When some people put "and" instead of "an", although it's more of a typo. It always confuses me when that happens.
teh isn't that bad, I do it myself all the time, its just a typo that the 1337 morons took over because they thought it was cool I try and spell check my posts before I submit but many don't bah I can't get this stupid spell check extension to work.
I have fewer coins. I have less money. No one seems to understand the subtle difference in there, "less" is overused to the max max max.
Apostrophes in the wrong places (or where they shouldn't even be) Tautologies People who think they're being clever by saying that split infinitives shouldn't be allowed (split nominatives are, so why not split infinitives?) Would/could of instead of would/could have Oh, and the rule for an is that is comes before any word beginning with a vowel or the letter h. So it is perfectly acceptable to say an hour, but also an hotel, an history etc. Talking of which, people that use "etc" more than once (as in "blah blah etc etc"). "Et cetera" means "and so on", there's no need to use it more than once. How long have you got?
I don't know if i'm eligible (spelling? ) to point out the spelling errors that are annoying me, as I am not native English speaker, but the ones that are really nasty are: - dropping out the apostrophe - cat's become cats, for not too concentrated reader it might make text sound completely nonsense - some acronyms that I can't decipher, - when people change the plural suffix from -ies to -ys, like buddys instead of buddies - "k" instead of "c" - like crav maga instead of krav maga (bad example, but you get the idea) theese are from the top of my head... maybe I'll come up with some more.
Most of them do (the only one that doesn't get to me is "its" vs. "it's", as I always seem to struggle with that one), but "loose" vs. "lose" probably bugs the hell out of me the most, followed by "their\there\they're" and "know" vs. "no", especially when it's part of a larger word.
"Their/They're/There", "Its and It's", not so much general apostrophisation, but people who put too many exclamation/question marks too. One's enough. As well as ..., it's 3 full stops, not a million... But my worst hate of all is ppl who abbrv8 wrds. Not really text speak, but the online version. At least text speak has a purpose, typing takes virtually no effort at all. :\
Don't have too much of an issue with typo's tend to either ignore/not notice them most of the time... Grammar is more of an issue though, as the sentance just doesnt sound/flow right at all...
lol, before I started this thread I made sure that I spell checked it all just to avoid this kind of embarrassment! As for other mistakes, I'd have to agree that 'alot' is also pretty high on my list of hates! Generally I don't find grammar mistakes as annoying, the only ones that I can think of are - when people refuse to use full stops (periods for our American chums) and capitalisation making for a completely unintelligible post - when people use double/triple/quadruple/... negatives when there is no need! Stop beating around the bush and just say what you are going to say damn it!
The only ones that really annoy me are the ones that I make and don't catch before I submit the post. I hate having to go back and edit a post. I find myself mentally correcting spelling mistakes as I read posts. But grammar mistakes probably irritate me more.
Almost all of the above. Terrible grammar, horrendous punctuation and poor spelling drive me insane. A88: Acronyms are abbreviations. They're just a particular type of abbreviation, another example of an abbreviation is an initialism.
any where there is a z when there should be a s while not strictly a spelling error it just shits me off
I dont mind spelling mistakes as long as someone then corrects their mistakes and makes an effort to remember next time. I'm terrible myself though, and use "effect/affect" incorrectly, and make quite a few mistakes. There is another one - quite and quiet! I see that all the time! Two completely different words, but so often wrong.
Quiet is much harder to type than quite, I often write quite and then have to delete it to write quite quiet