New MP for us, both Bournemouth wards are now Labour. Neighbouring Poole is having a recount as supposedly 6 votes separated the incumbent Tory and their Labour challenger. Elsewhere, I'm delighted to see JR-M lose his seat.
Ours is a new constituency, Lib Dems won! In our old constituency, the Tory was also beaten by the Lib Dems. Somerset was dominated by the Tories, now they have just one seat in the county.
I woke up and OMEGA-lul’d this morning. It felt like I’d just hit god mode in Quake. Now we just need Starmer to resign and put someone in who people will like.
Okay, now I'm at a computer instead of my phone I can actually look into things a bit better. First, Labour won! Yay! Second, no, Labour didn't win, the Tories lost. Labour actually got 600,000 fewer votes than in 2019, where it lost dramatically to the Tories. Ouch. Four million votes for Reform is... troubling, even if you generously assume half of those were ill-considered protest votes. However, it's a decline in total right-wing votes over 2019: back then the Tories and Brexit Party combined had 14.5 million votes, whereas this time the Tories and Reform combined have only 10.7 million votes. That's cheering. (And also, thanks Reform - if you'd done what you did in 2019 and stood your candidates down, the Tories would probably have beaten Labour. Again.) What's less cheering is that, as above, Reform will now receive over a million pounds a year, every year, from the public coffers, right through to the next election (or whenever one or more of 'em does something stupid and gets kicked out triggering a by-election, which... let's be honest, it's probably not going to take long, is it?) Also, bless Ed Davey. He's going to have to figure out how to one-up bungee jumping next election, isn't he? Skydiving? Wing-walking? Ooh, maybe he could learn fire-breathing! Happy to see some of the ghastlier Tories are now on the dole, including the Haunted Pencil. Wonder what name Grant Shapps will put on his jobseeker's form?
I’ve been postal voting for years. Due to them being asshats. I went to the polling station 50ft from my old flat to vote on Brexit and they told me I couldn’t vote there and had to walk 7 miles to “my one” So I didn’t vote at all in the end. This was my first postal vote. In a main election obs. As I typed that the live stream I’m watching just said “people weren’t voting for Starmer they were voting to get the Tories out”
I think you’ll find those “Ill considered” votes were the opposite. A lot of people (like me) would not have voted at all if they did not vote for Reform. I considered every party but they are all equally shat so I placed a vote that would get the Tories out, get Labour in, yet I would not have to feel the guilt if (or rather when) they run the country into the ground. I’d call that very well considered.
Yup, pretty much this as there is nothing attractive about any of the candidates or policies, I was happy to stick with the status quo, suits my situation coming up to retirement. Labour flip flopped on so many things in the run up to not upset the apple care, it will be interesting to see what they actually put in their first budget now they are in. Particularly how they will attack home owners, savers because people who save aren't working people and pensions.
Which is ironic given Smarmers right hand lady has been using the public credit card to fund her multiple homes. It’s just all broken beyond repair IMO.
My seat is one of the safest Tory seats, they win every election by over 50%, since around WWII, and even the councils are NOC at best. Lib Dems sent loads of leaflets as the only alternative, Tories and Labour didn't really try. Result: Lib Dems win with a decent cushion, Tories wiped out in whole county, though my seat's Tory + Reform vote is a few hundred more.
Shame there weren’t more seats going dark green (Plaid) instead of red, but kinda expected that. I though the Tories would at least hang on to Ynys Mon and Vale of Glamorgan, very pleased to see them swap. Objectively not true. It was the second time the police investigated Angela Raynor following smears from greasy little Tory scumbags who didn’t like “that northern woman”, and it was the second time she was found to have done nothing wrong. Even if she’d been liable for capital gains tax, we’re talking about a bill of £1,500 - ****ing hell, hand me the non-existent bill, I can pay that no ****ing problem. Meanwhile Nadhim Zahawi owed HMRC £5 million in unpaid tax & fines, and Michelle Mone’s shell company was bunged £220 million fraudulent contracts to deliver goods that were so unsuitable that they had to be destroyed. And she was made a baroness afterwards. I’ve squinted and tried as hard as I can, and… I’m sorry, I still can’t see the moral equivalence.
Just the usual formality, with the monarch, for an outgoing PM. He has also said he will resign the party leadership, as soon as the arrangements for electing a new leader are in place.
Yeah, I'm gunna need a citation on that one, bud, because it smells like a propo line you've just swallowed. [edit] Byron got there already.
Labour won in my seat and my old seat. There was a boundary shift, my area moved from Tory safe to labour safe seat. Old area went from blue to red. I personally really like the freedom to choose whichever party I most agree with. Knowing my seat will be won by a party I don't completely oppose. (I'd hate to be voting in Clacton, somewhere I've been a few times for day sea side trips)