Hello, I would like to buy a wireless internet reciever for my comp at uni for recieving wireless internet. I am confused with what to buy?should i buy a router, hub or a usb adapter?I was thinking of buying the DLink DI-524.Can it also act as a normal adsl router(for future proofing)?
an USB Adapter or PCI card will work. You don't need a router to receive. Routers send internet. any thing From DLink to Linksys to blinkin to Net Gear to 3Com just check the sender ( Router ) the University have. If it's G go for G type adapter and try to get a good ant. , If it is N go for N type Adapter and you will be fine and welcome to BT I hope you enjoy it again Routers SEND ONLY! Adapters receive ONLY
If you are going to uni and want the internet a PCI Wireless card is what you need for a computer. Most uni rooms have a network port to plug into to get access to the nternet so as long as you have a network port on the back of your computer you will be fine then.