Windows Planetside 2 - Massive Combat on an Epic Scale

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by RedManc, 17 Feb 2012.

  1. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    Played a lot past few days myself. I'm Vanu on Waterson. BigD290 is the char name.

    TR and NC almost always (mostly TR) has more population than VS when there's an alert, so it's been really challenging... although it's true, we have the "technological advantage" lol...

    i play mostly as Light Assault, so i see no advantage over the other 2 empires.

    can't wait for the performance patch increase though.
  2. PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn

    PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn Unholy Cyborg Fruit Machine

    11 Jan 2011
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    the only advantage I see the VS having over the other factions is that the magrider floats - meaning that some of the rocket shots go through underneath without damaging it.

    theres the endless moaning about ZOE, but IME its no harder to kill than any other max, and when playing it, I have to keep disabling it when in firefight not to die within seconds. that said max is my least played class

    been playing a lot more on my alts, spending most my certs on ESFs there, as well as engineers tool to keep them in the air as long as possible
  3. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    totally. lotsa people moaning on VS needs a nerf, but im all on Light Assault and i die no harder than the other guys from the other empires....

    weapon advantage is just no bullet drop, but 4 out of 5 infantry fights you have as ANY class in the game is close quarter anyway, so it's a moot point.

    TR has higher RoF and NC has higher damage.

    No bullet-drop? Really?
  4. PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn

    PsYcHoTiC_MaDmAn Unholy Cyborg Fruit Machine

    11 Jan 2011
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    yeah, the bullet drop BS, never have to make any conscious adjustments for my alts. in terms of playing, find the reload time of NC a bit of a handicap, but suspect its because I'm so used to small clips of the VS guns that I always reload when I drop out of a fight. didn't really notice reload times as TR as much as I did for NC
  5. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    This. The original (from what I saw on a friend's PC) was great but mainly on a conceptual level. In reality, like Halo 1 on the XBC, it was trying to do too much too soon, and the framerates/loading times/lag/ping/travel times/skill-up times were all best suited to someone with a superhuman attention span.

    I mean, people whine about EVE being boring, but if you played Planetside long-term you must be some kind of Buddhist monk. I didn't have the patience for it. But I loved the concept.

    The problem any MMOFPS will have is pacing, and balancing strategy and troop significance against player boredom and wanting to get into the action quickly. the Battlefield series are leaning more and more in favour of quick gratification and less sophisticated tactics; the original Planetside was too far the other way, with units having real tactical value but players having to spend ten minutes hoofing it to the nearest fight.

    Can't wait for someone to get the balance right so we can have genuinely tactical online FPS*.

    *I get that Battlefield has squad-level tactics, but what we lack and what Planetside tried to do was battle-scale tactics.
  6. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    Just uploaded this as the first part of a new series. We're still pretty green in terms of recording/production, but the whole project was meant to be a bit of fun anyway. Who knows, maybe we'll even learn something from doing it.

    Also, our play style can only be described as 'casual', bordering on 'cannon fodder'.

    Edit: 2nd video is up.

    Last edited: 9 Nov 2013
  7. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    just FYI, huge performance patch released last week. improvement in FPS is 30-100%. awesome stuff. some GUI changes etc too.

    loving my machine finally goes 30FPS minimum in huge battles (CPU-limited).
  8. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    you should try this sequel.... it's far from PS1...

    we have instant actions and squad deploy :)
  9. freshsandwiches

    freshsandwiches Can I do science to it?

    9 Aug 2009
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    I reinstalled this today after only playing for a couple of hours when it was initially released. It really didn't run well on my system at that time.

    Day[9] spent his day off playing it and it got me interested again.

    Played it for about 8 hours today and I really enjoyed it. It also ran fairly well on my ageing system with everything on low.
  10. Podge4

    Podge4 Oi, whats your game?

    17 Nov 2009
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    I've got back into this, i'll play it more when a replacement psu arrives for my new system.

    On it Im PodgePapin as VS on Miller server
    Last edited: 14 Jan 2014
  11. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Okay so, it turned out to be amazing. I withdraw my skepticism.

    I love the sheer chaos and unpredictability of the game's flow. Things that happened in my first play:

    -hid in an enemy base for ten minutes evading them and annoying them by sprinting between the capture points
    -had a troop transport ramp off a hill and fly inches over my head
    -had a large flying vehicle plummet out of the sky from ahead and explode at my feet
    -ran into a base with a troop of allies, captured two control points instantly; we ran through a doorway towards the third and all instantly got blown to pieces by planted C4.

    My fear is that the game pace will stagnate. BF:BC2 was this much fun at the start (in one of my early games I drove a quad bike into someone's face by accident), and now the only people playing it are the super-nerds who've level-capped and know every angle and just snipe all day, and it's like watching paint dry. A lot of the fun of these big games seems to come early on because people don't know what they're doing and they just mess around and experiment. The 'proper' tactics haven't been codified yet.
  12. Podge4

    Podge4 Oi, whats your game?

    17 Nov 2009
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    I've been playing again just lately and there has been a couple of patch updates since i was last regularly on and i must admit i like some of the small updates, before i had a suit boost which i never found worked at all (it helps against small arms fire) before in a shoot out i would still lose no matter what i did but since the new patch its vastly improved. I tend to be an engineer but i've gone from an average of 3-5 kills to around 17 in the last two days, ibet it won't last lol

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