End of console cycle spiel, the list of games is great and i've enjoyed some absolute golden corkers but no stand out hit titles. Will be voting for a sequel most likely....
Black Mesa. Guys (and gals) doing it for the love and they put nearly every major release this year to shame. Thomas and Dishonored second and third respectively. I would have voted for Planetside 2 if you'd put it in the list, next year maybe?
If planetside 2 had been up there......... so I had to go with the witcher its not everyday you get a good adult friendly rpg
Well out of that list, I'm ashamed to say I've only played two games - Mass Effect 3 and Max Payne 3. I just can't find the time anymore... *sigh*
walking dead for me, but x-com and spec ops : the line in close running. i'm voting more for 'most memorable' though, walking dead is more an interactive story than a game but really drags you in and makes you worry not only over decisions to be made but the 'what ifs ?" of decisions past, x-com is a superb remake and specops is bland as a shooter but has one of the most affecting and memorable plots of any game i've played in recent years.
I've only played Halo 4 out of all in the list, Ah well, Maybe next year i will buy more new games, although it's a given, GTA 5 WILL be Game of the Year 2013.... Fact! Sam
My thoughts exactly, found it very average. Voted The Witcher 2(even if it wasn't released this year) because Far Cry 3 wasn't included.
Borderlands 2, really? No innovation whatsoever from BL1. To me it's between Dark Souls with Durante's Mod and Witcher 2 but I couldn't get myself to vote for Witcher 2 EE as it's really a 2011 game and it was in the running against Skyrim last year. For that reason I voted Dark Souls - it's brutally tough, incredibly creative and reminds me why old school gaming was so great. A lot of the new games like Far Cry 3 and Dishonored are good but not worthy for game of the year. Is FC3 much better than Crysis 1? Is Dishonored better than Bioshock? They don't deserve the title of game of the year. XCom deserves a consideration though since they did an excellent job of reviving the classic. Very addictive.
oh my hat far cry 3 is better than crysis and far cry 1 i think... its almost old school shooter! just run and shoot or sneak, no extra buttons for going invisible, flying etc etc... and a great peak out mechanic, no extra button again... just context sensitive... as an old school gamer that still uses the arrow keys to move, num0 to jump, num1 to crouch and R.shift to sprint... why? cos thats how i started playing and most played when PC 3d games really started and cant find my keys using WASD... FC3's old school approach is a breath of fresh air! even no getting tired from running hahaha, that run 50cm and then walk just irritates me.. at the end its a damn game but that bit of reality is never needed.