Some people will believe anything, and act upon it. I just hope there are someone who's embarrassed, what a waist of money and time. I posted this at the videos of awesome thread but it fits here quite well
Left Thursday having never heard of this, came back from my camping trip Sunday to hear that the Rapture was supposed to have come over the weekend, had a good laugh and sat down at my desk.
The only things really pisses me off about this kind of stuff is that they (even the mental devout cult nutjobs) will refuse to see this as proof that they're wrong. As for the pet owners, if i ever meet someone who did that they'll be wishing that they'd put themselves down as i stamp on their heads shouting 'Where's your god now?!'.
Especially the cult nutjobs will not see this as proof that they are wrong. Camping is already saying that he just made a mistake in his calculations (forgot to carry the one. Don't you just hate it when that happens?); apparently it's all going to go down 5 months later, on the 21st October.
Being honest i was extremely angry upon reading/typing that. Now that i've calmed down i'm already thinking of far more elaborate methods of making them see common sense. Anyway, in a bizarre roundabout way i hope that they learn something from it AND have to live with the murder of their 'beloved' pets on their conscience, i suppose that is some punishment.
Y'all keep talking as if these people are actually open-minded enough to learn something from this experience? Foolish mortals. You know that these guys will rationalise that their pets are in heaven, or otherwise that, since they don't actually have a soul anyway, it doesn't really matter. Within two weeks of coming to terms with the disappointment they'll beat a path to the nearest pet shop to get another unconditionally accepting attachment object to play god over. As above, so below.
This approach assumes they're rational enough to see common sense, an assumption already disproved I'd suggest. Throbbi, I want my rep back!
I'm surprised Vets allowed them to do this. I do lol at the people who spent their life savings before this day. What morons.
Sunday was like the end of the world when I flushed my rads out and found two of them leaking. I blame the nut jobs for it, Oh and one of my fish died. That in it's own is proof they they almost got it right.
Theres some real idiots on this planet now they should put the pet owners down No jeff they was ruptured not raptured lol
Had an interesting discussion about whether or not the rapture happened, ended up coming to the comical conclusion that it may well have happened. Take a group of yourself and 99 other people. Get to know each other, mingle a bit, then take away three at random. Shorting of counting how many people are left do you honestly think you would even notice? It's highly unlikely. The entire 3% of the population could have gone off to Heaven without you noticing. Your neighbor who you never really talk to, you'd just assume he/she moved away. The guy who sits at the desk on the other end of the office, transfered to a different department. All the countless people you see every day that you don't know wouldn't even need an explanation, you simply wouldn't notice. Now what you would notice was close family and friends. However, people tend to stick to others with similar beliefs. Likely anyone who is deemed faithful will go taken along with their entire circle of closest relations. To those outside the family their disappearance can be explained like the examples above, moved away perhaps. Afterall, they were that weird religious family that you kind of tried to avoid. Add in the fact that this is over the entire world and it gets even more plain to see why you might not notice. Entire remote villages may have all been deemed faithful and taken to Heaven with no one around to notice, or indeed people may notice but the issue doesn't reach global news since it comes from such a remote/foreign/impoverished area of the world. How often do you hear news reports from small villages in Peru? Obviously this is not proof that the Rapture did happen, merely that it is alarmingly likely. For details on this reasoning, see the conspiracy theory thread.