Windows World Of Warships

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by lilgoth89, 21 Apr 2015.

  1. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Sounds great, how are you finding the South Carolina so far? I was not a fan of the American BB line until I hit the New Mexico at tier 6 and upgraded it. Currently just hit the tier IV IJN Myogi, with the second hull upgrade and engine upgrade, it's much better than the Kawachi but the guns still have terrible accuracy at close range!
    I'm working my way to the Kongo - which is where IMO the Jap BB line takes off.

    I guess sometime the MM struggle to find a fit and breaks its own rules? Ever since they stopped selling the Atago and Atlanta, I am ending up in much smaller games, say 7 a side and with a much wider tier variety, including tier 5 ships, which I can just run rings around if I can avoid the other ships of my tier. At least before they made that change, the games were rammed with tier 7/8 premiums en mass. Don't think WG quite got that right :S
    Last edited: 2 Jul 2015
  2. lilgoth89

    lilgoth89 Captin Calliope

    12 Mar 2011
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    yeah, its like WOT out of hours service of just stuffing whatever happens to be in the Queue intogether ( sometimes without even forming a full team ) and hoping for some sence of Balance

    had a good game like that once with my Tetrarch, i was last alive vs an M3 lee ( a tank i normally cant face) from a 6 vs 6 and i just stayed behind him, peppering him with shot after shot...

    won my Ace tanker in that match i think

    But you can see just how much difference they had on that match, 7 kills between 3 ships... first think they did was send a torp spam at our carrier
  3. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Very nice, although it is St. Louis. ;)

    It is just unnecessary and makes the threads longer to load and physically longer that they need to be. Not to mention if the person wanted to see the images they could just scroll up. Not against the rules here though, just a pet peeve of mine.

    Well I only got to the New Mexico last time around. I quite like the manoeuvrability of them, makes dodging torps easier and the guns are pretty decent.

    The grind looks much longer this time around so I might go more down the Japanese line as I really disliked the Myogi but wanted to give the Kongo a go. Heard good things but just couldn't get past the Myogi, I am however an awful BB player, so factor that in! lol

    Yup, I'm sure once there are enough higher tier players they'll switch it back and it won't be so bad.
  4. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Yeah but come on, I was sub 10k from 2 BB's who ignored me, given the other ships that was a great result :p

    I see. I may try and snip more in future. maybe :D

    Yeah US BB's tend to have good AA, small turning circles and more barrels per turret but at the cost of speed and decent secondary armaments compared to the IJN BBs.

    Stick with it, the Myogi is a bit too long and has a horrid turning circle, as well as only one forward gun, but she is fast when upgraded and with the 3rd hull upgrade gets decent AA for tier 4. Given that it also leads to the very decent Kongo, Negato and Amagi it's well worth the effort. But Yes, the grinds have been extended a fair amount. Now 10 million credits for a Tier 8 BB plus, if I recall about 65k experience?

    Yeah no doubt. I'll just enjoy the troll before it all ends ha ha.
  5. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Wasn't a comment on your excellent result but on the spelling. You are making a great ship sound like it has some girly name! :p

    Indeed, I just don't get on with the early IJN battleships, not sure why. Shall try and stick with it and get to the Kongo though.

    I was quite surprised with the Myogi's upgraded speed, got me into a few sticky situations though I have to say when I got way too close too quickly.

    Have to say I'm really enjoying playing destroyers, had some excellent games:


  6. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Oh lol.

    I finally hit the c type and final hull upgrade for the myogi. It's a fickle beast, severely lacking firepower conpared it's usa counterpart. But if you can manage it's speed and take full advantage of its longer range main guns it is awesome. My mate takes the Wyoming when I'm in the myogi, his close range epic firepower has saved my ass many times, while my ranged fire support starts to thin them out from afar.


    Nice result. I try with destroyers but just can't seem to do well in them.
  7. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Sounds interesting, guess I'll have to keep at it. I do like the range but the close range accuracy is abysmal. I'm not sure it is just the Myogi or if the Wyomings extra guns some what side-steps the issue and it is common at this tier, but it is really frustrating at times.

    Thanks, it is really a completely different play style to the other ships. I do obviously have really bad games as well, but I think I'm learning as I go rather than getting lucky! lol

    A lot of it comes down to being quick on your feet and predicting what people are likely to do, the manoeuvres they normally pull off and getting the torps heading in the correct paths to meet targets, even ignoring the lead indicator at times. The new engine speed boost feature is quite nice for closing the distance as well, using it to escape and so forth. Goes without saying that turning off secondary batteries should be the first thing you do, especially with the IJN destroyers. Nothing worse than an aircraft flying over, giving your position away and having the enemy ship start changing course after you have launched your torps.

    IJN destroyers are a lot easier to get good results with and I pretty much never use the guns on the them. They are next to useless and only really "good" for giving your position away. So it is best to launch the torps outside of detection range if possible and reposition for another run while they reload. Gives the enemy ships less time to react than the usual launch torps and fire the guns method that you see many people doing. Nothing wrong with using the guns but there is a time and place for it, usually after you've been detected and all hell breaks loose! :thumb:

    The US destroyers are a bit of a strange breed, they seem to have more torp tubes, faster reloads and they are side mounted rather than centre mounted which can be helpful. Less time needed to aim and if you are careful with your positioning you can have two spreads coming in at opposite sides making them very hard to avoid. That being said the often ridiculously short range mean you have to basically pick and choose your targets carefully or it is a suicide mission. Often as they have decent guns it can pay to use long range rapid fire to soften up a target before moving in for the kill. Although this generally only works when you have 3+ other friendly ships to take some of the fire for you, do this alone and you are quickly dead. I have to admit I've still not progressed very far down the tiers with them, it does seem that up close and personal is the best approach when using the torps. A brawler if you will.
    Last edited: 5 Jul 2015
  8. lilgoth89

    lilgoth89 Captin Calliope

    12 Mar 2011
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    i think if your playing a DD, having a platoon ( division ) mate can REALLY be the difference, someone who you can rely on to shoot up the ship your about to Torp in the face and keep his attention away from his torpedo indicator really makes the job alot faster ( plus in game banter is always worth it )

    Me and Cei have some pretty epic games ( as well as some horrendous ones ) so if anyone wants to drop in, we are often on the Bit-Tech Teamspeak server in the 'The Ship' channel as we do not yet have a WOWS one
  9. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Yeah and that's the issue for me and DD's, i'm just not skilled enough to think so rapidly when a single mistake can get you taken out. Battleships are a bit more forgiving, as are Cruisers in that respect.
    Hats off though, there are some really skilled DD players out there, real terrors of the Sea!

    I finally unlocked the Kongo yesterday... fits like a glove. The addition of an extra forward gun battery compared to the myogi is very welcome. The engine upgrade nearly doubles the Kongos horse power compared to stock, so well worth it early on.

    Upgrade wise, I chose the main battery modification (reduced chance of battery destruction, repair time reduction by 20%), the accuracy upgrade (it was that or the secondary battery range/fire accuracy improvements but I was not sure if it was 'worth it' on the Kongo) and the damage control upgrade. Once the latter is combined with the right crew skill, you get a 10% reduction in change of fires from HE.

    Be a long time before I see my beloved Amagi given the Cost and XP re-balances from OBT go live but the Kongo is an excellent mid tier option.
  10. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    Ugh the Myogi. Terrible. Who thought a single dual turret forward was a good idea? With all that wasted deck space in the middle? Bleh.

    I'm really loving the IJN cruisers though. I've got a Tier IV Kuma and it is lethal. Nearly as fast as a DD, with long lance torpedoes to utterly ruin the day of any battleship. I then giggled when the upgrade turned out to be a fighter.
  11. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Me neither but sometimes you just get away with it. I'm well on my way to the 3rd hull on the Myogi but its 20k after that to the Kongo. Me thinks I won't be seeing it anytime soon! lol

    I have to say with the spotter plane and the new aiming mechanic that they have put in you can really put the long range Myogi guns to good effect early game. Still not a great ship though I have to say.

    It is a paper design and I think you've summed up pretty clearly why. Although it was design long before the more modern battleships. Deck space was freed up due to the side hull mounted secondary guns.

    I'm keeping at it though, just thinking of that Kongo shall get me through it... I hope! lol

    I do like the IJN cruisers, so many people forget about the sting in the tail until it is too late. :D
  12. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Get the Atago if you can, all the be benefits of jap cruisers, but also with a forward sting in the form of forward facing long lance torps!

    I love the IJN Cruiser line, many standout ships.
  13. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Yeah once it is back I'm going to nab it. Thinking about getting the Warspite before they remove it, not sure if or when it will be back.
  14. Cei

    Cei pew pew pew

    22 Mar 2008
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    Yeah, I'm still plodding away on the Myogi to eventually get the Kongo, but it's just painful and very much a grind. Whereas tearing around on the Kuma is fun and I'm minding less the 18k upgrade to tier V.
  15. GiantKiwi

    GiantKiwi What's a Dremel?

    6 Jan 2011
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    Be warned though, the play style of the Furutaka is completely different from the Kuma, you have to spend more time shooting from behind friendly BB's if you want to last longer than the first engagement :geek:
  16. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    A few of my Warships playing friends have the Warspite and they all said something broadly similar, in that when it's top tier it's awesome but when it's in the mid to bottom of the tier, it's outclassed completely.

    I was tempted when OBT hit but I was worried that once more players hit tier7/8, the experience would markedly deteriorate.

    Get the Atago: Atago Tier 8 Cruiser.bmp?dl=0
  17. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Stick out to the IJN BB line to the Kongo, I got mine fully upgraded last night and in pairs those ships are AWESOME at tier 5, the Kongos still got it!

    I just had good game after good game in it last night, 20kXP is 6-7 games

    It can shoot out to nearly 20km upgraded and nearly 22km with spotter plane active. It's also fast, has acceptable turning, reasonable AA and secondaries that can make a difference in close quarters.

    I also picked up the IJN Tier 4 Cruiser Kuma, like a beefed up Tenru but with double the torpedoes.

    The IJN Battleship & Cruiser line is definitely for me! :)
  18. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Got annoyed at how sluggish and short range the guns are on the ark. My commander already has the gun rotation perk, so I've added the module to impove that and reload. So much better its still slow but now more in line with other BB's really changed how it can be used having another couple of degree a second rotation. So now you can maneuver at half port or starboard and maintain a target lock.
    Tempted to get the rudder control upgrade to help dodge torpedos at short range and eventually the target acquisition to up the firing range by about 2KM not sure what else ill add as yet but now i can turn the guns quicker its much more enjoyable so long as no one has a carrier.
  19. lilgoth89

    lilgoth89 Captin Calliope

    12 Mar 2011
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    do like the Phoenix, its guns are pretty accurate and fast firing like most Cruiser guns in the US line, but it has TORPS!!! and its SO satisfying to jump out on a BB and give him some surprise Buttsex with torpedo's
  20. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Yeah the Phoenix is very nice, just working through the Omaha now on the way to my beloved Cleveland.

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