The Witcher 2:EE. Some might argue it's just an update/re-release but I think that it's an excellent quality title. Many of the other games on this list are just console centric multiplatform games, which is another reason TW2EE deserves to be on the 2012 list. It's a true PC game and it shows for all the right reasons.
Who cares about any of these new games when Battlefield 3 is still a don of a game haha. I havnt played any of these!
Alan Wake, Sleeping dogs, XCOM, max payne... So many good games.. Bu I am so happy with the coming back of Hitman that I HAD to vote on it
XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It was not perfect but nothing on that list took as much time from my life and held me so tightly as it did. Even a save game corruption 90% through the game on Ironman could not stop me from restarting the game again and finishing it with only loosing 3 soldiers! I am too scared to start again as I know I will loose 30 hours without winking. My wife looking ferociously at me and cursing the day that game got installed Ps. A special mention to Mass Effect 3. A great game with a ending that infuriated me.
DAMN. didn't see Receiver until after I have voted. Even so, I had to vote for XCOM. It has stolen far to many hours of my life not to.
I really must be slipping. I've only played one of those games on the list, Diablo 3. So alas, that had to get my vote. I played that game so much when it first came out that I literally injured my finger from clicking the left mouse button too much. Mostly back to Skyrim these days. Only playing D3 now when a buddy of mine calls me up to play.
I still haven't played most of the games I bought on steam holiday or summersale, and have only played/tried CS:GO on that list. Can I still call myself a gamer? Have been playing BF3 and Orcs Must Die 2 this fall. Id softwares "Rage" was terrible, but gona try to get through it... Left no votes...
You're not alone. Not even sure why I kept reading the list before voting. Maybe we can get a third vote if B_HERB comes by!
There are quite a few I haven't played on that list (but actually have - damn Steam sales!). At the moment I would vote for Mass Effect 3 since it's a game I actually played and loved it right up until the end (though the final 'group' fight cost me a mouse when I smashed it in anger after getting killed for the gazillionth time). This weekend I'm finishing off a playthrough of Deus Ex Human Revolution, so will be looking to play Dishonoured and XCom. Another thing I can be sure of is that I definitely won't vote for Max Payne 3. Not a terrible game but I found it nowhere near as good as the first two.
Surprised there is not more love for mass effect 3. I have not played all these games but I have played and enjoyed a lot of them and me3 is in a class of its own. I feel many of the games here were great but flawed. Me3 was dynamite apart from the ending (and they even went back and changed that).
Wow, this year's voting catalogue....doesn't even cause a ripple in my barren. Torchlight 2 I'd say- still the better hack'n'slash mechanics of Diablo II. Although Mass Effect 3/Journey and Sleeping dogs are good options as well. I sure know what I'd vote for next year if it is included: HOOOOOTS!!!!