What constitutes a "knife"?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Guest-16, 13 Jul 2008.

  1. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    I carry around a multitool with me because it's very useful, obviously it includes a non-locking knife (or two).

    Since some people in this country can't go five minutes without stabbing someone, the government is clamping down etcetc - should I be worried if I go into London?
    Last edited by a moderator: 13 Jul 2008
  2. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    I was wondering about this the other day. I came to the conclusion that they must arrest people found with knifes, or consider a "knife" to be one that is illegal to carry - over the max blade length or locking or whatever the law is... I think? I'd hope there was also some element of common sense though on the police's behalf, even if they do go zero tolerance on all knifes :/

    It's totally stupid though as knifes aren't the problem - it's the people. Arrest people found with knifes? They'll just move onto biro pens or something... :rolleyes:
  3. Charel

    Charel What's a Dremel?

    23 Mar 2006
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    If it's on a multitool, and you have a legitimate reason to be carrying it, (it's a tool!) you should be fine. can't see a penknife having a blade over 3" anyway. but this is only if you get stopped and searched, and they usually have to have a pretty good reason for it.

  4. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    do you look like a total chav?
    they're unlikely to ever stop you if you don't :p
  5. dom_

    dom_ --->

    4 Jan 2004
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    Not really no. They no longer need a good reason to stop you especially in london post terrorism.

    Also it being a tool is irrelevant.

    This here is key.

    You need a really good reason. Know unless you are an electrician travelling to work with a tool box, having a multitool for no reason will get you a caution and it being confiscated.
  6. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    I got it taken off me when I went into the O2 arena, just because I wanted a coffee and a pee :/

    dom_ that's what I was afraid of - I carry it because i attend events in london where I see new kit. On the tool is a screwdriver which means I can take off heatsinks and a bottle opener for when there's a free bar :D
  7. Charel

    Charel What's a Dremel?

    23 Mar 2006
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    true, but working with computers and carrying a multi-tool seems pretty bonafide to me.

    forgot about the terrorism thing, but it's still a slim chance to be stopped by the police, UNLESS you're getting searched on entry to private premises, who can stipulate their own rules for entry, but even then it probably wont be the police, and they aren't going to keep it or prosecute you.
  8. dom_

    dom_ --->

    4 Jan 2004
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    How can you say you need a knife to open a computer?
    I sure as hell could not convince a police officer.

    They will only see the knife part, simple as that. You could always remove it from the tool?
  9. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    How? They don't sell Victronix without them and it's under 3".

    Small knives are useful tools.

    I understand what you are saying, but there is just cause too.
  10. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    I was also thinking about this. What if I was on the way to a friends house with some kitchen knives, to make a nice salad or something...

    I think the current laws really apply to nutters who carry stuff like:

    I'm sure the swiss army knife can't get you in trouble... unless you look like you might knife someone which usually means that you are either:
    1) A man with a predisposition for eyebrow piercings, tracksuits and Furberry
    2) A skinhead with his t-shirt tucked into some combat trousers, with a large rucksack on your back
    3) A young black man dressed in athletic gear/ gaudy casual wear
    4) An young south-east asian man, also in sportswear, with tram lines and arms the size of toothpicks.
    5) Nexxo (we all know he's actually crazy...)
  11. cpemma

    cpemma Ecky thump

    27 Nov 2001
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    No they won't. Knives, like guns, are glamorous to adolescent males. The penis thing. :sigh:
  12. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    This is very almost me. Well, my hair isn't quite short enough to constitute 'skinhead', and I don't tuck my t-shirt into my combats, but other than that it's pretty accurate. And if I'm on my way to or from work, I'll have a Leatherman on my belt. Now, the Leatherman is definitely illegal, as it has a pair of locking blades - I've seen too many injuries caused by a non-locking blade slipping to ever use anything else.

    That said, I once stopped a pair of plods and asked them about the Leatherman, specifically due to its locking nature. Their response was twofold:

    1) If I've got a good excuse, I'm golden. On my way to/from work with a tool I use on a daily basis? No problem, mate.
    2) If stopped by the police, tell them I've got a Leatherman before they search me. Explain why I'm carrying it, and tell them that I've checked with local police that it's OK.

    If I do both of those, I'm fine - despite theoretically breaking the law on knives in a public place.

    Oh, and you might not need a knife to 'open a computer' - but you sure as hell need it to open the boxes that computers and computer parts come in. Plus, I use the serrated blade for stripping electrical wiring.
  13. Smegwarrior

    Smegwarrior Fighting the war on smeg

    19 Nov 2007
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    Yeah, no self respecting chav would carry something that proclaims that they have a 3" penis. :D
  14. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    Some distinction is needed. As an ex RAF scout and air cadet, we used to used guns and knives all the time. Safety was drilled into us constantly as was the correct way to handle such items, as such it's become second nature not to use these things against another human being.

    It was never cool to handle these things, they were just tools.

    I know it would be unpopular, but I think knives over a certain length should require a licence to certify that the holder has received some form of basic training at least.
  15. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    lol, as long as you're not a Neo Nazi, you're fine :p

    Here are some pics to accompany my descriptions:
    1) A man with a predisposition for eyebrow piercings, tracksuits and Furberry
    2) A skinhead with his t-shirt tucked into some combat trousers, with a large rucksack on your back
    3) A young black man dressed in athletic gear/ gaudy casual wear
    4) An young south-east asian man, also in sportswear, with tram lines and arms the size of toothpicks.
    5) Nexxo (we all know he's actually crazy...)
  16. Burnout21

    Burnout21 Mmmm biscuits

    9 Sep 2005
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    i too carry a pocket knife, been carrying it for the best part of my life, its almost like my watch, you know that feeling how you can feel naked without your watch on, well my pocket knfe is the same.

    two years ago i went to london and whilst there it was decided by me and my friend that we were to go on the big eye thingy, only to find that they check you for sharp objects, at which point they asked me to put my pocket knife in there big bin, to which i replied 'go and procreate with yourself, i am not chucking my knife in there, to not get it back!' it didn't bother me that i couldn't go on it as i had been before, but this was beyond believe!

    there should be a ban on what i call 'combat & sci-fi' knifes, not for just the public but for resellers of such items, ban all imports of such knifes.

    its like selling hand guns but banning them for the public, makes no sense as the public are going to buy them anyway. The level of common sense in this country has some what dropped alot, and i am pretty sure there is a greater level of inbred gits on the police force and government.

    what you mostly see on the news about knife crime are kitchen knifes, so i bet the next level of this law will be to ban kichen equipment unless you have trained and got a licence in the use of said equipment. leaving non license holders to consume microwave meals.
  17. <A88>

    <A88> Trust the Computer

    10 Jan 2004
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    Do you keep photographs of most forum members? :worried:
  18. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    lol yes :p

    not really lol. Its off the 'Show us what you look like' thread.

    Though I might have relix somewhere...
  19. whisperwolf

    whisperwolf What's a Dremel?

    1 Sep 2004
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    Leatherman do also do a non blade version of the fuse tool these days for people worried about carrying a blade. it still has your screwdriver and bottle opener, but now comes with a file instead of its blade. i'de thought about one but realised I still wouldn't be able to take it in my hand luggage when flying between sites for work.
    Last edited: 13 Jul 2008
  20. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    Why would you need to take a multitool into the O2 arena?

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