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Other Your most hated games

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Pete J, 30 Sep 2010.

  1. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Probably been done before but the search function didn't come up with anything, plus it's always good to vent.

    Let us know what your most hated game(s) is/are! Here are mine:

    1= ) Far Cry 2

    A complete let down for me. The single most annoying feature was the respawning guard points, along with the enemy vehicles that could miraculously catch up with you, so even running away from trouble wasn't an option. Couple that with the stupid malaria gimmick and the lacklustre graphics (this game was supposed to oust Crysis as 'best looking game ever') and you have a blockbuster flop.

    1= ) Left4Dead (1+2)

    In itself, the game is pretty 'meh' - I have played this with friends and they agree. What annoys me is how popular it is; I feel like I'm the only one who realises that the game is distinctly average. What's that? it has an AI director? NO IT DOESN'T! It just randomly spawns different enemies at different points! If you want to play a proper zombie killing game, play Killing Floor - it's so much more fun.

    However, the biggest crime of the L4D series is the fact that IT DELAYS HL2 EP3! Valve, stop working on this waste of space and deliver the game that everybody really wants!

    3) DarkStar One

    Admittedly I played this game about three years after it was released but good God is it boring. The same stuff over and over again - I never bothered finishing it.
  2. Kovoet

    Kovoet What's a Dremel?

    26 Aug 2009
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    Easy only one and every one of the series.

  3. Nealieboyee

    Nealieboyee Packaging Master!

    14 Aug 2009
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    BLASPHEMY!!! lol. BC2 is great!!

    My personal hate is

    Alone in the dark. Couldn't play longer than ten minutes. Felt like i was playing on an xbox without any buttons on the controller.

    Medal of honour - pacific assault.....Disappointing. Nothing will ever touch the original
  4. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I could not possibly agree more. The only Valve games I have not liked, and I dislike them vehemently.

    A thing that bothers me is the time based challenge of the game, particularly compared to Killing Floor (which I haven't played in a bit... need to change that tonight). Yes, you have to be skilled enough to hold off the zombies, but half the game is running forward. I find it to be more stressful than fun, like those stupid "Race to the finish" challenges in Smash Bros games. Anything which specifically punishes a player for taking his/her time bothers me. Compare that to Killing Floor where your goal is to eliminate all zombies. Whatever method, however long it takes, doesn't matter. It's about being skilled enough to defeat them all, not about who can get to the safehouse first without getting grabbed by a smoker.

    A game I would like to put forth: Heroes of Newerth. Totally killed DotA for me, it was that distressing. First of all, notice that's Newerth, not Newearth. Damn homophones. Getting into the actual game, the first thing that I noticed is how closely it resembles the WC3 DotA mod. Even down to the color. In a 5v5 game you expect two teams of five, each with their own color, correct? Not in this game! Each team of five has a different color for each player, with no theme at all. What color is the other team? The same five colors in a darker shade of each! A clever person might notice it is the color options for WC3. I can understand wanting to be faithful to its roots, but the color scheme was a limitation of WC3. Other DotA remakes like League of Legends have corrected this with a unified color scheme for each team.

    Now that you've gotten past the colors, it's time to pick a character. Hmm, which one of the 30+ should you pick? Apparently, in some people's minds, simply releasing hordes of new characters is a substitute for balancing the existing ones. But you manage to pick one, it's just the simple Agi/Str/Int style like WC3 anyway. You are swiftly greeted by a voice deeper than the Mariana Trench which fierely proclaims your chosen character's name in the most epic-esque tone it is capable of creating.

    So you start a real game and swiftly die. Your are greeted with a line in the chat menu stating that the other player "pwned your head!". Is this $30 game created by 12 year old CS:S AWP whores? So you shrug that off and get back in there. Uh oh, now all of your team has died! Mr. Announcer again violates your ears with a brutal exclamation of "Genocide!". Meanwhile, text reading "Genocide" pops up on your screen in a font that appears to have been stolen from the cover of Burnout: Paradise. And again, your head has been pwned. On top of being dead, you have just witnessed the most schizophrenic game design in the history of man.

    By now you just want to quit. You want to get back to League of Legends before DotA is ruined forever in your mind, but you can't. You vote to concede and four players agree, but "that guy" simply refuses to give up, even in the face of certain defeat. Sadly, 100% votes are required for everything. You are utterly drained of any desire to keep on playing, let alone game in general, yet you can't even stop. All that is left is a swift F4 followed by an a bitter uninstall.
    Pete J likes this.
  5. Nikols

    Nikols What's a Dremel?

    13 Oct 2009
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    Fallout 3 - bored the absolute shoite out of me. I hate having to stand around having interative conversations with game characters. Just point me in a direction and tell me to shoot
  6. PureSilver

    PureSilver E-tailer Tailor

    16 Dec 2008
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    Far Cry 2's definitely up there - it could have been so, so good (good new setting, realism, acceptable graphics, good weaponry, fire etc) and it was ruined by such easily fixable things (boring missions, respawning enemies, total lack of allies, failure to 'hold' conquered terrain, overdone malaria mechanic, unacceptable lack of proper flying vehicles). That was compounded by the decision not to release an SDK, so none of the mods that could fix these issues was ever released.

    Resistance (the PS3 game) is also up there - an interesting Anglo-American WWII take on the alien invasion theme ruined by an ending on a par with the "wah wah waaaaah" noise they used to segue bad TV shows with. The atmosphere and ambience didn't make up for the irritating camera, either.

    I don't agree about L4D, though, loved those games and reckon in a 'real' zombie apocalypse the run-like-s***-factor would be pretty high anyway.
  7. TheMusician

    TheMusician Audio/Tech Enthusiast/Historian

    13 Jul 2009
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    GTA4. Only because they took all the fun out of it.
  8. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    StarCraft 2.

    Revolutionary plot? No, it's just tired, old, bollocks. Badly done at that. Gameplay hasn't moved forward in ten years. Yet everyone labels it 'gripping', 'tense' and 'a breakthrough'.

    New Zelda games.


    Any New DOTA Game

    They all have a single map and they are all exactly the same. At least give us some cosmetic differences and stop hiding behind the 'But, oh, that one map is all we need and is so perfectly balanced' excuse because it's ********. It's only perfectly balanced for people who've been playing since the dawn of time and who insist on taking all the fun out of the game with their pedantry, macros, elitism and insistence on using microphones. Even then it's not perfect, they've just adapted playstyles to suit it.


    Stopshoutingatme, stopshoutingatme, stopshoutingatme-youstupidteenagetwat. This would be a fun game if it weren't for the players.

    Mass Effect 2

    Just joking. That game is pretty much perfect.
    Last edited: 1 Oct 2010
  9. October

    October Mariachi Style

    20 Jul 2009
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    You just haven't found the right servers yet, go on at about 3 in the morning, things are a lot more civil. Also try Insurgency, an awesome bunch of people play it!

    Personally I found Farcry 2 annoying but I was expecting that so it didn't inspire that much rage - more meh, everyone was right.

    Halo CE on the pc. Horrible game. And apparently I can't even install 2 :grr:
  10. bagman

    bagman Minimodder

    18 Apr 2009
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    balders gate on the pc is one of my least favourite games

    balders gate 1+2 dark alliance on the PS2 however is one of my favourite games
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    I take that Halo CE comment as a dagger to the heart Oct :( I played through it on the PC just fine, although it was better on the Xbox.

    Also want to add to Joe's Counter Strike comments - you're so unbelievably right about that... the game is one of the best in the world, but the idiot players ruin it. I happen to know from personal experience that it is a lot better when you're in either a clan or community, because there is that sense of community spirit and anyone who starts anything with you or anyone else on a public server or in a match instantly gets flamed into silence by your clan or community mates.

    +1 to Oct's recommendation of Insurgency... that's a superb mod with some fantastic friendly, tactical players if you find the right server.

    I both love and hate BF 2142. I hate that it takes 24 hours to install, and I hate that it's one of the most buggy games in history, and I hate that there are so many stat padders on every server and nothing was ever done about fixing the bugs that allowed stat padding in the first place, and I hate that EA didn't make a better job of the graphics at the time (which they could have). I do love playing it (and kicking ass even though I say so myself) once I do get it installed and running without CTD'ing every 5 minutes though. Good gameplay for the most part.
  12. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    far cry 2 - no really, wtf happened?
    the halo series - since when did innovations mean digging something out of the pc gaming bargain bin from 1996?
    the cod series (what it has now become) - because everyone has ADHD and is a screaming retard, you paid 60 quid for this you dumb ****s!
    supreme commander 2 - sequels are supposed to add new features to what made the original game so good, not take it away and leave a "**** you" in its place.
    race driver grid - because you all think its clever to start in reverse and ping off other drivers.
  13. hyperion

    hyperion Minimodder

    30 Jun 2007
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    Riven, the sequel to Myst, is the worst game I've ever played. Really frustrating and terribly boring.
  14. Tangster

    Tangster Butt-kicking for goodness!

    23 May 2009
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    For my part, I disliked Jade Empire and Star Wars:KOTOR2.
    Most disappointing however must be C&C 4. Don't get me wrong, I loved the cutscenes, but the gameplay was atrocious.
  15. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I love BF2142! I seem to have been better off than most in the bug department so it was just an all around great game!
  16. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Glad to see I'm not alone on this!
    I don't hate it but there's something about it which just doesn't grab me. I bought it at launch and have yet to play more than an hour into the game, despite many efforts to do so. Plus, I hate the 'Rockstar Cafe' DRM thingy.
    I never understood the fuss over the original: personally I found it way too hard and the gameplay a bit boring so I used cheats to get through it. The cutscenes were awesome though!
    It's just too damned hard for newcomers. It seems as though any normal person is picked off with a headshot from a Glock across the map within three seconds of spawning. Shattered Horizon - that's a much better game IMHO.

    Oh f**k yes!
    I haven't even bothered to look at Myst or Riven, I know they'll bore me to death. They just strike me as the kind of game, that if they were people, would be dressed trendily, hang around in Starbucks and be writing their pretentious 'novels' on their Macbook.
  17. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Myst will always be that game that I remember playing when I was ~7 because my parents thought it would be a good thinking game for a kid to play. Little did they know it would spawn an avid PC gamer. The idea of it being pretentious makes a bit of sense when I try to look at it objectively, but I just can't visualize the same scene as you without busting out laughing because I always see a little kid trying to order an espresso and not being able to see the barrista over the counter! :hehe:
  18. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Far Cry 2: such a dissapointment, and it had so much potential..just so much.

    +1 on GRID, it's fun and all, but the multiplayer in one word: messy
  19. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Starcraft 2: Why is everyone getting so hyped up by this? The gameplay so backward! It feels just like Starcraft 1 with slightly better graphics. RTS have moved so far since then, and its just draaaaged the genre back ten years, so the mainstream think its still exactly the same. What I want is Starcraft 2 - built using the World in Conflict engine. Thank you.

    Final Fantasy: This game bores me to tears. Grind, grind grind grind. Have a battle where you TAKE IT IN TURNS (!!!) to hit each other. Some ridiculous cutscenes and overegged story. I literally have no idea why someone would spend 50 - 100 hours of their precious life playing this game.

    Empires Strikes Back on the Gameboy - why was this game so ridiculously hard? It ruined my childhood.
  20. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Project Sylpheed
    It's actually awesome, but OMG it's hard as tempered steel nails.

    Any sandbox game
    This includes: GTA (3 and after), Dead Rising Far Cry 2, and countless others.
    They just bore me to death. It's always like this:
    "oooooh.. .a nuke... maybe it'll go off if I pee against it.... what? Can't pee? Maybe if I punch it... Nope... damn... ghey..." followed by an uninstall. I know it's retarded, but the thought of "YOu could really run around the streets naked in this game, and shoot hookers" Just doen't appeal to me. I like linear story lines.

    COD - W@W
    WTF! Especially after Modern Warfare. WTF.

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