I've noticed it as well.. Don't post much on here, hell its like .5 posts a day... But then I guess " Quality over Quanity" (Customh) jk. ---Didn't it used to be Customhole?
Christ...One of my semi-frequent self-googling sessions turned this up. As has been said by a couple of people, I was in a job that banned b-t browsing whilst at work...At the time, my home connection was dialup (that never connected past 28k...REALLY poor line quality) and the whole real life thing got in the way. Spare time at work (I was at Microsoft...there was a lot of that) was spent elsewhere on the internet and, as Emma has pointed out, I have had a couple of job changes since...Stints at Cisco and a few other notables Currently working in Marketing in the telecoms industry...Did anyone see that one coming? Went from tech support, to tech project managing for telecoms, to tech support, to tech sales, to sales, to sales/marketing and back to telecoms... A year without daytime access to b-t and very little access outside of work meant I did wander elsewhere but hey, such is life. One finds ports when one can and if one can wind up the locals in said port...Then one should certainly go for it Other than that, I'm still with the beautiful Law, we live together in a two bedroom apartment in Yuppieville, Gateshead, I work six day weeks and we are both planning to move to Nottingham at the start of 2008...She's now a Laser tech for eye surgery shenanigans so...Life is good Future plans (other than heading to Notts...) include: Buying a house Getting cats Spending my pocket money on old, fast cars that look like old, slow cars. Sunday is really my only 'me time' day at the moment so if you want to grab me, penski at gmail dot com. Lat0r, bat0rs. *n
ah... finally got to adblock that damn avatar... ahhhhh the satisfaction. Nice to see you posting again penski.
Lot of oldies to be found in this thread. I stopped posting ages ago but the recent demise in quality of my new forums means I'm spending more and more time lurking around these hallowed halls
I don't really post that much here and I've not been around as long as some, but I do remember when some of the more famous posters round here joined... At least 3 forums that I've posted at more than here have been born and died since I signed up here... amazingly I still post here more than at OCAU.
So, anyone remember me or care about me ??? :'( *sobs in the corner* But yeah I presume most of the old-timers have got jobs now since most of us were all teenagers and have moved on, I post alot less now but still read the forums alot and the main site of course. Possibly the site has become more "mainstream" and has attracted the more casual readerbase?
Like Me! I'm sooo "mainstream" and casual that I can't even be bothered to create an Avatar and I only post in News/Pc/Console/General/Entertainment as I've never modded anything in my life, apart from my hair... However I am currently trying to out News the News section in the Console section because I find it funny
Now that Penski has been found, anyone know what happend to Zapwizard? I found Bit from a link on his web site which is now about 7 months out of date. I really liked his modding style and guides.
ahh i was sure this thread would get closed, what a pleasant surprise. folks are turning up from under the rocks!