I have a windows server 2008 standard edition. I have set it up as an active directory server, and it works perfectly. Now i want to set it up as a vpn server as well, so that i may log into our network from my laptop. The server is DMZ'et. When i try to connect to it with my laptop, i get the login box up, but after that it says it could not connect. Does anyone have any experience working with VPN on Windows Server 2008?
does it work if you try to connect to it locally? ie from on the same lan, not over the internet have you enabled remote access for the user you're logging in as within AD?
I haven't tried to login from LAN, the user i am trying to login as can connect to the AD remotely, though he cannot connect with remote desktop to the server itself.
hallo. I've got it working, it's very easy. as hamish said, have you checked that the account you are using has persmissions to log in remotely? i suppose you might get an error about permissions if that was the problem though. edit: put the user in the administrator group temporarily to see if he can view the server then. have you checked the obvious things like pinging the servers internal IP once you are logged into the network etc? is the server visible when you explore the workgroup in windows? can you see network drives etc?
I can connect to the server from outside the network using remote desktop. At school today, I tried desperately to find the option that will alow me to connect through VPN, so i tried to install the terminal service, and what do you know... It came up with a program that according to the message in the side, it is used for VPN, but when i tried to configure it it complains about not having 2 network interfaces, so i haven't tried any further since then. I did however try to login as the Administrator, but that didn't work either. Windows complains about not being able to ping the server when i try to diagnose the problem, but i can connect to the IIS and Remote Desktop so that doesn't really makes any sense.
ah yeah the standard VPN configuration of RRA does require 2 NICs you can do it with 1 iirc but i dont remember how, google it!
It is not going to be much of a problem in this case. I run the server in a Virtual PC 2007, so it is just a matter of adding another network interface to the configuration of the VPC I will try setting it up, and i will keep you updated about my progress, and any further problems that might come up.
@Julianmartin: I am using VPC because i don't have a spare computer lying around that has the power to run Server 2008. The client for my active directory is runnig in VPC as well. @Geektechnica: I didn't know i had to install Network Policy and Access Services and Routing and Remote Access. I have now, but i haven't played around with it yet (to much school work ). I tried to search the internet, but could not find any info on setting up VPN on WS 2008, thats why I asked in here. I will look at it over the weekend, and share my experiences here
Heh yep that bit is kind of important...! There are a hell of a lot of things to play around with on those two. Just FYI at one client we used a slightly different method, in that we used a VPN connection manager in the Router, it's a Draytek Vigor 2600 or something like that. Made life far easier and then the RRA and NPAS didn't have to be mucked around with..! I imagine that's probably not on the cards for you though...but just in case Given you are using VPC though, merely supplying another virtual NIC might not do the trick, it will almost certainly make things more complicated! Keep us updated though, I'm interested to see how this one goes