I am looking for a complete and updated list of all XBOX multi-link CO-OP games, (not enough of them if you ask me) I enjoy the co-op games with my son and deathmatch just gets boring!! Must be multi-link. Thanks.
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow can be a lot of fun. Me and 3 mates used to play it on Xbox live but you can do system link as well. It was 2 teams of 2. Not sure how it works on system link though. I think the newer Spliner Cell Chaos theory has an option to play through the single player game, but with two of you. That's probably a good laugh. Oh yeah, the old classic: Crimson Skies. I'm pretty sure that's system link compatible too. Great dogfighting game.
With Splinter cell Caos Theory you can play in Co-op mode as on Xbox live as not; bought today Maybe Halo2 but i am not sure if in CO-OP works on system link Ciao