I intend to buy my house and have usb network adapters in each room. Apart from So far all I kind find is Lantronix UBox 2100 Is there anything cheeper i.e single usb port?
there isn't the space. The pcs are laptops, the modem is in a different room, the printer in another, Camera and Kindle in yet another, and storage in hidden in another. as there no desk/office its easer to use network nodes spread around the house.
For storage you would be better off getting a device that is specifically intended for it, same with the printer (would be surprised if you couldn't get a box that would do both). Though you will need to check compatibility with the printer. Plug the kindle in to the laptop, same for the camera if it's a digital still camera.
USB over network is quite expensive your looking £200-300 for hubs USB1.1 is very cheap though can get adapters for £15