What constitutes a "knife"?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Guest-16, 13 Jul 2008.

  1. wolfticket

    wolfticket Downwind from the bloodhounds

    19 Apr 2008
    Devon, England
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    Does it make me a bad person that I went straight for the Crocodile Dundee reference also.

    However, in all seriousness, I hope the anti-knife campaign doesn't get to the point where people can't legally carry multitools, or knifes when trekking. That would just be stupid.
    Last edited: 17 Jul 2008
  2. I'm_Not_A_Monster

    I'm_Not_A_Monster Hey, eat this...

    22 Dec 2003
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    what makes you think they won't hurt you if you give them what they want? some people just like to hurt other people. unless i got a reason to be docile i'm putting up a fight, those punks are going to earn what they take from me
  3. rls669

    rls669 i can has dremel?

    15 Mar 2008
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  4. notatoad

    notatoad pretty fing wonderful

    25 Jun 2004
    alberta, canada Special:very
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    ^ not to mention nobody gives a damn if you do carry a knife here. my ski coach carries a bone-handled 3" knife everywhere, including out to dinner in the city when we go on trips. nobody ever says anything, and it's strapped to his belt and very visible.
  5. bahgger

    bahgger Minimodder

    13 Apr 2005
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    Durrr perhaps its visibility highlights the fact that he intends for it to be used as a functional tool rather than as a weapon. If someone puts a knife on his belt when it can fit into his pocket then surely it shows the people around that he has nothing to hide (except the crack cocaine in his shoe sole :shifty: )
  6. Major

    Major Guest

    Yes, yes I would.

    And most attackers are ****ing cowards, hence why they need to use a knife. And if they aren't a coward, they could/will possibly stab you after you have given them the money/refused to give them the money.

    Many sides to the story I'm afraid.
  7. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
    Bristol, UK
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    If they want to hurt you they most likely wouldn't ask for it.
  8. Major

    Major Guest

    Lol Veles just stop, you change everything we are saying. It's quite common for people to take money and stab after, like how the Mafia used to get all the information they could, then shoot the guy after.
  9. I'm_Not_A_Monster

    I'm_Not_A_Monster Hey, eat this...

    22 Dec 2003
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    thats true, but then we'd be talking about some bloke that just wants to hit someone, not a mugger. personally, unless i got a good reason not to fight back, i'm not going down easy. most likely a mugger would turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble, and if it was someone looking for a fight they can deal with the pissed off 6'5" guy with a knife.

    you can't let people take advantage of you, give 'em hell.

    .:EDIT:. personally, if i were a mugger i would ask first specifically for people like you. it's easy to assume that the money is in the wallet, but if i command them to fork it over and the person cows to an attacker so easily, they might offer up a money-belt or something similar. why just assume when you can try to get them to offer up all their cash?
  10. Arkanrais

    Arkanrais What's a Dremel?

    14 Jul 2007
    Wangamadness, New Zealand
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    but what do you do if a reasonable mugger politely asks you for $15 so he can grab something from McDonald's, while pointing a knife at you?
    I'm another for going down with a fight if I get mugged, though I suspect muggers try to stare clear of heavy looking 6'3" with a pissed off look about them, though the longest knife I might* have on me has a 3.25" ( 8cm ) blade
    *might, as in if I forget to take it out of my pocket having used it at home.

    on a side note, I'll never forget the time I was caught with fireworks in my bag at school. I was called to the deputy principals office where I consented to a bag search and when they pulled out a black folder of mine, a large dagger (it was actually a letter opener, and blunt as hell) fell out of it. everyone just about shat them self though I didn't think anything of it. I had forgot to take the dagger out of the folder when I was drawing in it at home the night before, but at least they let me get my mum to get it back for me. /random flashback
  11. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
    Bristol, UK
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    OK so now your saying some chav mugger is actually a italian mobster? I'm not changing anything I'm saying. You're the one who one post was manning up grabbing a knife when some bloke was in your garden then the next post saying how people who resort to knives are weak cowards.
  12. walle

    walle Modder

    5 Jul 2006
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    A knife
  13. Major

    Major Guest

    You're not intelligent are you?

    Read my post, I said "like how", it was a comparison, like how people say "stealing online is like stealing from a shop", it isn't, but it is.

    And attacking is totally different than defending, did you not know that? - or are you just moaning for the sake of it?
  14. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
    Bristol, UK
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    No, I just posted about how turning a hold up into a fight isn't the best idea in the world and you can quite often get yourself in more harm than had you just ponied up the cash in your wallet. I wasn't the one throwing around insults.
  15. Major

    Major Guest

    The thing is, people will do whatever they can to not let someone take their things. :)

    Remember someone dying a few years back for £1...
  16. I'm_Not_A_Monster

    I'm_Not_A_Monster Hey, eat this...

    22 Dec 2003
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    can someone just shut up and mug him already? =]
  17. Khensu

    Khensu likes to touch your special places

    22 Feb 2007
    Canterbury, Kent
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    As much as it would piss me off during and afterwards, I'd rather give up my cash than risk my own or (a lot worse) my girlfriend's safety. Also, whilst the robbery is going on - even though you may be pissing yourself - you may be able to get a decent look at the person holding you up...

    I hate street criminals with a passion. I would want to fight. But the survival and protective instincts kick in and your brain may judge that it's just not worth it.

    However, (not wanting to spam but I have to say this) there is a good, legal "defence" available to us ordinary law-abiding citizens. Visit http://www.stoppa.co.uk and take a look at their spray. Me and my girlfriend carry the "Stoppa Red UV" spray at all times - even though I will only use it as a last resort, when I feel the robbery may go further than "taking money and running away"... It's not a hurtful spray, it just "confuses" the attacker for a while before he gets a chance to wipe it off - and the UV bit allows him to be identified later if needed. As a personal disclaimer, I'd like to add that this product should only be used as an aid to legal (self-)defence.

    I tell my girlfriend to, if she sees fit, "spray them, kick them [in the nads, preferably] and run the f..k off screaming for help". It gives you those extra few vital seconds. Same as I would do, despite being a huge 'skinhead' (in looks, not beliefs) - like I said, it's just not worth the risk. Self-preservation, consciously or subconsciously, will almost always take priority.

    Goddamnit, Stoppa should pay me for this post. Anyway, on topic: I'd trust the police to judge what is a valid reason and what is not. Bindi's explanation sounds good enough to me, though it may not to a police officer. In that case, to be honest, deal with it. This country has seen too much (knife) crime to be a little bitch about it - even though I believe law-abiding citizens shouldn't suffer because of a minority of idiots; for the UK I make an exception to this... - you can always get your stuff back through legal means (which wouldn't cost you anything - go over the officers' heads, basically).

    And yes, anything can be used as a weapon, and the law is ready for this: if you hit somebody with a bar stool, you will/should get prosecuted for assault with a weapon. However, carrying a knife on your person is a different story. You're not going to buy a huge cake on a street corner and cut it on the street, now are you? In most cases, people carrying knives have only one of two purposes - either attack or defend, both of which are bad. I would never carry a knife, knowing that some coked-up chav would be very good at taking it off me and stabbing me with it... and how f..king stupid would I feel - if I'd survive - afterwards?!
  18. NiHiLiST

    NiHiLiST New-born car whore

    18 Aug 2001
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    What most people seem to forget/ignore/not know is that carrying knives in the UK is nothing new. I know plenty of people, all aged around 30 plus, who used to carry a knife for protection and they never had any trouble, there wasn't a nationwide wave of stab-crazy morons.

    So what's changed? All I can think is that today's youth can't back down from a "challenge", or they have no respect for human life.

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