Mirror's Edge Gears 2 Little Big Planet Fable 2 Motorstorm 2 There are others, but I'm not 100% sure I'll get them immediately
The didn't with the first one (over here at least), they did an instrument pack (drums, guitar and mic) and the instruments individually, but those never came bundled with a copy of the game unless the shop was doing their own offer.
They look awesome but the sharing colours seems pointless to me. Maybe it doesn't work as it appears but I don't get the purpose of having more than one pad for the same colour. Hopefully all the instruments will work across games anyway!
The current Rock band bundle is quite good, £125 for the Game + Insruments! Does anyone know if the instruments work on PS3 & 360?
I imagine they'll be two greens, etc. would just make it a bit easier as you can have a green cymbal closer or whatever, and then you can also mix it up a bit with your playing and look more awesome. Plus I'd hope in the big rock ending it would be that the cymbals made cymbal noises and the drums made drum noises, even if they're the same colour.
Even if MI5 is still a twikle in Joes eye, I like the way everyone just takes it as a given that he has a high MI/Post ratio and leave it un-questioned!
The one game I'm actually most looking forward too and would definitely buy and play even if I was still a cheap student is probably Left4Dead. Fallout 3 comes in after and I'm thinking from my hands-on that Far Cry 2 will be something special.
I'm trying to work out what to get first, definately Fallout 3, then either Mirrors Edge, Prince of Persia or Tomb Raider: Underworld. Thinking I might grab Braid to tide me over until release dates.