hi @ all this is just a small project which be build in the last days... When we see the trailer to Disney Pixars upcoming animation film Wall-E we knew that this will be the theme for a new project... because it reminds us a lot on the old Nr.5 and we just love Wall-E on the first sight.... So we grabbed an old Gamecube which stands here around doing nothing and started to mod him in a Wall-E style..... First we build a movable platform out of a child toy and a rest of Plexiglas. Then we build a cover for the Front ports and attached it to the Platform so that it can hide all ports when they are not needed. In use you just pull down the cover and plug in the joypad.... The Gamecube itself is covered with a thin layer of acrylic which we airbrushed like the original wall-e. The Arms were made out of some plastic and plexiglas tubes and rods. The arms and the hands are both moveable so that wall-e can take up various positions. The Eyes were made out of several acrylic layers which we put together and bended a stripe of plastic around it. The mounting plate for the eyes is bended out of some metall which we attached to the backside of the cube.
that is awesome the guys at TMN did an air brushed mod on wall-e http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aipW-Zl7Pio
@500mph - The GameCube is fully functional. You got posted to Gizmodo, thechoozen; congrats! (oh, and want me to link to this thread from yesterday's MS post?)
Wall-E is the cutest little robot I've seen in a long time! Much more friendly looking than those wretched bots from iRobot ~_~ Lovely mod there!
I'll buy it I love him. If you're willing to sell it, i'll buy it. I'll pay $200 for it. Contact by email.
Pixar knows about this mod or will soon I went to high school with a man named Ralph, who now works at Pixar. Ralph worked on WALL-E. Another friend of mine sent him a link to this mod. Ralph's response was, "NEAT! Forwarding to the crew now...thanks!" Just thought you'd like to know.
thanks a lot for all your comments !! wow that sounds awesome, thanks a lot for that...and my best wishes to Ralph
Robots should be cute like Wall-E -- the better to lull us all into a false sense of security. Muahahahaaaa! ;P