News Sony's Enfield warehouse torched in London riots

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 9 Aug 2011.

  1. V3ctor

    V3ctor Tech addict...

    10 Dec 2008
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    I was really asking why they were doing this... now I know, but still, that's no excuse for what,s happening. People have died because of this.
  2. rayson

    rayson Damn sure it was legal

    23 Jul 2010
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    national service just bring order and pride towards ones nation

    heck they don't even teach children anything about there country in schools anymore

    i bet 75% percent of British children don't know their national anthem
    40 percent can't even speak proper English and then call foreigners names when when they actually use proper grammar
  3. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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    Open door policy on immigration (we have no idea who enters this country)

    We are no longer tough on criminals.. we give them gifts as opposed to a thump in the skull.

    The prisons are like 4* hotels

    We can't touch criminals due to their human rights, but the victims are treat like criminals!

    It's already happened. A copper smacked a black kid over the head with his baton & he fell to the floor. Unfortunately, they didn't give him a good beating aswell!
  4. rayson

    rayson Damn sure it was legal

    23 Jul 2010
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    agree with everything said here but it only the people from the european union that are allowed without checking/ needing a visa or the 22,000 limit on the immigration outside of the european union
  5. azazel1024

    azazel1024 What's a Dremel?

    3 Jun 2010
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    The point is that these riots aren't politically motivated. Now they may be an indirect result of the poor economic conditions, especially in some of those neighborhoods. However, it is mostly people who like to burn stuff and loot stuff, not trying to "rail against the system" or make a political statement.

    It started because of a legitimate and peacful protest over the police shooting death of a person in Totenham (which so far seems to not be police overaction, as the person was armed with a handgun and opened fire on police first when they attempted to stop/question him). Then a bunch of "opportunistic" buggers (they didn't seem to be directly related to the protesters) decided it would be great to riot and steal stuff under the cover of the peaceful protest.

    And you are right, if it was hear in America there would have been tear gas and probably some people shot to death by rioters and/or police. Compared to most American riots, these riots are relatively tame (sad statement on my country).
  6. azazel1024

    azazel1024 What's a Dremel?

    3 Jun 2010
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    I'd support national service in the US as well. 9% unemployment, the heck with that. If all those people want a job, have the gov't assign them to a job (road crews, clerical work, IT work, construction, infrastructure work, tour guide, etc). Pay them a low, but not terribly unresonable salary, provide free child care (we can employ some of them as child care workers) and health care. Provide free job placement services while on gov't service as well (to get back in to the line of work they had been in) and job training.

    Unemployment benifits? You get 8 weeks. Can't find a new job in that time, its gov't service or no benifits for you.

    Take us back, to a degree, to FDRs programs. The days when we put millions of unemployeed to work buildings roads, bridges, dams, etc. Infrastructure in America is aging badly. Sure a lot of stuff uses machinary over people these days, but there is no reason we can use people to substitute for machinary. Most of the point is putting people back to work. Sure it costs the gov't a boat load, but it would be massive economic stimulous, huge reams more money coming in to the coffers in taxes from all of the people back to work and the major uptick in the economy and we fix things that are broken in this country.

    It'll never happen. Its too socialist, but I can dream.
  7. Tangster

    Tangster Butt-kicking for goodness!

    23 May 2009
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    It's a better use of government stimuli money than handing it to banks, hoping they;'ll lend it out to people as opposed to plugging up their own gaping fiances with free money.
  8. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    Correct...loot first THEN burn down...:D

    yes, the coat...I know:grr:
  9. SPNKR

    SPNKR Pretty Good Kid

    22 Feb 2010
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    Are you pooping me? The new deal didn't work, stimulus which was pretty much a new deal didn't work under Bush or Obama, and yet people still think that it will. :wallbash:

    The New Deal failed horribly, nothing lifted the US out of the Great Depression except for World War II.

    That's the whole problem with things these days, nobody understands simple economics, and everyone wants something for nothing. Its fine and good for lower income people to receive support, but who is going to pay for it? This is the reason that the US almost just defaulted on a what like 13 trillion dollar debt? And we're still passing more spending? Its not too hard to figure out.

    London and Britain has a similar issue, both in terms of economic trouble from the same reasons, and from absolutely moronic and uninformed youth who are going to mess things up real good, and who are raging in the streets now for no reason other than to break ****.

    I was watching a BBC video in which a girl who was in the riots said everything was the fault of the rich and the police. If this is the general feeling, there will be bigger problems than this coming for Britain. (Hating police is one thing, I don't like police at all and generally distrust them. Thinking that rich people are to blame for any of this is pretty ridiculous, and I'm not rich either).

    Well that's my thoughts on the matter, though I will say, in response to azazel, Socialism doesn't work because eventually you run out of other people's money.
  10. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    Man, there's a fair deal of Anarchy in the UK right now, huh?
  11. pendragon

    pendragon I pickle they

    14 May 2004
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    ^^what SPNKR said .. I hope all you folks across the pond stay safe!
  12. SexyHyde

    SexyHyde Minimodder

    24 Jul 2009
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    It is politically motivated due to the economic climate. If times were better you still would have had people try to turn things bad, you always do, but if times are hard more people tend to join in with the ruffians. There have been lots of riots throughout the eurozone, ours tend to be better because we bottle things up for longer in this country. When unemployment is low riots don't happen as people have work in the morning and you need a lay in and a long soak the next day. Drunken sporting riots being the only noticable exception, but the British tend to do them abroad.
  13. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    I agree. If I'd been told I had to go join the war in Iraq/Afghanistan when I left school I'd have emigrated there and then.
  14. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    Perhaps National Service in the traditional sense is not such a good idea. Especially to deter the kind of people looting from carrying out further looting. I kind of think that is a bit offensive to the brave soldiers who do their job for a career - they don't want to bust their nuts being the best they can be just to line up next to some skinny little scrote who's only there to learn some manners.

    Perhaps what would be an idea to start off with, is a National Service of a different kind - not a military thing, but a National Service where every person carries out a service for their Nation for a period of, say, 1 year, after compulsory education. This could comprise working in the community, helping rebuild damaged areas, assisting in social projects, etc instead of teaching people to fight. Teach them to invest in their society and see what they could accomplish if they just tried. In return for that 1 year of service, they would receive a 'wage' during their term of service, and upon completion, would then be eligible for the Welfare State should they ever be in a position where they need it.

    1 year isn't much, and it's doubtful whether 1 person over 1 year could refurbish a community, but imagine hundreds of thousands of young, bright, hopefuls and the potential for improvement on a year on year basis?

    S'just an idea, tho'...
  15. sp4nky

    sp4nky BF3: Aardfrith WoT: McGubbins

    15 Jul 2009
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    I think you're reading far too much into the reasoning for the riots. It's not politically motivated - the people who are taking part wouldn't know how to spell 'politically motivated' much less what it means. They're not trying to change the country, they're doing it for fun. They're doing it because they can and don't think there's a downside, don't think they'll be caught. Even if they are, it'll just be a slap on the wrist and they'll be let go.

    The only people who want you to believe it's politically motivated are the ones who stand to gain political capital from standing on their soap-box and spouting rubbish about disaffection, etc. in the hope they get more votes at the next election.
  16. dark_avenger

    dark_avenger Minimodder

    9 Jul 2008
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    +1 to this.

    Where are theses peoples parents?
    The lot of them need a swift boot up the a@#$!

    SMIFFYDUDE Supermodders on my D

    22 Apr 2009
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    Kind of an insult to actual soldiers that everyone thinks all their job is good for is teaching scumbags a lesson their parents should have taught them as little children.

    Also do we really want to teach mindless yobs fire and maneuver tactics. :p
    Last edited: 10 Aug 2011
  18. LooseNeutral

    LooseNeutral What's a Dremel?

    13 May 2010
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    this is the result of a common man made virus... Cranial-Rectumitis! Loves to infect Politicians, Religious wackos, uneducated masses, spoiled rich kids, Greedy Bankers, Wall-Street Vampirum and the list goes on and on. Almost global plague status now. what do you think the politicians are going to do when the smoke clears there? Lots of finger pointing, posturing and a new round of 1984 laws?
    Lots of valid points you have here. Service to, and for, your country is a good thing. I served here in the states. A swift kick in the sack. don't think they'd be up for smashing things.Only a temporary fix though. But, Not knowing your national anthem .... where's the pressure to teach history and government anymore! Why would politicians want anyone to learn about those things... They need a stupid fearful population. sound familiar anyone?
    history repeats...
  19. Aragon Speed

    Aragon Speed Busily modding X3: Terran Conflict

    12 Jan 2009
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    And if they do, they get sent to prison for child abuse. Nice system eh?
  20. Anneon

    Anneon What's a Dremel?

    30 Sep 2010
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    Kind of an insult to actual soldiers that everyone thinks all their job is good for is teaching scumbags a lesson their parents should have taught them as little children. [/QUOTE]

    Tell that to the millions of conscripts that fought in two world wars. They will be happy that you accused them of insulting professional soldiers.
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