Also tracks where you walk.
Oculus were supposed to be having bandwidth problems when trying to make the Rift wireless, I wonder how Valve managed it and if you get any dropped frames.
I'd like a VR headset, I'd consider it like a fancy monitor so would pay around £1 - 1.5k but i'm sure like most I'm gonna be sitting in my chair with some sort of peripheral in my hand. I don't mind a wire attached. I don't see how many folks will have the space to run around wearing this and not trip over the sofa, and surely it won't work out that well in game anyway - unless you're playing Jail Holiday or Shower Sim.
We have a "holiday 2015" release date and the best VR anyone has seen yet. Unless Oculus has something better up their sleeve I think I know what I am getting this Christmas.
Looks like competition is hotting up in the vr space could be first to market with a commercial product that sees the big volume numbers.
Here's a link to this story on the BBC website. They're suggesting the VR headset could be tied in with HL3 (seems that everything that's connected with Valve is being linked to HL3 thesedays) but what smacks of desperation is the last bit about the release date. The phrase clutching at straws comes to mind.
Funny though. VR is short for Virtual Reality. V is the number 22 in the alphabet, while R is the number 18. Given that this news was released here on Bit-tech today, using the american way of writing dates, 03-02-15. 03-02 = 1 22-18= 4 4-1 = 3 Half-Life 3 confirmed! Heard it here first! Edit: on a more serious note, it sounds quite interresting. I've always dreamt of proper VR
Valve is doing a GDC panel on the 3rd of March at 3:00PM. 3/3 3:00 I know it's just trolling/coincidence on their part. There will be no "3" announcement, but there's this little part of my brain that just can't help but hold out a little hope.
Don't get me wrong, I will be in 7th heaven when HL3 does get released (c'mon Gabe its been 8 years since Ep2 WHAT'S TAKING SOOOOOOO BLOODY LONG?) but I can't see it being this time. Perhaps its because my hopes have been dashed so many times in the past, I've pushed my anticipation to the side and whilst I'm not actively watching out for it I will scan every mention Valve gets - just in case.