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Blogs Why I don’t like consoles

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 9 Apr 2009.

  1. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
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    I have a Wii and a PS3, and for me consoles have been completely relegated to social gaming.
    I remember the initial excitement over MGS4, Uncharted and KZ2, but after that, it all fizzled for me.
    My PC rules my gaming interests at least.
  2. goafreak

    goafreak What's a Dremel?

    30 May 2006
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    I learned to play FPS on my overclocked and modded PC. I switched to a Xbox360 and thebeginning was very hard... Now I'd say I really can play every FPS on my XBox (projector, 5.1 surround) almost(!) as good as on my PC, and I don't have to worry about cheaters, permormance, updated, drivers and so many other stuff. I was a PC gamer and now I'm a console gamer, and I'm happy. Just my 2 cent. PC's and consoles have their unique advantages and disadvantages. If you enjoy to play, try both and decide yourself.
  3. bridgesentry

    bridgesentry 3verything must bee wat3rcooled

    7 Jan 2009
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    We gamers don't have any choice. Game developers like consoles and we must run to consoles too.
    For me, PC is still a must have for Warcraft 3 and old games. But a lot of my time of day is to play console games: Ace Combat 6, Elderscroll 4, Saints Row 1 and 2...
    And a bit about health problem:10 tips to protect your eyes while gaming
    Console gaming maybe better than PC gaming for eyes' health of casual gamer (who plays less than 1 hr per day, hardcore gamer certainly has some more problems).
    Last edited: 10 Apr 2009
  4. naokaji

    naokaji whatever

    8 Dec 2006
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    Some games simply can't work on consoles due to their crappy controllers, like proper rts or mmorgps.

    Since I play both regularly, I have a gaming capable pc anyway, which means the cost benefit of a console equals nil.
    Add to that the need for a quality tv and whoops, suddenly a console would be a huge extra expense.

    What is becomming a ever increasing argument for me to not touch a console is that the big game titles are getting crapier and in return indie titles which most of the time are not avaliable on consoles are turning into the better games, simply put, all the copy paste coded games out there can't compare to certain indie games if it comes to quality of gameplay and fun.
  5. tejas

    tejas What's a Dremel?

    30 Sep 2008
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    Excellent post Mark. I personally believe in the superiority of the PC over consoles. The PC is the thinking man's and intellectual's gaming machine.

    Console gaming is for idiotic uneducated detritus who dribble when they watch an Xbox 360 or Sony PS3 ad with no understanding of their limited capabilities. In addition console gaming is a very western thing whilst the PC is popular all over, particularly in Eastern Europe, India and China.

    So more power to the PC in my humble opinion!
  6. eek

    eek CAMRA ***.

    23 Jan 2002
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  7. Comet

    Comet What's a Dremel?

    21 Jan 2009
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    As most people over here are replying I too prefer the PC for gaming. For me it is the best entertainment system in the market.
    There is a misconception that PC gaming is expensive. It is not. The problem is you need to know what you are buying. And this is way I think the PC is better than any console. With the right hardware you have something that surpasses the Xbox 360 and the PS3 graphicaly at about the same price range but not only that it gives you a hell of a lot more options. The question as a gamer is simple.
    If I could get a machine that allowed me to do everything for a good price vs a machine that gave me a pretty user experience what would I choose?
    I think the answer is clear. it is the PC.
    The only thing that makes consoles success is the hype generated by a very well achieved marketing machine.
  8. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    I play FPS, RTS and racing sim games on the PC. But for months now, my staple games machines have been my DS and my PS2 - been hooked on Dragon Quest IV and V on the DS, and Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 on the PS2. My gaming PCs having been in boxes for the last three months has something to do with that, but still... ;)

    I don't think consoles are any better than a PC for gaming, they're just different. :) Older consoles had a different focus (they rarely had FPS games, and frequently played up the 'social' aspect of gaming) while modern consoles are almost trying to be computers - they've got several of the signs (always on internet, FPS, RTS, little to no split screen meaning that any multiplayer gaming has to be via the 'net, patches due to things not being tested well enough before release) the only thing they're really lacking is proper mouse and keyboard support. Which, given the wonders of USB, shouldn't be that hard!

    Actually, that is one big issue I have with modern consoles - the hardware is fixed (for a given value of 'fixed' anyway) so there is absolutely no excuse for needing to patch a game post-release! I can understand it with PCs, as there are too many different hardware possibilities out there for testers to check everything... but that excuse holds no water on a console. So why are the manufactuers/devs allowed to get away with it?
  9. Spaceraver

    Spaceraver Ultralurker

    19 Jan 2006
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    If and only if the console is given to me, I could justify playing on a console. But I will never buy another console again. Haven't had one since the SNES died. It's just not worth it. Limited range of applications, no upgradeability. and the lack of keyboard and mouse is killing the faith in a console for FPS.
  10. Dragon

    Dragon What's a Dremel?

    20 Jul 2001
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    I have both, and both are great in what they do, but I'd rather get rid of the PC completely than turn into a snobbish ****** like the above poster.

    Seriously, your argument is that all console gamers are basically mentally retarded, do you really think that's an intelligent argument to make?
  11. itazura


    10 Jun 2008
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    ^ that's exactly how i feel. obviously, i own and use both -- like you said, they're both great at what they do. sometimes i really do feel like just walking away from the pc gaming "scene" due to comments like the one you quoted. you're no better or worse for using one or the other -- it's a choice and everyone is free to make the one that suits them, without fear of being called a moron for expressing that choice.
  12. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    I have both (well I have 4, Gaming PC, Gaming Laptop, PS3 and X360), I enjoy both, End of story.
  13. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    I won a 360. Played GTA4 and GoW2 on it and gave it away. I just can't stand the fixed resolutions/framerates in my games. I did keep a controller though, useful for ports (Last Remnant, Devil May Cry 4).
    Had I won a PS3 I would've kept it since it can actually do 1080p and I want a blu ray player eventually. Also JRPG's. PC is getting some (hopefully FF13 with square releasing on steam), but Valkyrie Chronicles and another Persona would be fun.
  14. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    Oddly, while there are a couple of JRPGs on the PS3, there are more on the 360 at the minute. :( Eternal Sonata is a port from the 360, although Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea 3 are exclusive to the PS3. The 360 has Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Eternal Sonata, The Last Remnant and Star Ocean: The Last Hope. And as Disgaea 3 is an SRPG, I dunno whether to count it, even though it's the game that has sucked the most of my time on my PS3.

    I want Persona 5, though, for sure. :D
  15. Skiddywinks

    Skiddywinks Minimodder

    10 Aug 2008
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    I can appreciate console graphics are easily surpassed by computers (hell, I do sigh a little when I load up Gears 2 or Halo 3, after a session of Crysis on my 4870X2 and Q9550), but you only seem to be pointing out the negatives of consoles.

    What about sitting on your couch with some buddies and playing split screen, and actually being able to punch them in the arm when they frag you, rather than merely shout expletives at them down a mic (which, while fun, is no substitute for good old fashion physical violence. Online gaming just isn't as intimate as getting your friends around for pizza and gaming (and just for the record, I do love L4D with some friends over Steam more than a lot of things).

    But mainly, you are forgetting price. People are always going on about value of graphics cards, and even this websites Buyer's Guides tout the excellent value of some graphics cards as their main selling point. The fact of the matter is, despite some not so poished graphics, you are still getting a LOT for your money. I could buy two Xbox 360s for the cost of just my graphics card. How can you say no to that kind of value?

    The problem with posts like this blog post is that they just reek of bias. No one hates computers, and no one hates consoles. They are just not catered for your needs. Consoles aren't ****, or useless, they are just meant for a different demographic. You might as well go on about you hate budget cards because they can't run games with full AA and can't pump out the lighting you like.

    It really is no wonder why high end PC gamers have such a bad rep of being elitest assholes. And I mean no offence by that, as this blog post is easily one of the more civilised and non-offensive posts I have read discussing the author's dislike of consoles, but come on.
  16. WildThing

    WildThing Minimodder

    26 Jul 2007
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    I have to say, well said sir!

    Don't get me wrong, I am quite strictly a PC gamer, and there are many aspects of consoles that make me shudder, eg. controls/controller, lack of AA/AF, lack of "tweakability" (I need to tweak man!) etc. However I do accept, as you said Skiddywinks, that consoles are for a different demographic. Also I do find myself quite often having to tone down or sugarcoat my opinions of consoles because I know so many people who only know consoles and have no idea about the wonderous things PC's can do! ;) And when they keep bashing PC's/PC gaming (even though they may be clueless), I become increasingly like the elitest assholes you refer to towards the end of your post.

    Just my two cents.
  17. Skiddywinks

    Skiddywinks Minimodder

    10 Aug 2008
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    Of course, don't get me wrong, there are just as bad console fanboys as there are "elitest PC fanboys", and probably more of them given the availability of such consoles.

    It's just that console Vs PC is just as subjective as rap Vs rock, or Game x Vs Game Y. At the end of the day, you go for what you look for, and sod everyone else. You shouldn't have to defend your opinion on the matter against anybody, but voicing it in a way such as this (or even the far worse ways I have seen in the author's defense) are not the way of going about keeping the peace. All the issues brought up in this blog post are for valid reasons (mainly to save money so the console is cheap), but none of these reasons are explored, or even acknowledged as valid. The post just comes across as "Consoles suck", and someone might say that because they do not suit their needs/desires, but that is hardly a reason to "hate" or "dislike" them. They clearly are not meant for said person in such a case.

    I could say I hate rap and casual games, but that is being entirely unfair because they were not created for my tastes. I simply do not desire what they have to offer.
    Last edited: 15 Apr 2009
  18. hodgy100

    hodgy100 Minimodder

    2 Jun 2008
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    i like pc gaming and console gaming.

    I prefer the PC gaming community as you arent a bunch of 13 year olds that go on about how tex pstripple suxors and teh xbox3fixme is shite, also modding Cheesecake and uber graphics :p

    consoles on the other hand, i like the simplicity of it, if i want a quick game i just turn on my PS3, i also prefer action adventure type games and these are better suited to consoles.
  19. chimaera

    chimaera What's a Dremel?

    12 Jan 2007
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    I use a PC, along with a PS3 and an Xbox 360 - each have their benefits. Consoles I find are a lot of fun for social games - four mates with a few beers around the TV (these days the obvious is Rock Band and Guitar Hero but there are lots of suitable games out there).

    PC I find better for solo or internet play - PS3's online capabilities aren't worth the money you pay for it (yes I know its free) while the 360 online gamersphere has a shockingly high twunt ratio.
  20. hrp8600

    hrp8600 What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2009
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    I have got out of the console trap after the saturn, ps1, and N64 .
    was fed up getting the next big console, so moved to PC's and never looked back. Its just better value and better games - well it used to be better games , as now consoles seem to be where the development is and we are getting dummed down games. But why pay £50 for a game when you can get if for less than £20 on PC, with better graphics, free DLC, free online play.
    As for split screen gaming never liked it, Its like playing battle ships side by side , instead of face to face. if you want social gaming link 2 PC's.
    Any way cosoles are morphing in to PC's slowly.
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