@ school 2 PSU, switched, on purpose, the button from 230v to 115v just to make a friend guilty 1 mouse 1/2 case (plastic parts of it) @ home 1 PSU 2 keyboards 1 monitor i'm sure that there are more out there worse regards
I just fried a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro USB joystick when trying to fix it. It had the 'ghost twitch' error where I think one of the petentiometers was out of whack, but after taking it apart and trying to fix it, it doesn't work at all now.
me and a few friends took home a non working computer from school along with a few maxtor 2 gb hds screwed around trying to get it to work.. turned out the pentium 1 was fried after that took a hammer to the mobo and everything else in the comp
i think i Perm damaged the ram on my first 7950 GX2 and i only had it for 2 days (think my overclock was an little bad or was just the card) was getting Red squares on the screen in games as i work with computers fixing users pcs exploading PSU Fuse are very anoying as thay may alot of noise (more so in small rooms when the door is shut) hate cheapo PSUs (had about 20 pcs do that)
My neighborhood is a lightning magnet. -3strikes within 50 yards in the last 10 years. I lost 2 (old) systems before i got wise. I currently have a habit of killing cd/dvd burners. The last one just decided to spin up, (with nothing in it.) Then it kicked open, and spun up again-with the tray out.
I broke my 6600gt AGP last year, while i was mounting the rads with too much pressure, an edge of the PCI-X/AGP bridge is gone
For my CIP I was installing a nice watercooling setup, and when I turned on my pc, it crashed. After some looking, I found a little piece off my Nforce4 Ultra chipset. So, my Asus A8N-E motherboard is dead. But, luckely Asus didnt see that, or just ignored it, because I got my money back and buyd a Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe (for 100 euro's ) Now I have waited a few weeks, and tomorrow I will receive it hopefully.
Well, I thought I wrecked my dads CLIE trying to put a new memory card in it the other day... turns out its just picky about turning on after taking out the memory card. Simple reset fixed everything. And, when troubleshooting a system a while back, testing a new power supply... the power supply exploded. Literally. The room lit up with a bright light, loud noises. That power supply was thrown outside, and never seen again. Also destroyed an old computer running Windows 95. I bought it about 4 years back for 20 bucks and I was freeing hard drive space by deleting random crap, and in my foolishness (this was back when I was a computer n00b) I deleted a vital Windows file. Needless to say, it didn't boot up again. So, trying to reinstall Windows I managed to completely corrupt the whole hard drive somehow. I really am ashamed of my old computer n00bism, what with all you guys building computers straight out of the womb.
-2 external hard drives -countless flash thumbdrives (the cheap ones from Microcenter, they give me a new one every time ) -AMD Socket A mobo / 2000+ CPU (ran at unholy speeds as a server for over a year until it died) -7800GT, TWICE. Don't know how either, they seem to be suicidal. -Several CRTs (old CRT + 5-story building + dumpster outside = FUN) -32" LCD (don't ask) -5500 256Mb -5700 LE -several power supplies -1996 BMW 325 IS
Asus A8N SLI Deluxe - Replaced the NB cooler and now the sound doesn't work, not quite sure how that works :/ However I repaired a 15" tft the other day, the SMT fuse on the power board had blown, piece of wire sorted it out, however naughty that may be
I broke 2 samsung 200 gig Sata hdd's, i wasn't paying attention at my temps, at 70c they stopped working, the 1st in the middle of a lan, the 2nd when I booted my pc at home, still don't know how though....
I had a computer laying around (luckily it sucks more than mine) with a nice case, so I decided to take the guts out and put my computer in it because my case was from an old P2 and had no rear ventilation. So I tried to take out off the heatsink to get to the screws undernieth it that were holding the mobo into the case, and when I ripped the heatsink off, the CPU stuck onto it and ripped a bunch of the pins off. Luckily it's an old 1.8ghz celeron so I don't miss it. Another time, I left my laptop downstairs and my sister invited a buynch of her friends to spend the night. One of her friends slept on top of my laptop and broke the screen. And that was my best laptop: 75mhz with a 300mb HDD and 16mb ram.
When my disks became to hot Windows became slow an being used on a 1 mHz computer... (moving mouse an a few seconds later the cursor moves)
There is a large hole on the top of my brother's Prescott 530 3.0E. I can't imagine what caused it other than when trying to separate the heatsink unit from the processor while cold. The solidified thermal paste was extremely sticky and--quite possibly--tore off a segment of the metal casket shielding the die in the separation process. The processor works perfectly fine and has seen worse, such as when I was ran Windows with it sans heatsink at 107°C.
3 hdds have died on me 20, 40 , 200 and i sort off killed a 300 a few days ago when i put too much pressure on the sata connector and the plastic bit broke off however i think it might still work cos the pins are all still intact i have done that back in the day (win 98) but it sort off was not my fault (my friend turned off hidden files and also extracted about 70 files into c: which i deleted along with boot.ini and a few others killed a cd burner when i was taking the face of my case and it caught the face of the cd burner and ripped the tray out also killed windows a few times and a few raid arrays as well