Sure thats not an urban myth? I was incredibly disappointed when I found out that the story of: "The US spent billions developing a writing implement for space journeys - the space (ball point) pen so that ink would flow onto the paper. The Russians took a pencil." The sad part is, the russians didnt use a pencil as the graphite would interfere (aka crash) the space shuttle by getting into the eletrical circuits.
My guess is that either he messed something up in an edit, or someone at nasa got really pissed off at him for hot linking and stealing their bandwidth and changed the filename of the image. Unfortunately, the odds are 5 bazillion to 1 that anyone at nasa is monitoring anything or gives a hoot about one small image worth of bandwidth being wrongfully misused. (Yes yes, I know, double negatives = bad.) Edit: Yep, there's an "e" missing from the image url.
These guys would eat the Kumara while the Irish were wondering why their potatoes tasted not like potatoes but sweet.
Umm... modernized doctors go over to say hello after reading this fortune cookie message. Upon seeing that the people are inflicted with the flu, the doctors treat them!