyone done this? Please help Thank you
got a switch and some cat5 layin around? cuz in my understanding that's all that's really needed, basically like setting up a lan for the two xboxes, but i'll check into it and post back ASAP
I have a a DLink DI-614+ Router. I never understood the diff between cat5 and RJ, confused the 2.. which is the one that plugs into my network card, and which goes into my xbox..
actually, there one and the same. RJ-45 is the actual connection that goes into your network card/xbox, basically a big phone cord. Cat5 is the actual cable itself running between the two RJ-45 connections. Cat5 refers to networking cable which will carry either a 10 megabit signal or a 100 megabit signal through it. Along the same lines, Cat6, the newest specification, will carry up to a 1000 megabit connection, though since few people have a gigabit switch it's usually wasted bandwidth.
So I need what to hook those Xbox's up?? Im fu*ked i guess. its 1:05am, im about to sleep, and need to wake around 12:00 to drive over to my buddies and play Halo. Please, if anyone can.. Help
If it can be setup just like any LAN, then just plug your straight-through cable from the x-box to the switch for both of them... And as for cat-5 vs RJ RJ-45 is the plastic connector at the end cat-5 is the wiring catagory (rated speed ect)
Well, Im off to sleep, I will check on this in the morning. please... im begging of somebody to hepl because I dont go much to my buddies friends, or out with them at all. I dont want to be there and not be prepared. So please Help. Thanks, gnite
Listen to the people here, they speak the truth. What you need is a switch, (your router will work for this) and 2 pieces of cat5 or better network cable. Plug each cable into an Xbox and the router. You are now done.
do i plug one xbox into the port were the cable modem goes?? or dont use that port, use the others? TY/
you can but it just means assigning ips etc. the router will do everything for you if you just use auto detect etc
you don't need to do anything special when networking xboxs, i do it regularly with both hubs and crossovers, a crossover is fine for networking two xboxes, no setup needed, and a hub will work fine with more than two, again you dont need to set it up at all, it should just work AH
IF you just plug them both in using a crossover they will automatically set themselves up, just click on system link and you will be fine. In fact, crossovers work so well that you can connect it to your computer (the xbox) and by using tunneling software, you can connect to other xboxs that are linked the same way. One program I would use is xbconnect.