i think there were good titles this year, but the wear and tear of this generation and frustration of just wanting the next gen to arrive left u with a bad taste in your mouth that made u look at the games this year as just a symbol of pushing the next gen even further away... or is that just me?
Borderlands 2 So the first year you actually put Assassin's Creed in, it's the weakest one of the trilogy (we all like to pretend ACR never happened and ACB was AC2.5). Seriously
Voted for Diablo 3 .... oooops though it was the worst game . Seriously, I voted for Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP
No love for Spec Ops: The Line? Geez, people. I am disappoint. TL;DR for those who haven't played it: Modern warfare shooters skewered in Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now format, to terrific effect. Zero Punctuation review Extra Credits review: Part One, Part Two
Screw that pretentious shooting-dudes simulator (Spec Ops: The Line), where is Farming Simulator 2013?
In terms of the game that sucked me in and somehow took away many hours of my life without me even noticing it had happened then it'd have to be Borderlands 2 - never even played the original... Edit: Although there are many games on that list that I want to play (or own even)
Interesting results to the poll but then again I don't thnik anough people voted to make it entirely valid!
I have - and this isn't even a complete list. I'm happy to just choose whichever I think is best though, if people want that? Receiver it is!
I made an account so that I can vote for Hotline Miami (seriously you guys), but it won't let me. Sad day.
Well since you went to the trouble of making an account and I haven't played a single title on the list I'll vote for it for you.
FTL: Faster Than Light I've put more hours into that in the last month than any other game over the last five years!
Would have voted for Darksiders 2 (as it's been my favourite game of the year), but as it's not there I voted for Borderlands 2 (since I've only played that and Halo 4 on the list so far (I've had the Darkness 2 since June, but not played it yet)).